University of Virginia Library

Article II. Electric Signs.



Page 368
§ 3.  Permits—Application. 
§ 4.  Same—Construction permits. 
§ 5.  Same—Electrical permits for operation and maintenance. 
§ 6.  Same—Fees. 
§ 7.  Same—Form and number of copies. 
§ 8.  Requirements for construction and installation generally. 
§ 9.  Requirements as to materials and specifications generally. 
§ 10.  Alterations. 
§ 11.  Circular or cylindrical signs. 
§ 12.  Projections over sidewalks, etc.; distance above sidewalks, etc.;
distance from building. 
§ 13.  Supporting and bracing. 
§ 14.  Wind pressure requirements. 
§ 15.  Sky signs. 
§ 16.  Electric switches on outside of building. 
§ 17.  Mechanical requirements. 
§ 18.  Classification of signs by city manager. 
§ 19.  Approval by city manager. 
§ 20.  Inspections; ordering signs put in proper condition. 
§ 21.  Removing sign upon owner's discontinuance of business; erecting
§ 22.  Use of sign by others than person erecting it. 
§ 23.  Obstructing windows or doors. 
§ 24.  Responsibility for damage caused by construction and maintenance;
indemnifying bonds or insurance policies. 
§ 25.  Signs to which article applicable. 
§ 26.  Penalty.