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Poems and Songs

by Thomas Flatman. The Fourth Edition with many Additions and Amendments

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CASTABELLA Going to Sea.



Set by Mr. JAMES HART.


Hark hark! methinks I hear the Seamen call,
The boistrous Seamen say,
Bright Castabella, come away!
The Wind sits fair, the Vessels stout and tall,
Bright Castabella come away!
For Time and Tide can never stay.


Our mighty Master Neptune calls aloud,
The Zephyrs gently blow,
The Tritons cry you are too slow,
For every Sea-nymph of the glittering Croud,


Has Garlands ready to throw down
When you ascend your watry Throne.


See, see! she comes, she comes, and now adieu!
Let's bid adieu to shore,
And to all we fear'd before;
O Castabella! we depend on you,
On you our better fortunes lay,
Whose eyes and voice the winds and Seas obey.