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The Glory of Divine Grace
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The Glory of Divine Grace

In Carthage Reparatus flours his Rayes
Of Gospell truth: Lucinian after's dayes
Then Dominus full pious, learnd doth raise
His Zealous flames
And after him Ferrandus deaconizde
His Pious Learned, holy Life much prizde
Whose holy Pen describd the pious Guise
Of souldiers frames.
At Utica Ferreolus did ring
Albinus told the bell there after him,
Marcellus follows him to tole all in
To Christ our Lord.
Maurice Chiefe Bishop then of Affrica
Panthalion, and Adeodate they say
First in Numedia then all Affrick stay
And preach the Word
At Commens Victor in Christs Church doth shine
Who from the Worlds begining drew a line
Of Worthy History to Justines time
A Bishop choice.
Amandus chosen by the Suretines
To be their Bishop but as grace divine
Had brought him to't. Pope Gregory's chast lines
Pict in their voice.
Fulgentius as a glorious shining star
In the Raspensian Church shines out and far
Displayes a broad the Gospells Golden bar
In life and line
Truths golden Pillar and the Arians Mall
In trouble much: on's death bed thus did call
Give me Repentance and me pardon all,
O see his shine
At Alexandria John John succeeds
A man of sounder Faith and Fairer deeds
The Chalcidonian Counsill ever heeds
Though banisht for't.
Then Thedoz follows of another Face,
Then Zoilus who was of better grace
Apothinaz and Eulogy him trace
In worthy sort
The midland seas doe many mention, but
The most they mention do do beare such smut
I ore pass, yet 'twas Speciosus' Cut
Now Uxorate
Catana drew for Bishop, but the Pope
Great Gregory his Chaster mouth did ope
Thus that he must his Wife leave, or revoke
A Bishops State


Hence he deposed from his Bishops Pall
That he his marriage Covenant withall
Most faithfully to keep and so did fall
To be a Scribe
Then in this Church Sicilian at Catane
John was whom Gregory sought to gain
Bishop for brave Syracuse in plain
And there Reside
And at Gregento in this Ile shone cleare
In holy Life and Doctrine bright and deare
One Gregory that much adorned were
With Eloquence
Eusanius then supplied the bishops place
Savinian at Calliople grace
Did there unfold that they might Christ imbrace
In a right Sense.