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Mundorum Explicatio

or, The Explanation of an Hieroglyphical Figure: Wherein are couched the Mysteries of the External, Internal, and Eternal Worlds, shewing the true progress of a Soul from the Court of Jerusalem; from the Adamical fallen state to the Regenerate and Angelical. Being A Sacred Poem, written by S. P. [i.e. Samuel Pordage]

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After sad Winter springs the Spring,
The Day thrusts, out the Night,
Storm past the pretty Birds do sing,
The Skies their muffling Mantles fling
Away, and cheer Earth with their sight.
After the floating Ship hath past
A thousand dangers, she
Thorow the surging Waves, at last
Doth Anchor in the Haven cast,
And there rests in Security.


So after an hard Pilgrimage
Th'row Earth, and Hell, there is
Joyes that the Travellers engage
For to forget their Earthly stage,
And evermore remain in Blisse.
This is the Day the Sun doth rise,
The cheering Morn appears,
And Light springs from SOPHIA'S eyes,
Which blesseth all our Paradise,
And joyes unto this mariage bears,
This is the Time of Joyes, and Prayse,
True Laud therefore be given
To Him, who is the Light of Dayes,
Who to himself the Soul doth raise,
And Earth despised, Wed to Heav'n.
SOPHIA is the Queen of Love,
Her Joyes Æternal be:
Bless'd Souls within her bosom move,
For ever tast the Blisse above,
Enjoying all Felicity.
This is the mariage of the Lamb,
The Lamb of Purity,
Who from the highest Heavens came,
Brought forth Æternity in Time,
That Souls this Wedding day might see.
Fears are for ever wip'd away,
Sighs from their Breasts are fled,
And happy evermore are they,
Who can attain this mariage Day,
And are unto SOPHIA Wed.
All happinesse attends on thee,
No sorrows shall annoy
Sophia's Armes thy Comforts be,


Her Breast thy true Felicity,
And in her eyes rests all thy joy.
Blest be this Day! thrice blessed is,
This hour, this mariage Feast,
For thou shalt Live in Paradise,
In everlasting Joyes and Bliss,
And be by thy Love ever blest.
Prayse to SOPHIA then we give,
And Hallalujah's sing:
By whom we in this Sphear do Live,
Who Souls from Earth to Heav'n reprieve.
And deignes them to her home to bring.
Let Hallalujah's be our Song!
O may Sophia deigne!
With her all-quick'ning Breath among
Us, now to cast her odors strong,
And on us her spic'd shewers rain.
Hallalujah's to the bless'd Name
For evermore we sing.
May it our warbling Tongues inflame
O thou who didst this mariage frame,
Accept these offerings that we bring.
Hallalujah, Hallalujah!
Hallalujah we cry,
Hallalujah, Hallalujah!
Our Tongues for ever warble may,
Thus unto all Æternity!