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Ane Co[m]pendious [buik] of godlie Psalmes and spirit[uall Sangis]

collectit furthe of sindrie pa[rtis of the] Scripture, with diueris utheris [balla]tis changeit out of prophaine [sangis] in godlie sangis, for [avodying of] sin and harlatrie. With [aug]mentation of sindrie [gude] and godlie Ballattis not contenit in the first editioun [by John Wedderburn]

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[Mvsing greitlie in my mynde]

[Mvsing greitlie in my mynde]

Mvsing greitlie in my mynde,
The cruell Kirkmen in thair kynde,
Quhilk bene indurit and sa blind,
And trowis neuer to cum downe.


Thocht thow be Paip or Cardinall,
Sa heich in thy Pontificall
Resist thow God that creat all,
Than downe thow sall cum downe,
Thocht thow be Archebischop, or Deane,
Chancour, Chanslar, or Chaplane,
Resist thow God, thy gloir is gaine,
And downe thow sall cum downe.
Thocht thow flow in Philosophie,
Or graduate in Theologie
Ȝit and thow syle the veritie.
Than downe thow sall cum downe.
Thocht thow be of Religioun.
The straitest in all Regioun,
Ȝit and thow gla{i}k or gagioun
The treuth, thow sall cum downe,
Quhair is Chore, and Abirone?
Iamnes, Iambres, and Dathane, becum?
To resist God, quhilk maid thame bowne
Ar thay nocht all cumit downe.
And quhair is Balaamis fals counsell,
Quhair is the Prophetis of Iesabell,
And Bellis Preistis, be Daniell,
Downe thay war all brocht downe,
And mony ma I culd ȝow schaw,
Quhilk of thair God wald stand na aw,
Bot him resistit and his Law,


And downe thay ar cum downe.
Thair is na King, nor Empriour,
Erle, nor Duke, of greit valure,
From tyme ȝe knaw, thair fals Errour,
Bot he sall pluck thame downe.
Ophni and Phenis, gat na grace,
Hely brak his nek allace,
And his ofspring put fra thair place,
King Salomone put thame downe.
And King Achab and Helyas.
The sals Prophetis distroyit hes,
And als the nobill Iosias,
Put all fals Prophetis downe.
Is thair na ma? quhy said I all?
Ȝit mony thowsand sall haue ane fall.
Quhilk haldis Christen men in thrall.
Princes sall put thame downe.
Wald thay na mair Impunge the treuth,
Syne in thair office be nocht sleuth,
Than Christ on thame suld haue sic reuth,
That thay sall nocht cum downe.
I pray to God that thay aud we,
Obey his word in vnitie.
Throw Faith, wark, and be Cheritie{,}
And lat vs neuer cum downe.