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The Psalmes of David

The King And Prophet, And Of other holy Prophets, paraphas'd in English: Conferred with the Hebrew Veritie, set forth by B. Arias Montanus, together with the Latine, Greek Septuagint, and Chaldee Paraphrase. By R. B. [i.e. Richard Brathwait]

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Psal. 91. Qui habitat.


He that with him, that is Most-Hie,
in secret shall abide,
Shall to th' Almighties shadow flie,
his safe-lodg'd head to hide.


With him: “My refuge, thou, my Fort,
(say to the Lord will I;)
My God, with whom in safeties Port,
my hopes at anchor lie.


He, where the Fowler sets his snare,
shall set thee free from thence;
And to preserve thee have a care,
from woefull Pestilence.


His wing, to over-shade thee spread,
his plumes thy confidence:


His Truth a shield to save thy head,
a buckler for defence.


Nor shall thee, terrour of the night,
nor arrow shot by day:


Nor Plague, that walkes in darkness, smite,
nor noon-tide-Keteb slay.


A thousand fall beside thee shall,
yet thou not fall thereby:
Ten thousand at thy right hand fall,
yet thee no Plague come nie.


This onely shall thine eye behold,
what payment for their paine:
For what reward their service sold,
what hire the wicked gaine.


Because thou, Lord (my hope hath said)
my hope dost fortifie;
The Mansion of my hope is laid
in him, that is Most-Hie.


There shall no evill thee befall,
thy Tent no Plague annoy:


Thy keepers, he his Angels shall
in all thy waies employ.


And they, to beare thee up from ground,
shall joyne their palmes in one:
Thy foot, lest lightly thou shouldst wound,
or dash against a stone.


Upon the Lion shalt thou tread,
upon the Aspikes crowne:
The Lions whelp, the Dragons head,
thy foot shall trample downe.


Because on me he set his love,
whence his deliverance came;
Him will I set his harmes above,
for he hath knowne my Name.



His calling on me will I heare,
and answer his entreat:
Be with him in distresse, set cleare,
and make his honour great.


Long life on him will I bestow,
and fill him full of daies;
And unto him the splendour shew
of my salvations rayes.