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MAY Ye XIth 1620
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MAY Ye XIth 1620

Present Right Honoble:

The Lord Cauendish.  mr Bromfeilde.  mr Bosewell. 
The Lord Pagett.  mr Sam: Wrote.  mr Sheppard. 
mr Thr̃er.  Capt Bargraue.  mr Meuerell. 
Sr Iohn Dauers.  Capt Bruster.  mr Geo: Smith. 
Sr Wm Throgmorton.  mr Bamforde.  mr Barker. 
Sr Henry Rainsforde.  mr Ro: Smith.  mr Arundle. 
Sr Thomas Wroth.  mr Keightley. 
Sr Iohn Wolstenholme.  mr Cranmer. 
mr Deputy.  mr Delbridge. 
Dr Anthony.  mr Berblocke. 
Dr Winstone.  mr Robertℯ. 
mr Gibbes.  mr Swifte. 
mr George Sandys. 
mr Tomlynℯ. 

The Court, takinge notice from Sr William Throgmorton yt one of the
maides wch Sr Thomas Dale brought from Virginia a native of yt
Country who some times dwelt a servant wth a Mercer in Cheapside
is now verie weake of a Consumpc̃on att mr Goughℯ in the Black
Friers, who hath greate care and taketh greate paines to comforte her
both in soule and bodie whervppon for her recoverie the Company are
agreed to be att the charge of xxs a weeke for this two monneths, if
itt please god shee be not before the expirac̃on therof restored to
health or dy in the meane season for ye administring of Phisick and
Cordiallℯ for her health and that the first paymt begin this day seaven-
night because mr Thr̃er for this yeare reported his Accompts were


shutt vp, Sr Wm Throgmorton outt of his pryvate purse for the same
purpose hath promised to give xls: all wch monney is ordered to be
paide to mr Gough through the good affiance ye Compa: hath of his
Carefull menaginge therof. [100]
One of ye natiues
brought ouer by
Sr Tho: Dale verie sicke
XXa a weeke for 2:
moneths bestowed
on her
XLs bestowed on
her by Sr Wm

Mr Thr̃er signified that the Ship called ye Bona Aduenture last dis-
peeded came came not into the Downes till sunday last by reason
wherof hee stayd out the full time graunted him by the Company
duringe wch time hee hath p̱formed the Companies buisines soe care-
fully that to his remembrance hee not omitted any thinge comitted to
his trust, by reason wherof hee hath not done any thinge to the lawes
hopinge hee shalbe excused consideringe the buisines for dispatch of
the Ship was not to be suspended wth, who to his knowledg is now
out of Downes and on her way to Virginia.

The Bona Venture
cam not to ye
Downes till sun-
day last.
nothing done to ye

Wheras Sr Nath: Rich hath by order of the Courte had some confer-
rence 2: or 3: times wth Generall Cecill aboute an Engineer to be sent
to Virginia ye Compa hath since dealt wth Sr Horatio Veere who is
allso exceedinge willinge & readie to assist them wth his best further-
ance, soe that by both their means they may be the better supplyed.

Sr Horatio Veer
very willinge to
assist ye Compa:

Touchinge the pointe of mitegac̃on of ymposic̃on beinge by a Comittee
att Sr Thomas Smithℯ agreed what course to take therein wch by rea-
son mr Alderman Iohnson was absent itt was referred till his Cominge
to the Courte to vnderstand what is done in itt and of ye successe

ye mitigac̃on of the
Imposic̃on re-

The Order made by the Lord Duke and ye Lord Arundell vppõ refer-
rence vnto them in ye behalfe of the S0: and N0: Collonies a Coppy
therof beinge p̳cured itt gave not sattisfacc̃on to the one Collony or
the other, whervppõ for as much as the N0: Collony hath petic̃oned
to the Kinge for obteyninge a new Pattent and therin to declare the
one Collony to have Priveledge wthin the other this Compa: findinge
themselvs greived therby beinge a meanes to debarr them from the
ymunities, his Matie: hath freely and gratiously graunted them for


matter of ffishinge, itt is agreed yt a petic̃on likewise be exhibited to
his Matie from this Company for the maintenance therof, and that
some of the ll͠os: of the Pryvie Counsell wch are of this Societie be
entreated to deliver itt from them, for p̱formance of wch the Courte
hath requested mr Thr̃er who hath assented to see itt effected.
The order made by
ye ll͠s in ye behalfe
of ye S0: and N0:
Collonies dis-
a Petic̃on to be ex-
hibited to his

Wheras itt was agreed that two worthie and sufficient men should be
sent as Deputies from the Compa: to take care of 2 partℯ of the pub-
lique Land vizd of the Colledge and Companies for the first itt is
allredy divulged, who is gone and of what worth and sufficiencie, for
the other although hee be not yett goinge hee is not inferiour to the
former butt is yett to be nameless the thinge hee stands of is matter of
entertaynement wch wilbe no other charge to the Company the allot-
tinge him land and transportinge him Teñntℯ thervnto and this beinge
accordingly placed the first vppon the Companies Land att Elizabeth
Cittie att the Cominge in of the River, Sr Georg Yeardly in the middest
wher the Gouernors Land is, and mr Thorpe [101] att the vpp̱ end of
the Colledge Land: The publique will from hence forth be preserved
from the mallice and pryvate ends of any one whatsoeuer—wherevppon
for the Institutinge of wch, and agreeinge wth the second Deputy for
his entertaynement, the Courte hath referred itt to Sr Iohn Dauers,
mr Deputie, mr Samuell Wrote, and mr Delbridge, who are desyred to
meet att mr Thr̃erℯ to morrow att 2 of the clocke.

2 men to be sent
as Deputies to take
care of 2 partℯ of
ye Publique Land.
A Comittee

The ffees allowed of in Virginia by the Gouernor and Counsell there
vnto Iohn Porey Secretary of Estate beinge disauoued by the last
Courte itt was therfore referred to the abouesaid Comittee to reward his labours in another kinde.

The rewardinge of
mr Pores labours
referred to a Com-

The Comittees appoynted for the drawinge and Collectinge of the Actes
of the generall Assembly in heads now reported that by the small light
given vnto them how to p̳ceed they have done little therin, and therfore
desyred better to vnderstand their charge, and that by reason of short-
nes of time, some more may be added vnto them that the buisines may
be devided, otherwise itt wilbe hardlie p̱formed, whervppon was added


to the other Sr: Henry Raynsforde, mr Herbert, and mr Bamforde, who
have apoynted to meete vppon Satterday att mr Thr̃ers att 8 of the
Clocke not only to collect them into heads butt to examine weigh them
and deliver their opinions and Iudgments of them.
The Comittees for
drawinge ye Actℯ
of ye Generall As-
sembly into heads
odne lyttle therin
An Addic̃on

Capt Iohn Bargraue by the Auditors allowance assigned to mr Elias
ffoxton one Share of Land wch vppon reporte of his good vnderstand-
inge & sufficiency the Courte have entreated that hee ioyne wth the
Comittee Chosen for the Acts of the generall Assembly.

Capt Io: Bargraue
assigninge i share
to mr Elias Fox-
ton elected to be a
Comittee Cr.

Docter Winston desyred that wheras hee beinge Chosen a Comittee to
prosecute law against Wye mr of the Garland that another might be
appoynted in his roome, his buisines beinge such that hee could not
attend, whervppon they have entreated mr Samuell Wrote to supplie
itt & ioyne wth mr Berblock for to follow itt wch hee hath assented
to doe.

Mr Sam: Wrote to
supply Dr Win-
stonℯ rome in pse-
cutinge ye Law
against Wye.

The last Courte tytled the imp̱fect Courte beinge now read and putt
to the question for allowance was by erecc̃on of hands ratefied ∥and
confirmed∥. [102]

ye last Courte ty-
tuled ye imp̱fect
Courte ratefied

Sr Thomas Gates by 5 seuerall bills assigned 14 shares wch beinge first
allowed by the Auditors the Courte approved of as namely.

Sr Tho: Gates 14
shares to &o

2 Shares to mr Edmond Hackett. 
1 Share to Sr Edward Lawley. 
5 Shares to Sr Walter Earle.  14 
1 Share to Edward Clarke. 
5 Shares to Christo: Earle. 

Mr Deputy signified that one mr Roynes ∥Poynes∥, and mr Bartley
desyred to have 2 seuerall Pattentℯ for land each of them wth their
Associates purposinge to transport Collonies into Virginia, thervnto,
wch the Courte very well liked of.

2 seuerall Pattentℯ
allowed to mr
Poynes & mr