University of Virginia Library

The .xcv. Psalme.

Come , let vs all reioyce and synge to the Lord that is one.
Let vs synge to the suer grownde of our saluation.
Let vs preuent him & falle downe before his face wyth prease:
Let vs synge vnto him wyth psalmes, and studie him to please.
For the Lord is a myghtie God, a rular & a kynge:
A myghtie kynge aboue all Goddes that in earth haue rulynge.
In whose hand are the most secrete, and darcke dennes of the grownde:
And eke the hygh toppes of the hylles, where euer they be fownde.
The sea also is his for he dyd it facion and frame:
So dyd his hand the continent, that lyeth wythin the same.

Come on therfore let vs honour and fall downe in his syght:
Let vs knele before our maker, that is the Lorde of myght.
For he is our God and we the people of his pasture:
And the flocke of his myghtie hand, of whom he taketh cure.
If ye wyll hede his voyce this daye, ye shall haue no hard hert.
As in the tyme when ye stroue & tempted me in desert.
When tyme your fathers tempted me, they dyd me throughly trye.
So dyd theyse my worckes also set out before theyr eie.
This nation dyd I forbeare wyth payne fourty yeres daye:
So that I sayde, they erre in herte and do not knowe my waye.
Then sware I to them in the Ire & greate heate of my breste:
That they should neuer enter in to dwel wythin my reste.