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Poems on several occasions

By H. Carey. The Third Edition, much enlarged

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A Bacchanalian Scene.


A Bacchanalian Scene.


Supposed to be acted at a Tavern by a Set of True Topers. In the Brobdignan Measure.

First Toper.
Pray pull the Ribbon, Sir.

Second Toper
Rings and calls,
------ Here Drawer!

------ Gentlemen d'ye call?

Third Toper.
We've rang this half hour, bring more Wine, d'ye mean to parch us all?


Why, Gentlemen, the Wine you seal'd is drank out ev'ry Flask.

Fourth Toper.
Then down into the Cellar, Boys! and there let's broach a Cask:
Thou to each Mouth shalt pierce a Hole, while we kneel down and suck;
Oh! what a Consort there will be! of gluck, gluck, gluck, gluck, gluck.

Scene changes to the Wine-Cellar: Where they all make a low Reverence to a Hogshead of Claret.
First Toper.
Lovely Wet-Nurse! Dear Foster Mother of the tipling Race!
The Goodness of thy Milk is seen in ev'ry Ruby Face.

Second Toper.
How many sad and mournful Hearts hast thou reviv'd and chear'd?
How many glorious, precious Babes, dear Nursy! hast thou rear'd?

Third Toper.
'Tis time she had a little Ease; poor Soul! she is too full:
The Draughts come in, see how she swells! come pull away Boys, pull!


They all kneel down and suck.
Fourth Toper.
Oh glorious Milk! How sweet! how pure! Let Sneakers take their Flask,
I'll never touch a Bottle more while I can suck a Cask.

O glorious Milk! how sweet! how pure! Let Sneakers take their Flask,
I'll never touch a Bottle more, while I can suck a Cask.