University of Virginia Library


Professor Mitchell.

Mr. Graham.

Required for Admission to the Work of the School: The general
entrance requirements and Course A1 in the School of Mathematics
or its equivalent.

For Undergraduates.

Astronomy B1: General Astronomy: Mathematics A1 prerequisite.—In
this course are given the fundamental principles and methods
of Theoretical and Practical Astronomy. (B. A. or B. S. credit, 3 session-hours).

Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 12-1. Rouss Physical Laboratory.

Text-Book.—Young's General Astronomy.


Page 137

For Graduates and Undergraduates.

Astronomy C1: Practical Astronomy: Course B1 and Mathematics
(or its equivalent) prerequisite.—Spherical Astronomy and theory
of astronomical instruments, with practical exercises in making and
reducing astronomical observations. Hours by appointment. Cabell
Hall and McCormick Observatory.

Astronomy C2: Celestial Mechanics: Course B1 and Mathematics
(or its equivalent) prerequisite.—The principal subjects considered
are rectilinear motion, central forces, potential, problems of two,
three and n bodies, perturbations, determination of a preliminary
orbit. Hours by appointment. Cabell Hall.

Primarily for Graduates.

Astronomy D1: Spherical and Practical Astronomy: Course C1
—Determination of the positions of the fixed stars, use
of transit instrument, equatorials and measuring machines. Hours by

Astronomy D2: Theoria Motus: Course B1 and Mathematics B2
(or its equivalent) prerequisite.—Determination of the position of an
undisturbed body from known elements, determination of the elements
of an undisturbed orbit, theory of special perturbations. Hours
by appointment.

Astronomy D3: Advanced Celestial Mechanics: Course C2 prerequisite.—Problem
of three bodies, and theory of general perturbations.
Hours by appointment.

Astronomy D4: Photographic Astronomy: Course C1 pre-requisite.—Theory
and reduction of astronomical photographs, including
spectrograms. Hours by appointment.

For information in regard to Fellowship in Astronomy, see page

The Astronomical Observatory is situated upon Mount Jefferson,
which furnishes an unobstructed horizon. The principal building is
a rotunda forty-five feet in diameter, and contains the great Clark
refractor of twenty-six inches aperture. The instrument and building
are the gift of Leander J. McCormick, Esq., of Chicago. The telescope
is fitted with micrometer, photometer, and a plate-holder for
stellar photography. The computing rooms adjoining contain a
clock, chronograph, etc., and an excellent working library. In a
smaller building are a three-inch transit and a six-inch equatorial.

A temporary Students' Observatory, erected in the rear of Dawson's
Row, is intended primarily for the use of students in Course B1.

For summer-school courses in Astronomy, on which college credit
will be allowed, see p. 293.