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The Preparatiue Courte 15o: Maij 1620
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The Preparatiue Courte 15o: Maij 1620


The Lord of Southampton. 
The Right honorable  The Lord Sheffeld. 
The Lord Pagett. 
mr Thr̃er.  mr Stewarde.  mr Casewell. 
Sr Thomas Roe.  mr Ia: Swifte.  mr Swinhowe. 
Sr Nicho: Tufton.  Capt: Brewster.  mr Robert Smith. 
Sr Ferdina: Gorge.  Capt: Bargraue.  mr Henry Brigs. 
Sr Iohn Dauers.  Capt Warde.  mr Delbrige. 
Sr Henry Rainsforde.  mr Bromfeilde.  mr Woodall. 
Sr Tho: Wroth.  mr Palavicin.  mr George Smith. 
Sr Nath: Rich.  mr Cranmer.  mr Wheatley. 
mr Deputie.  mr Bamforde.  mr Bull. 
mr Tho Gibbes.  mr Berblock.  mr Couell. 
mr Sam: Wrote.  mr Holloway.  mr Spruson. 
mr Herberte. 

Mr Caswell signified that by some of the Adventurers of the Maga-
zine who mett lately att Sr Thomas Smithℯ ordered was given that
bills should be sett vppon the exchange for sale of the Tobacco and
Sassafras, Whervppõ att the times as was there exprest for the sale
of itt, Sundry Adventurers mett att Sr Tho: Smithℯ and divers
straungers, and the Tobacco beinge devided into 3 sortes and putt to
sale by the Candle wch was adiudged as followeth the best sort of new
Tobacco att ijs—10d to William Canninge [103] and the 2 worser sortes
beinge olde Tobacco to mr Alderman Iohnson who bid 2 the pound
for the one and 12d the pound for the other therfore hee was to
certefie this Courte from him that if any pleased to give a ob̴: more
in ali: they should have itt, whervppon grew a disputac̃on of the base

Bills to be sett
vppon ye Ex-
change for sale
of Tobacco and
Tobacco deuided
into 3 sortes ye
new to mr Caninge
& ye olde to mr
Alder: Iohnson.


price itt was sould for, holdinge itt more convenyent to have itt burnt
then so to passe wch by Computacon all charges beinge borne yeilded
not aboue iiijd the pound, notwithstandinge att length itt was agreed
that the olde Tobacco sould to mr Alderman att the prices aforesaid
in regard itt was old and defective should stand, and that the new
should be putt into the hands of some trustie man to sell itt to ye
vttmoste benefitt of the Adventurers, and they to be allowed some
reasonable recompence for their paines, wch beinge putt to the ques-
tion for approbac̃on was ratified by erecc̃on of hands.
The new Tobacco
to be put into ye
handℯ of some
trusty man.

Wheras this day was apoynted by order of Court for hearinge ye cause
between Capt Argoll & Capt: Bruster, the said Capt Bruster made his
appearance and desyred to be heard, butt forasmuch as Capt Argoll
was absent, and in his behalfe was alleaged that hee desyred to be
excused in somuch that hee was appoynted to attend the Spanish
Ambassador, the Courte vppon the request of the said Capt Bruster
deferred itt till ffryday afternoone next requyring the Secretary once
more to give him notice therof.

The hearinge of
Captaine Brusters
cause deferred.

And forasmuch as by a standinge Law of the Compa: itt is ordered
that when the Thr̃er shall please hee may appoynt any Quarter Courte
to hold both forenoone and afternoone, hee therfore signified, that
forasmuch allso much buisines is to be p̱formed before the Election of
Officers that they would meet the forenoone for the readinge and con-
firminge of Land and dispatch of such like buisines, that the after-
noone might be solely sett a parte for Elecc̃on of Officers and other
more weightie buisines.

The Compa: to
meete in ye ffore-

Touchinge the pointe of mitigac̃on of Imposic̃on itt was thought good
by reason againe of mr Aldermans absence that itt be revyved att the
Quarter Courte vppon Wednesday.

ye mitigac̃on of
imposic̃on to be
reuiued at ye Q:

The Comittee appoynted for to consider of certaine Land & Teñtℯ wch
the Courte thought fitt to be graunted vnto mr Iohn Porey and therby
to anihilate the intollerable ffees graunted him by the Gouernor and
Counsell of Estate there and sent hither for rateficac̃on reported now


that haveinge taken the same into considerac̃on they hould itt requi-
site that for the present hee have 500 Acres of Land allotted for him
and his Successors and 20 men to be planted thervppon to be trans-
ported att the Companies charge §Ten§ to be [104] sent this yeare and
10 next year wch hearafter may be enlarged as the Company shall see
cause, wch beinge putt to the approbac̃on of the Courte was allowed
and confirmed by generall consent.
The Comittees re-
porte touchinge
mr Porey.

ffor the Comittee chosen for the Acts of the generall Assembly mr
Thr̃er signified that they had taken extraordinary paines therin, butt
forasmuch as they were exceedinge intrycate and full of labour hee
in their behalfe desyred the Courte to dispence wth them till the
Quart: Courte in Midsomer Tearme wch will be aboute six weeks
hence which the Courte wth many thanks vnto the Comittees for their
great paines willinglie assented to itt.

The Comittees for
ye Actℯ of ye gen-
erall Assembly
dispensed wth till
ye Qua: Courte in
Midsomer tearm̃

Therwas now divers and sundry shares presented to be passed
approued by the Auditors one bill of Adventure of 10 shares from my
Lord of Dorsett, to Henry Manneringe six shares to six seuerall
p̱sons by Capt Iohn Bargraue, one to Sr Iohn Thornburough, one
to Iohn Collett gent: one to Tho Collett gent, one to Thomas Mas-
terson gent, one to Captaine Lawrence Maisterson, and one to Augus-
tine Lynsell Batchellor in Diuinity Tho: Mellinge one Share to Iohn
Cuffe, George Peirsey 4 shares to Xo: Martin, and lastly Tho Harris
to Tho: Combe wch the Court ratefied and Confirmed.

Diuers shares

Wheras the last Courte made choyce of mr Sam Wrote to ioyne wth
mr Berblock to prosecute law against mr Wye mr of the Garland they
now acquainted them of the Custome of the Admiralty, that every one was to give securitie to that Courte for defrayinge the charges of
the sute if in case they were ouer throwne, Whervppon itt was agreed
yt the Compa: should give their seale to subiect themselvs to that
Authoritie, and ther was a Proxi sealed to the Procter mr Milbury.

The Compa: to giue
their seale for pay-
inge there Cost in
ye Admiralty.

III. Writing of the First Copyist (not identified)
with John Ferrar's Notes

A Record of the Summer Islands' Courts, from the Ferrar Papers
