University of Virginia Library

The Old and the New Earth.

When the first bright dawn of a Sabbath-day
O'er the purple hills of the far east gleamed;
When in pristine loveliness Eden lay,
And the fairest spot of the fair earth seemed;
When the first sweet lay of the nightingale
Rang in liquid music o'er every hill,
And the verdant waste of the new-formed vale
Heard the first wild song of the sparkling rill;
When in first fresh beauty the young flowers stood,
And their leafy banners the trees unfurled;
When the Maker of all called it ‘very good,’—
I would I had seen our beautiful world.


When the dwelling bright of the Shining Ones,
The abode of Him who is Love and Light,
Heard the joyous song of God's holy sons,
As the new-born world met their ravished sight;
When the morning stars caught the cadence sweet,
And took up the strain of the heavenly song,
And each bright one joined from his glorious seat
In the chorus swelling so loud and long;
Praising Him who made by His mighty Word
The new earth in beauty and purity;—
I would that the echo I might have heard
Of their thrilling celestial melody.
When in Eden's lovely and thornless bowers,
All unstained by sin, our first parents dwelt;
When on wings of joy flew their sunny hours,
And the touch of sorrow they had not felt;
When their sole companions were seraphs bright,
And their sweetest music the angels' lays;
When a gleam of heaven's own glorious light
Might often meet their enraptured gaze;
When while dwelling here Love was still their guide,
And the dreaded angel, Death, did not wait
To unlock for them heaven's portals wide;—
I would I had shared in their blissful state.
But the time will come, when, all purified
From its ev'ry spot by a fiery flood,


Our earth shall hear, as recedes the tide
Once again the words, ‘It is very good.’
When the song of the stars shall be heard again
O'er their sister joying, the holy earth;
When the purest love shall for ever reign,
And immortal joys have their blissful birth;
There shall be no sorrow and no more sin,
Pain shall pass away, Death himself shall die,
To that fairer Eden may we go in,
And entering, dwell there eternally.