University of Virginia Library

CXXXIX. O regina clemencie,
O mater indulgencie.


O floure of all uirginite,
O moder of oure sauyoure,
O chast boure of the trinite,
Be oure confort, help and socoure
And defende us fro all doloure,
Atte nede to the sith we do fle,
O mater indulgencie.


O louely spowse and paramoure
Of Crist, thatte is bothe god and man,
Fro peyn of helle bittere and sowre
Pray hym kepe us, as he best can,
Thatt for oure sake hadde woundis wan
And with his bloode hath payede oure fe,
O mater indulgencie.


O gate of liffe, moder and wyffe,
O hope and trust of synners all,
In care and woo, sorowe and stryffe
Confort thou us, bothe grete and small,
Mekely to the sith we do call
With hert and mynde, o lady fre,
O mater indulgencie.