University of Virginia Library

There liv'd within an humble Highland Cottage
An honest Pair, but both of them in Dottage,


Donald, who never heard of foreign News,
Convers'd with Horse and Sheep and droves of Cows.
Jolly Marg'ry was his aged Spouse:
Twice twenty Years made up their wedlock State;
Their Means were competent, not very great;
A lovely Daughter bless'd their hoary Hairs,
The only Pledge of all their youthful Years.
For Stature, Manners and a lovely Face,
She was the very Proverb of the Place;
The Darling of her Family and Friends;
In blooming Youth just enter'd in her Teens.
The beauteous Maid, Corisca was her Name,
Thro' neighbouring Shires had spread a lasting Fame
From ev'ry Corner of the Country came
A Lover, to make known his am'rous Flame.
A learn'd Clerk, five Tradesmen, and a Swain
Call'd Colin, who dwelt in the neighbouring Plain,
Made up the Number of Corisca's Train.
The Scribe was famous for his ploding Nodle,
Told her dark Stories out of Aristotle,
Was very grave, but Colin took his Bottle.
The Tradesmen they were wealthy proud and vain;
But Colin was an honest humble Swain.
Tho' rich as Cræsus, and as wise as Solon,
Corisca would have none, save only Colin.
Small worldly Substance fell to Colin's Share;
But he was open, plain and debonair,
Of equal Temper, stedfast as the Rocks,
Chearful as May and harmless as his Flocks:


Good Face, good Shapes, good Nature, and good Sense
Are Qualities should make a Man a Prince.
Colin enjoy'd these in a high degree;
Corisca lov'd him well, and only he.