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De sancto Donstano
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De sancto Donstano

Sein Donston was of Engelond icome of gode more
Miracle oure Louerd dude for him ar he were ibore
For þo he was inis moder wombe a Candel masseday
Þat folk was at chirche inou as to þe time it lay
As hi stode alle wiþ hore liȝt as me deþ ȝute nou
Hore liȝt queinte ouer al hore non nuste hou
Here riȝt it barnde swuþe wel & here riȝt it was al oute
Þat folk stod in gret wonder and was þerof in gret doute
And hy speke ech to oþer in wuche manere it were
Hou it queinte so sodeinliche þe liȝt þat hi bere


And hi stode and speke þerof in gret wonder echon
Sein Donstones moder taper afure werþ anon
Þat he[o] held þere in hure hond he[o] nuste wanne it com
Þat folk stod and þat bihuld & gret wonder þerof nom
Ne non nuste wanne it com bote þoru is Louerdes grace
Her of hi tende al hore liȝt aboute in þe place
Wat was þat [bote] oure Louerd Crist fram heuene þat liȝt sende
And þat folk þat stod aboute hore tapres her of tende
Bote [of] þat ulke holy child þat in hure wombe was þere
Al Engelonde ssolde beon liȝt bet þanne it euere were
Þis child was ibore nye hondred ȝer & fiue & twenti riȝt
After þat oure swete Louerd inis moder was aliȝt
And þe uerste ȝer of þe crounynge of þe kyng Aþelston
His moder het Kynedride is fader het Herston
Þo þis child was an eorþe ibore is frend nom þerto hede
Hi lete it do to Glastyngburi to norissi and to fede
To teche him ek is bileue Pater Noster and Crede
Þat child wax and wel iþei as it moste nede
Lite ȝeme he nom to al þe world to alle godnesse he drou
Echman þat hurde of him speke hadde of him ioye inou
Þo he was of mannes wit to is vncle he gan go
Þe erche bissop of Kanterburi seint Aldelm þat was þo
Þat made wiþ him ioye inou and euere þe leng þe more
Þo he sei of is godnesse and of is wise lore
For deinte þat he hadde of him he let him sone bringe
Byuore þe prince of Engelond Aþelston þe kynge
Þe king him made ioie inou and grantede al is bone
Of wat þinge so he wolde bidde ȝif it were to done
Þo bad he him an abbey þat he was on uorþ ibroȝt
In þe toun of Glastyngburi þat him ne wernde noȝt
Þe kyng him grantede is bone anon and after him also
Edmond is broþer þat was kyng & inis poer ido


To Glastingburi wende sone þe godeman sein Donston
Þo beye þe kynges him ȝeue leue Edmond & Aþelston
Of þe hous of Glastyngburi a gret ordeynor he was
And made muche of hore god rule þat neuere er among hom nas
At þat hous þat was ferst bigonne four hondred ȝer biuore
And eke þreo & uifti ȝer ar sein Donston were ibore
For þer was ordres of monkes ar sein Patrik come
And ar seint Austin to Engelond broȝte Cristendom
And seint Patrik deide four hondred & to & fifti ȝer
After þat oure swete Leuedi oure Louerd an eorþe ber
Ac none monekes þere nere ferst bote as in hudynge echon
And as men þat drowe to wildernesse for drede of Godes fon
Sein Donston & seint Aþelwold as oure Louerd it bisay
Iordeined to prestes were boþe in o day
Þer after sone to Glastyngburi sein Donston anon wende
Abbot he was þer inne ymad is lif þere uore to amende
And for he nolde bi is wille no tyme idel be[o]
A priue smiþþe bi is celle he gan him bise[o]
For wanne he moste of is orison reste for werinesse
To worke he wolde is honden to to fle[o] idelnesse
Serui he wolde pouere men þe wile he miȝte dure
Alday for þe loue of God he ne kepte of hom non hure
And wanne he sat at is worke þer is honden at is dede
And is herte at Iesu Crist is mouþ is beden sede
So þat al at one tyme he was in þre[o] studes
Is honden þere is herte at God is mouþ to bidde is bedes
Þere uore þe deuel hadde to him gret envie & onde
A tyme he com to is smiþþe al one him to fonde
Riȝt as þe sonne ȝeode adoun as he womman were
And spak wiþ him of is werk wiþ liȝhinge chere
And sede þat he hadde wiþ him gret werk to done
Truflinge he smot here & þere in anoþer tale sone


Þis holyman hadde gret wonder þat he[o] was here & þere
He sat longe & biþoȝte him narwe wo it were
Þo he biþoȝte him wo it was he drou forþ is tonge
And leide in þe hote fur & spak faire wel longe
Forte þe tonge was al afure & suþþe stille inou
Þe deuel he hente bi þe nose & wel faste drou
He twengde & ssok hure bi þe nose þat þe fur out blaste
Þe deuel wrickede here & þere & he huld euere faste
He ȝal & hupte & drou aȝen & made grislich bere
He nolde for al is biȝete þat he hadde icome þere
Wiþ is tonge he strok is nose & twengde him euere sore
Forte it was wiþinne niȝte þat he ne miȝte ise[o] namore
Þe ssrewe was glad & bliþe inou þo he was out of is honde
And flei & gradde bi þe lift þat me hurde into al þe londe
Out wat haþ þis calwe ido wat haþ þis calwe ido
In þe contreie me hurde wide hou þe ssrewe gradde so
As god þe ssrewe hadde ibe[o] habbe ysnut atom is nose
He ne hiȝede namore þuder ward to tilie him of þe pose
Þis holy abbot sein Donston hadde gret poer
Wiþ kyng Edmond þat was þo & was al is conseiler
After kyng Edmond is deþe god wile þer was agon
Þat Edwine is sone was kyng ymad & noȝt afterward anon
Þis Edwine hadde uuel red and þer after he drou
Wiþ sein Donston he was wroþ siker wiþ gret wou
Of is abbey he dude him out & dude him ssame inou
Þe more ssame þat me him dude þe more þe godman lou
He drof him out of Engelond & [let him crie] fleme
Þis godeman wende forþ wel glad ne tok he neuere ȝeme
To þe abbey of seint Amant biȝende se he drou
And soiornede þere longe and ladde god lif inou
Affter kyng Edwines deþe Edgar þat was is broþer
Was kyng imad for he was ner þan eny oþer
Swuþe godman he bicom and louede Holy Churche


And echmon þat him þerto radde after him he gan werche
Me tolde him of sein Donston þat is broþer drof of londe
Wiþ vnriȝt for is godnesse & bigan him vnderstonde
After him he sende anon þat he come aȝen sone
And bileuede is conseiler of þat he hadde to done
Sein Donston com hom aȝen and faire was vnderfonge
And hadde is abbei al in pes fram wan he was longe
Wiþ þe king he was swuþe wel and was al is conseiler
Muche me spak of is godnesse wide uer and ner
Hit biuel þat þe bissop [] of Wircestre was ded
Þe kyng and þe erche bissop Ode þer of nome hore red
And þe holy abbot sein Donston bissop hy made þere
To make him herre in Godes lawe is wille þei it nere
Somme esste atte erche bissop [] of Kanterburi sire Ode
Þare uore he him bissop made and is graces were so gode
For he ssel quaþ þis godeman after me here be[o]
Erche bissop of Kanterburi and þat me ssel ise[o]
Wat wostou þis oþer sede þou spexst follich iwis
Nostou namore þanne þi uot upe God al it is
Mi leoue frend quaþ þis godeman ne dorre ȝe me blame noȝt
Wel ichot wat oure Louerd Crist in my mouþ haþ ibroȝt
As wo seiþ of þulke þinge þat he haþ in me iseid
Telle ich mai þei it biualle after þat ich am ded
Bissop he was of Londone sein Donston suþþe also
Of Londone & of Wircestre & hulde boþe to
Hit biuel þat þe erche bissop of Kanterburi was ded
Þe pope and þe king Edgar þer of nome hore red
And made þe gode sein Donston erche bissop þere
Godemen þat him iknewe wel glade þer of were
Cristendom of Engelond to god stat he drou
And riȝtes of Holy Churche he huld up faste inou


He formede þoru al Engelonde þat eche person ssolde chese
To wite him chast fram lecherie oþer is chirche leose
Seint Aþelwold was þulke time bissop of Wynchestre
And seint Oswold þe godeman bissop [of] Wircestre
Þis tweie bissops & sein Donston were al at one rede
And Edgar þe gode king to do þis gode dede
Þis þre[o] bissops wende aboute þoru al Engelonde
And eche luþer person caste out hom ne miȝte non atstonde
For chirchen and hore oþer god clanlich hom bynome
And bisette it on godemen þoru þe popes grant of Rome
Eiȝte and forti abbeis of monkes & of nonne
Of þe tresor hy rerde in Engelond of persons so iwonne
And so it was wel bet biset þanne it was er on ssrewe
For [wanne] gode maistres beoþ som godnesse [hi] wolleþ ssewe
Gode were þis þre[o] bissops þat at one tyme were þo
Þe betere is Engelond for hom and worþ euere mo
Oure Louerd ȝaf an eorþe sein Donston fair grace
Þat at one tyme as he was in a priue place
His fader and is moder ek in þe ioie of heuene anhey
Affter þat hi dede were aperteliche he ysey
Wel gret loue oure Louerd him cudde wanne he him ssewede þere
So muche of is priuete þe wile he aliue were
As he lay anoþer tyme inis reste aniȝt
He isey þe ioie of heuene and þe place þer inne wel briȝt
Angles he hurde also singe a murie song þer inne
Þat me singeþ ȝute in Holy Churche wanne me deþ masse bigynne
Kyrieleison Cristeleyson was þat murie song


Þis holiman þat þis ihurde ne þoȝte him noþing long
Wel aȝte he to heuene come at is ende day
Wanne he þe wile [he] was alyue so muche of heuene ysay
Harpe he louede swuþe wel of harpe he couþe inou
A day he sat inis solas and a lay þeron drou
Þe harpe heng up bi þe wowe þo it was tyme to ete
Þo it was ȝare þerto ibroȝt he sat doun to is mete
Of heuene he gan to þenche sone of ioie þat was þere
Of þe ioiuol blisse þat was þere among halwene þat þer were
He sat as he were inome so muche þeron he þoȝte
His harpe þat heng bi þe wowe of wan he lite roȝte
Bigan to cuþe is holy þoȝt ded treo þei it were
As oure Louerd is wille was as hurde alle þat were þere
Al by him sulue he gan to harpe a murye stemne iwis
Þat me singþ ȝute in Holy Churche þat an Engliss is þis
Al halwe soule glade beoþ þat in heuene beoþ ido
Þat siweþ oure Louerdes wey & for him ssadde also
Hore blod for is swete loue þere fore hi ssolleþ wone
And kniȝtes be[o] wiþoute ende wiþ Crist Godes sone
Þis is a stemne þat murie is as þe folk hurde alle
Þe harpe song bi him sulue as he heng bi þe walle
Fair grace oure Louerd him ssewede þar wan þat dede tre[o]
So ssolde singe of þulke ioye þat he ssolde inne be[o]
Louerd ihered be[o] þi grace and þi miȝte also
Þat þou wost for him here aliue such miracle do
Þo þis holiman hadde ilyued an eorþe many o day
And is endeday was ney icome as he him sulf ysay
An Holy Þoresday he werþ sik as it fel in þe ȝere
He let of sende is frend þat specials him were
His men þat him seruede ek he let hom clupie also
And forȝaf hom al hore trespas þat hi him hadde ido
Asoilede hom of hore sunne & in Godes bendes lay


And so he lai al þulke tyme and also þane Friday
He let clupie þane Saterday þe freres biuore him alle
And bad hom alle godday and sede wat ssolde biualle
And let him do al is riȝtes & oure Louerdes fleiss nom
Is soule wende out of þis worlde & wel sone to heuene com
Nye hondred ȝer & four score and in þe eiȝteþe ȝere
He deide after þat oure Leuedy oure Louerd an eorþe bere
Nou swete louerd sein Donston þat oure erchebissop were
Bringe us to þe ioie of heuene as angles þine soule bere