University of Virginia Library


Eleven Scholarships, entitling the successful candidates at a competitive
examination to prosecute their studies for one session at the University
of Virginia without the payment of matriculation fees or tuition
fees, will be open to new-comers from all the States at the beginning of
the next academic year (October 1st). Of these eleven Scholarships
five are in the Academic Department, and two each in the departments
of Law; of Medicine; and of Industrial Chemistry, Civil and Mining Engineering


Page 58
and Agriculture. The examination is uniform, and embraces
Latin, Greek, Mathematics, and English. In order to secure positive
attainments the right is reserved to reject any papers that do not reach
the standard required for distinction at the Final Examination in Junior
Latin, Junior Greek, and Junior Mathematics, and do not show a competent
acquaintance with the grammatical and rhetorical structure of the
English language.