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The Muses Sacrifice

[by John Davies]

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The righteous, in Ioy or Griefe, Life, or Death, God keepes as his Treasure.

Fell Malice most of her owne Poison drinkes;
for them she plagues, doe sippe but of the toppe;


But she of that, which to the Bottome sinckes,
to worke in Her Perdition, without Hope.
Impietie and Plagues are of an age;
being burnt, not in the Hand, but in the Heart:
For, who against the good doe battaile wage,
shall perish through his pow'r that takes their part.
And, if, for vertue, Men are made away,
God takes for sacrifice, their sufferings:
But when, by course of Nature, they decay,
he then receiues them as Peace-offerings:
So that in life and death, the righteous rest,
As th'Apple of his Eye, as safe, as blest.