University of Virginia Library


Son. [ix]

[Sweet Spring, thou turn'st with all thy goodlie Traine]

Sweet Spring, thou turn'st with all thy goodlie Traine,
Thy Head with Flames, thy Mantle bright with Flowrs,
The Zephyres curle the greene Lockes of the Plaine,
The Cloudes for Ioy in Pearles weepe downe their Showrs.
Thou turn'st (sweet Youth) but ah my pleasant Howres,
And happie Dayes, with thee come not againe,
The sad Memorialls only of my Paine
Doe with thee turne, which turne my Sweets in Sowres.
Thou art the same which still thou wast before,
Delicious, wanton, amiable, faire,
But shee, whose Breath embaulm'd thy wholesome Aire,
Is gone: nor Gold, nor Gemmes Her can restore.
Neglected Vertue, Seasons goe and come,
While thine forgot lie closed in a Tombe.