University of Virginia Library

Grounds of Hope for Beleevers.

But smiles the Sectary? how with disdain
Heard is the freedom of the Muse's strain?
Us adversaries brave on either hand,

Dangers and difficulties arising on all hands, grounds of Confidence offered from the Word of truth in the subsequent propositions.

These, on successefull fate's smooth conduct stand.
Grown desperate are others, whose disgrace
Through failings of attempts, leaves shame of face.
Both at advantage ly. Shall this breed fear?

When-and-wheresoever the Mistery of Christ is broken up, and Reformation advanced, then and there shall the Church the ruine of many enemies, Zech. 13. 1, 2, 3, &ct. compared with, Zech. 12. 3; Revel. 3. 10.

No: We a Chiftain follow who shall clear
Our way, and (in this sad temptation's houre,
On travell, in the greatnesse of his pow'r,
As gifted with Earth's ends and Isles, where we,
Rul'd by His Scepter, live) shall the decree

A people solemnly owned by God before the world, and sought out by his standart, need not fear their fals brethren when God begins to appear, in strength and fury, like himself against them, Isa. 62. 10, 11, 12, compared with Isa. 63. 1, 2, 3, 4.

Past in his favours earst (even Ours, by right
Of promise) see, for us fulfil'd, in spight
Of opposition, on his word who rest,
Whose times, and wayes of working are the best.
How-ever (often) persecuting foes
Saints' blood have shed, yet (while this tempest blows)

When Antichrist shall be fully revealed the Lord shall consume him, 2 Thess. 2. 7, 8.

Who not discerne (unto its greatest hight
The throne of Antichrist attain'd, the light
Of many Gospel Truths begun to shine)

When Christ takes armes for his Church, although the enemy should overflow, he shall lift up his Standard in Vengeance against him, Isaiah 59. 17, 18, 19; Psal. 18.

That, drest in Armes for warfare (to refine
His Gold, and purge away the object Ore)
Christ is marchd forth (flames ushering him before)
In bloody Garments, through destruction dyde
Of Truth's opposers, who shall prosperous ryde

Christ having risen, after long silence and suffering, will so much the more be active against his enemies, Isa. 42. 13, 14.


In Triumph, minding (hence) an active way
Before as silent, in his suffering day?
For (meerly) Civill things did we contend
(As, in this case, Lands a Religious end
Professing, (nothing so), deserv'dly, have
Been trampled on,) us might our hopes deceive.
But formally for Christ, in termes direct
We for his title stand, (all due respect
Had to our Soveraigne's intrests, in the right
Of all his Crownes). Will Christ his quarrell slight,

Whoever assay to make void Christ's establisht Yoke Them shall Christ vexe, Psal. 2. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Not vindicate His Honour? not maintain
The setled Order of his house, in vain
Els heer (alone) establisht by his hand

Where God hath a vineyard of red wine settled, he will keep it lest any hurt it, Isa. 27. 2, 3.

At such expense of Means, throughout the Land,
Yea of his People's blood, dear in his sight?
Which Order (hitherto) gainst hellish slight

What God hath done at the expense of his Saints blood, he will not easily forgoe, Psal. 116. 13.

And brutish force, so tendered Providence,
That, not one dyat of his Church, hath (thence)
Been mar'd from meeting; neither any part

If they have not gained ground, they shall not gaine ground, Psal. 129. 2, 5. So Calvin.

Of all his work foes suffred to evert.
The choice place, where to dwell he doth encline,
In beauty where his Ordinances shine,
Will he not care for, cover with his wing,
And guard against those men, a meaner thing

Bloody Covenant breakers, having had great successe, shall not live long, Ps. 55. 19, 20, 23.

Who counted have the Oath of God, and past
So lightly, from proud necks, his yoke to cast?
Will he, aveng'd who violated faith

Profaners of the oath of God shall not prosper or escape, Ezek. 17. 15, 18, 19, evident in Uladislaus K. of Hungarie beaten at Varna by Amurath the 6.

In heathen's favours, on his People hath,
In favours of his People, from on high,
Let passe unplagued heathnish perfidie?
While some designe, Christ next a King to place;
Or (thus disguisde) are found upon the chace
Of self-advantages, a cloake to draw
Of zeal, of duety of supremest Law.
Yea, while with Christ, deny'd to raigne alone,
Their Dagon Others, his divided Throne


To share do offer, and with Christ to dwell

Christ purposeth to hold house where he purgeth the Sons of Levi, and there to come neare to judgement for his people, Mal. 3. 1-3, 4, 5.

Have priviledged all the powers of hell.
Is Christ his house of purging at the paines,
And planting men, by whom his Kingdome gaines,

It is a Gospel-and-peaceable time, and a Token for good to his people when God sends forth faithfull and honest Ministers, Jer. 3. 15, 18.

(A Ministrie according to his heart)
That bloody hands the Gospel spoiles should part?

When the barren is made the mother of many children, and gets God for her husband, there is large peace and priviledges promist, Isa. 54. 1, 2, 4, 5, 13, 14, 15, 17.

Or hath our Lord a tender brood begot
Of children heer, his weaklings to devote
To bloody hands, his youth; whose chiefest thing
Desirable, is to detaine the King;
Yea, while on life and death resolv'd they have

While a people do cleave to God, he is engadged to own them and do for them, 2 Chron. 15. 2.

Close to his Truth and Covenant to cleave?
In mouths of all the Prophets, whence arise

God would reveal it to his Servants if he purposed to destroy, who in this case would not promise good, Amos 3. 7.

Our joyes of successe, speaks the Sprite of lyes?
Or shall the Saints, to whom he doth declare
His counsell, (friends, who on his secrets are)

Christian walkers with God would not be altogether strangers to God's purpose, if he intended to destroy, Joh. 15. 15; Psal. 25. 14.

With what he doth acquainted, in this case,
(This case alone) for hopes have shame of face?
Brought low (indeed deserv'dly) we have been,

The hope of his people shall not make them ashamed haveing to do with transgressours without a cause.

And yet may low be laid, that every mean
In which we might conceat, abasde may be,
Even all our Glorie's pride staind we may see.

When God's people are laid low, he must recover them, Deut. 32. 36.

But when in us all strength is spent and gone,

The work which the Lord hath begun and far prosecute, he will perfect, Deut. 3. 2, 4.

Turne and Repent him shall that Holy One;
He, all whose wayes his searchlesse wisdome sute,

The rods of his people tending to bring them under the bond of the Covenant will be the ruine of rebells, Ezek. 20. 37, 38.

And for his Works perfection contribute
Shall purge the Land, and Rebels' plots supplant,
Unmindfull never of his Covenant:

God will alway minde his Covenant, while his people stick by it, Psal. 111. 5.

Els with that Throne of sin should Christ partake
For framing mischief, which a Law doth make.

The Throne of iniquitie set up without God and maintained without him decreeing mischief against God & Godlinesse shall not have standing before him, Psal. 94. 20, 21.

May never dawne to us that horrid day,
(Day of rebuke and blasphemy,) on way
While brought the Child is to the place of birth,
That from the womb strength faileth to bring forth.

When the child is come to the birth, and all done to a little, it were a day of blasphemie if it were not brought forth, 2 Kings 19. 3, compared with Isa. 66. 9.

For say, all means should fail, how great our shame
To doubt that Christ shall magnifie His Name.


How ever heer iniquitie abound,
Yea sin on foot, to fill the Land be found,

Though sin do abound God will not forsake his people, yea the holy seed shall be the substance of the land, Jer. 51. 5; Isa. 6. 13.

Yet he, his People who doth not foresake,
The Holy Seed shall for its substance take,
And with his vine (provockt) if he debate,

If God smite a growing vine he must debate with it in measure suteable to its being and wellbeing, Isa. 27. 3, 6, 7, 8.

The stroake in measure he shall moderate.
Then shew we faces, foes let us defy,
While Jesus Christ his Standard rears on high.
Fall may who ripe are to receive the Crown,
Or rotten branches, fit for hewing down,
But fall who will, the Cause shall never fall,
While stick to him a seed, a Remnant shall.
For he, who comes in judgement, Lands to sift,

When God comes near to Judgement against sorcerers, then will he swiftly judge false swearers, Mal. 3. 5.

Against the sorcerers, a witnesse swift,
Shall, cloath'd with vengeance, poure contempt and shame
Upon false-swearers, by His Holy Name.
Then Colours fly, Drums beat. Gird on your Swords.
Arme, Gallants, arme. The Battell is the Lord's.