University of Virginia Library


Page 991



Abilities, [001]

Character, [133]

Genius, [381]

Talents, [848]

Aborigines, [001]

Cherokees, [136]

Indians, [420], [944], [948], [952]

Abuse, [002]

Abuses, [002]

Calumny, [122]

Libels, [497]

Ministers, [558]

Newspapers, [635]

Slander, [809]

Academy, [003]

Academies, [004]

Education, [273]

Schools, [790]

University (National), [899]

University of Va., [900]

Accounts, [005]

Finances, [336]

Acquisition of Territory, [860]

Canada, [124]

Conquest, [185]

Cuba, [022]

Expansion, [319], [468], [512], [617], [862]

Florida, [339]

Louisiana, [509]

Nova Scotia, [642]

Policy (American), [697]

Actions, [005]

Conduct, [167]

Disinterestedness, [258]

Labor, [458]

Adair (James), [421]

Indians, [421]

Adams (John), [006], [013], [018], [678], [715], [763], [800]

Adams (John Quincy), [012]

Adams (Mrs. John), [988]

Adams (Samuel), [013]

Address, Washington's Farewell, [929]

Addresses, [013]

Addresses (Jefferson's Inaugural), [980], [982]

Adjournment, [014]

Congress, [172]

Administration, [016]

Cabinet, [117]

Admiralty Courts, [019]

Courts, [214]

Admission of States, [941], [942]

States, [834]

Advertisements, [020]

Newspapers, [635]

Advice, [020]

Council, [211]

Instructions, [426]

Aeronautics, [066]

Balloons, [066]

Affection, [021]

Family, [321]

Friends, [363]

Friendship, [363]

Happiness, [397]

Home, [409]

Sympathy, [848]

Affliction, [021]

Despair, [254]

Grief, [395]

Misfortune, [560]

Age, Old, [021]

Antiquities, [039]

Time, [867]

Agents, [342]

Foreign Agents, [342]

Aggression, [023]

Filibusterism, [335]

Agitation, [023]

Lethargy, [419]

Agrarianism, [023]

Descents, [253]

Entail, [307]

Inheritances, [426]

Primogeniture, [719]

Monopoly, [579]

Mortmain, [596]

Agriculture, [023]

Farmer, [322]

Farmers, [322]

Farming, [323]

Horticulture, [411]

Olive, [658]

Potato, [707]

Rice, [777]

Sugar, [842]

Tobacco, [868]

Vegetables, [904]

Wheat, [943]

Alexander of Russsa, [027], [809]

Catherine of Russia, [421], [786]

Dashkoff (M.), [223]

Russia, [786], [888]

Alexandria, Va., [030]

Cities, [143]

Algiers, [080]

Captives, [128]

Alienage, [030]

Land, [465]

Alienation of Territory, [860]

Territory, [860]

Western Territory, [939]

Alien and Sedition Laws, [030]

Aliens, [032]

Sedition, Law, [795]

Aliens, [032]

Alien and Sedition Laws, [030]

Citizens, [144]

Deportation Act, [252]

Deportation of Aliens, [253]

Expatriation [319], [780]

Naturalization, [609]

Sedition Law, [795]

Allegiance, [032]

Expatriation, [319], [780]

Allen, Ethan, [032]

Retaliation, [762]

Alliance, [032]

Alliance, Holy, [408]

Alliances, [034]

Policy (American), [697]

Allodial Tenures, [465]

Feudal Tennres, [465]

Land, [465]

Alloy in Money, [262]

Coinage, [261], [573]

Mint, [559]

Allston, Washington, [034]

Burr (Aaron), [111]

Almanacs, [035]

Astronomy, [061]

Almighty, The, [248]

Bible, [088]

Church and State, [141]

Diety, [248]

God, [384]

Providence, [731]

Religion, [742]

Alms, [134]

Charity, [134]

Altercations, [035]

Aggression, [023]

Amalgamation of Parties, [675]

Politics, [701]

Ambassadors, [555]

Diplomacy, [258]

Diplomatic Establishment, [258]

Ambition, [035], [363]

Applause, [039]

Approbation, [042]

Reputation, [761]

Amendments to Constitution, [035]

Bill of Rights, [088]

Constitution (The Federal), [188]

Internal Improvements, [429]

Judiciary (Federal), [449]

Louisiana, [510]

President, [712]

Virginia Protest, [986]

America, [035]

America (British), Rights of, [963]

American Independence, [420]

American Policy, [697]

Americus Vespucius, [036]

History (American), [406]

Anarchy, [036]

Law, [479], [481]

Law (Lynch),

Order, [864]

Anatomy, [036]

Medicine, [547]

Ancestors, [036]

Ancestry, [036]

Aristocracy, [048]

Aristocrats, [051]

Birth, [092]

Birthday, [092]

Posterity, [705]

Primogeniture, [719]

Angels, [037]

Self-government, [796]

Anger, [037]

Passions, [679]

Revenge, [767]

Temper, [859]

Anglomania, [037]

Anglophobia, [037]

Anglo-Saxon Language, [471]

Language, [470]

Neology, [624]


Page 992

Animals, [110]

Horses, [411], [504], [949]

Natural History, [607]

Paleontology, [667]

Sheep, [803]

Animosities, [037]

Peace, [682]

Annexation, [861]

Canada, [124]

Louisiana, [509]

Territory, [860]

Annuties, [038]

Tontine, [869]

Anonymous Writing, [038]

Letters, [494]

Letter-writing, [495]

Anti-Federalists, [038]

Democratic Societies, [251]

Democrats, [252]

Federalism, [328]

Federalists, [329]

Hartford Convention, [400]

Jacobins, [435]

Missouri Question, [563]

Monarchy, [566]

Parties, [675]

Politics, [701]

Republicanism (Partisan), [754]

Republicans, [755]

Antiquities, [039]

Age, Old, [021]

Apostasy, [039]

Principle, [720]

Applause, [039]

Approbation, [042]

Honor, [410]

Honors, [411]

Praise, [711]

Reputation, [761]

Appointment, [039]

Office, [644]

Offices, [647]

Office-holders, [652]

Relations, [741]

Apportionment, [039]

Apportionment Bill, [041]

Representation, [747]

Approbation, [042]

Ambition, [035]

Applause, [039]

Reputation, [761]

Appropriations, [043]

Finances, [336]

Funding, [369]

Treasury, [874]

Arbitration, [044]

Umpire, [890]

Arboriculture, [045]

Trees, [886]

Architecture, [045]

Arts, [058]

Aristocracy, [048]

Aristocrats, [051]

Birth, [092]

Birthday, [092]

Aristocrats, [051]

Aristocracy, [048]

Birth, [092]

Aristotle, [051]

Philosophy, [695]

Arms, [051], [631]

Arms, American, [051]

Arms of Jefferson Family, [052]

Arms of Virginia, [052]

Armstrong (John), [052]

War of 1812, [921]

Army, [052]

Army Officers, [056]

Deserters, [254]

Discipline, [258]

Draft, [263]

Generals, [372]

Martial Law, [542]

Militia, [550]

Volunteers, [915]

War, [915]

War of 1812, [921]

War (Prisoners of), [924]

Arnold, Benedict, [056]

Treason, [873]

Art, [057]

Architecture, [045]

Artisans, [057]

Artists, [058]

Arts, [058]

Music, [599]

Sculpture, [792]

Artisans, [057]

Labor, [458]

Laborers, [459]

Artists, [058]

Arts, [058]

Assassination, [058]

Murder, [598]

Assennisipia, Proposed State of, [941]

Western Territory, [939]

Assignats, [058]

Paper Money, [668]

Assumption of State Debts, [058]

Funding, [369]

Astors Settlement, [061]

Fur Trade, [369], [939]

Astronomy, [061]

East and West Line, [271]

Latitude and Longitude, [475]

Asylum, [062]

Neutrality, [624]

Atheism, [062]

Atheist, [062]

Deity, [248]

Athens, [062], [950]

Greeks, [394]

Atmosphere, [023]

Climate, [147]

Cold, [148]

Attachments, Foreign, [343]

Alliance, [032]

Alliances, [034]

Attainder, [063]

Law, [477]

Attire, [264]

Dress, [264]

Fashion, [323]

Foppery, [342]

Attorney-General, [063]

Attorneys, [063]

Lawyers, [487]

Aubaine, Droit d', [063]

Law, [477]

Austria, [446]

Treaties of Commerce, [882]

Authority, [063]

Government, [384]

Power, [708]

Avarice, [065]

Economy, [271]

Generosity, [378]


Bacon's Rebellion, [738]

Rebellion, [738]

Shays's Rebellion, [802]

Badges, [065]

Cockades, [150]

Bainbridge (William), [066]

Navy, [618]

Balloons, [066]

Inventions, [431]

Ballot, [841]

Suffrage, [841]

Votes, [915]

Voting, [915]

Banishment, [319]

Exile, [319]

Bank (National), [066]

Bank of North America,

Bank (U. S.), [068]

Banks, [073]

Dollar, [260]

Money, [571]

Money Bills, [576]

Money (Continental), [577]

Money (Metallic), [578]

Paper Money, [668]

Bankruptcy, [072]

Bubbles, 109

Panics, [667]

Speculation, [828]

Banneker (Benjamin), [080]

Negroes, [622]

Barbarism, [080]

Civilization, [145]

Barbary States, [080]

Algiers, [080]

Morocco, [595]

Tripoli, [886]

Barclay (Thomas), [083]

Barbary States, [080]

Barlow (Joel), [084]

Poetry, [697]

Barruel (Abbé), [413]

Illuminati, [413]

Barry (Commodore J.), [597]

Mourning, [597]

Bastile, [084]

French Revolution, [770]

Bastrop's Case, [084]

Yazoo Lands, [952]

Batture, New Orleans, [085]

Supreme Court, [845]

Bayard (James A.), [086]

Elections (Presidential), [282]

Beaumarchais (M.), [086]

Bee, [086]

Natural History, [607]

Beer, [086]

Intemperance, [427]

Whisky, [944]

Wines, [947]

Belligerents, [086]

Blockades, [095]

Neutrality, [624]

Privateers, [723]

Beneficence, [087]

Charity, [134]

Generosity, [378]

Berlin Decrees, [087]

Bonaparte, [096]

Embargo, [286]

Orders in Council, [664]


Page 993

Bible, [088]

Deity, [248]

Providence, [731]

Religion, [742]

Bigotry, [088]

Bigotries, [088]

Intolerance, [431]

Bill of Rights, [088]

Bill of Rights (French), [091]

Constitution, [035], [186]

Goverment, [384]

Bimetalism, [574]

Dollar, [260]

Money, [571]

Bingham (William), [092]

Birds, [092]

Natural History, [607]

Birth, [092]

Aristocracy, [048]

Aristocrats, [051]

Birthday, [092]

Birthday, [092]

Birth, [092]

Aristocracy, [048]

Aristocrats, [051]

Bishop (Samuel), [093]

Office, [644]

Offices, [647]

Office-holders, [652]

Blackstone (Sir William), [094], [902]

Lawyers, [487]

Bland (Richard), [094]

Blockades, [095]

Belligerents, [086]

Neutrality, [624]

Privateers, [723]

Blount (William) [095]

Impeachment, [416]

Bolingbroke (Lord), [095]

Language, [470]

Paine (Thomas), [665]

Bollman (Eric), [095]

Burr's (A.) Treason, [113]

Bonaparte (Joseph), [096]

Bonaparte (N.), [096]

Berlin Decrees, [087]

France, [347]

Louisiana, [509]

Spain, [821]

Books, [102]

Copyright, [102], [377], [381]

Education, [273]

History, [404]

Knowledge, [457]

Language, [470]

Learning, [489]

Library, [502]

Literary Men, [506]

Literature, [506]

Printing, [722]

Reading, [738]

Study, [841]

Boston Port Bill, [104], [769]

Faneuil Hall, [322]

Tea, [859]

Botany, [105], [791]

Horticulture, [411]

Plants, [697]

Trees, [886]

Botta (C.), [105]

History (American), [405], [406]

Bottetourt (Lord), [105]

Colonies (The American), [151]

Boundaries, [106]

Louisiana, [106]

Massachusetts and New York, [106]

Northwest, [106]

Pennsylvania and Virginia, [107]

United States and Great Britain, [107]

Virginia and Maryland, [108]

Bounties, [108], [348], [931]

Fisheries, [337]

France, Commerce with, [348]

Free Trade, [361]

General Welfare Clause, [374]

Manufactures, [534]

Subsidies, [808]

Bourbons, [108]

France, [347]

Kings, [455]

Bowles (W. A.), [108]

Indians, [420]

Boys, [108], [901]

Children, [138]

Discipline, [258]

Young Men, [953]

Brazil, [108]

Correa de Serra (J.), [208]

Portugal, [704]

Bribery, 109,

Corruption, [209]

Crime, [219]

Briggs (Isaac), 109

Office (Talents), [646]

Broglio (Marshal de), 109

Revolution (French), [770]

Brown (James), 109

Union (Federal), [890]

Bubbles, 109

Speculation, [828]

Buchan (Earl of), [110]

Buchanan (George), [110]

Buffon (Count de), [110]

Chemistry (Utility), [135]

Natural History, [607]

Bunker Hill, [110]

Revolution (American), [767]

Burke (Edmund), [111]

Marie Antoinette (Character), [536]

Business, [111]

Occupations, [642]

Trade, [871]

Burr (Aaron), [111]

Burr's (A.) Treason, [113]

Burr's (A.) Trial, 115

Morgan (George), [595]

Tiffin (H. D.), [867]

Wilkinson (James), [945], [946]


Cabell (J. C.), [117]

University of Virginia, [900]

Cabinet, [117]

Administration, [016]

Cabinet Officers, [120]

Cabinet Officers in Congress, [173]

Cabot Family, [092]

Birds, [092]

Cæsar (Julius), [142]

People (Roman), [691]

Callender (J. T.), [120]

Estrangement of Jefferson and Adams, [988]

Calonne (C. A. de), [122]

Revolution (French), [770]

Calumny, [122]

Abuse, [002]

Libels, [497]

Lies, [503]

Ministers, [558]

Newspapers, [635]

Slander, [809]

Camden, Battle of, [123]

Gates (General Horatio), [372]

Campbell (David), [123]

Canada, [124]

Arnold (Benedict), [056]

Colonies (The American), [151]

Canal, [125]

River, [783]

Rivers, [784]

Candor, [126]

Frankness, [357]

Honesty, [410]

Sincerity, [809]

Truth, [887]

Cannibals, [126]

Kings, [455]

Canning (George), [126]

England (Jefferson and), [301]

Canova (A.), [126]

Sculpture, [792]

Capital, [126]

Labor, [458]

Laborers, [459]

Wealth, [935]

Capital (National), [924]

Capitals (State), [127]

Capitol (United States), [048], [127]

Capitol (Va.), [047]

Captives, [128]

Prisoners of War, [924]

Carmichael (William), [128]

Mississippi River Navigation, [561]

Carondelet (Baron), [129]

Louisiana, [509]

Carr (Dabney), [129]

Committees of Correspondence, [961]

Carriages, [129]

Exercise, [318]

Horses, [411]

Carrying Trade, [129], [624], [871]

Drawbacks, [263]

Free Ports, [358]

Navigation, [610]

Shipping, [805]

Ships, [806]

Carter (Landon), [129]

Carthage, [129]

Creek Indians, [219]

People, Roman, [069]

Catherine of Russia, [421], [786]

Alexander of Russia, [027], [809]

Russia, [786], [888]

Censors, [130]

Censure, [130]

Criticism, [221]

Censure, [130]

Censors, [130]

Criticism, [221]

Census, [130]

Population, [703]

Centralization, [130]

General Welfare Clause, [374]

Judiciary, [448]

State Rights, [832]

Supreme Court, [842]


Page 994

Ceremony, [133]

Etiquette, [311]

Formalities, [344]

Levees, [496]

Chancellors, English, [133]

Chancery Courts, [214]

Chaplains, [133]

Clergy, [146]

Ministers, [558]

Character, [133]

Abilities, [001]

Genius, [381]

Reputation, [761]

Talents, [848]

Charity, [134]

Beneficence, [087]

Friendship, [363]

Charters, [134]

Compacts, [166]

Chase (Samuel), [135]

Impeachment, [416]

Chatham (Lord), [135]

Colonies (The American), [151]

Oratory, [664]

Chemistry, [135]

Buffon (Count de), [110]

Science, [791]

Sciences, [792]

Cherbourg, [135]

France, [347]

Cherokees, [136]

Aborigines, [001]

Indians, [420], [944], [948], [952]

Cherronesus, Proposed State of, [941]

Western Territory, [939]

Chesapeake Frigate, [136]

Indemnification, [419]

Children, [138]

Boys, [108]

Young Men, [953]

Young Women, [954]

China, [139]

Ships, [808]

Chocolate, [139]

Tea, [104], [859]

Christianity, [162]

Church, [139]

Church (Anglican), [140]

Church and State, [141]

Religion, [742]

Church, [139]

Church (Anglican), [140]

Church and State, [141]

Religion, [742]

Cicero, [142]

Eloquence, [286]

Oratory, [664]

People (Roman), [691]

Plato's Republic, [698]

Cincinnati Society, [142]

Democratic Societies, [251]

Cipher, [143]

Writing, [950]

Ciracchi, [143]

Sculpture, [792]

Cities, [143]

Alexandria, [030]

Baltimore, [030]

Boston, [104], [110]

Carthage, [129]

Cherbourg, [135]

Constantinople, [186]

London, [509]

New Orleans, [634]

New York, [634]

Nice, [640]

Norfolk, Va., [030]

Paris, [674]

Pensacola, [686]

Philadelphia, [694]

Richmond, Va., [779]

San Juan, [359]

Washington City, [924]

Citizens, [144]

Citizenship, [145]

Expatriation, [319]

Naturalization, [609]

Civilization, [145]

Barbarism, [080]

Claiborne (W. C. C.), [146]

Claimants, [146]

Claims, [146]

Clark (Geo. R.), [146]

Lewis and Clark Expedition, [495]

Clarke (Daniel), [146]

Union (The Federal), [692]

Classical Learning, [489]

Education, [273]

Language, [470]

Science, [791]

University of Virginia, [900]

Clay (Henry), [146]

Clergy, [146]

Chaplains, [133]

Clergy (French), [771], [775]

Ministers, [558]

Climate, [147]

Atmosphere, [023]

Cold, [148], [771]

Weather, [936]

Winds, [947]

Clinton (De Witt), [149]

Clinton (George), [149]

Coast Line, [149]

Cockades, [150]

Badges, [065]

Coercion (State), [150]

State Rights, [832]

Coinage, [261], [573]

Decimal System, [240]

Dollars, [260]

Mint, [559]

Coke (Lord), [150]

Coles (Edward), [150]

College (Electoral), [715]

Elections (Presidential), [280]

Colleges, Buildings, [004]

Colleges, Veterinary, [905]

Colonies (American), [151]

Colonies (Ancient), [154]

Colonization (Negro), [154]

Colony (Penal), [155]

Columbia River, [061]

River, [783]

Rivers, [784]

Cold, [148], [771]

Atmosphere, [023]

Climate, [147]

Weather, [936]

Winds, [947]

Columbus (Christopher), [036], [156]

History (American), [406]

Commerce, [156]

Commerce, Treaties of, [880]

Commissions, [161]

Commissioners, [161]

Committee of the States, [169]

Confederation, [167]

Common Law, [162]

Law, [477]

Common Sense, [166]

Judgment, [448]

Moral Sense, [591]

Senility, [801]

Sense, [802]

Compact, [166]

Compacts, [166]

Treaties, [874]

Compromise, [167]

Conciliation, [167]

Harmony, [399]

Conciliation, [167]

Compromise, [167]

Harmony, [399]

Conchology, [804]

Shells, [804]

Condorcet (M.), [167]

Conduct, [167]

Actions, [005]

Confederation, The, [167], [973]

Colonies (The American), [151]

Confidence (Public), [731]

Credit, [217]

Credulity, [219]

Faith, [321]

Jealousy, [438]

Public Confidence, [731]

Confiscation, [171]

Property, [726]

Congress, [172]

Continental Congress, [174]

Senate, U. S., [799], [876], [877], [878]

Senators, U. S., [188]

Continental Congress, [174]

Congress, [172]

Senate, U. S., [799], [876], [877], [878]

Senators, U. S., [188]

Connecticut, [184], [777]

Conquest, [185]

Glory, [384]

Tyranny, [889]

War, [915]

Conscience, [185], [949]

Actions, [005]

Character, [133]

Conduct, [167]

Consent of Governed, [385]

Authority, [063]

Government, [384]

Rights, [780]

Rights of Man, [782]

Self-government, [796]

Constantinople, [186]

Turkey, [888]

Constitution, [035], [186]

Bill of Rights, [088]

Constitution (The Federal), [186]

Constitution (French), [195]

Constitution (Great Britain), [197]

Constitution (Spanish), [197]

Constitutions (American), [198]

Construction of the Constitution, [190], [200]

Centralization, [130]

Construction of Instruments, [200]

General Welfare Clause, [374]

Judiciary, [448]

Supreme Court, [842]

Consular Convention, [200]

Consuls. [200]


Page 995

Contention, [203]

Controversy, [205]

Disputation, [259]

Disputes, [259]

Dissension, [259]

Duel, [265]

Quarrels, [735]

Contentment, [204]

Happiness, [398]

Peace, [682]

Repose, [747]

Retirement, [765]

Tranquillity, [872]

Contraband of War, [204], [625], [628]

Belligerents, [086]

Enemy Goods, [296]

Free Ships, Free Goods, [359]

Neutrality, [625]

War, [915]

Contracts, [204]

Compacts, [166]

Treaties, [874]

Controversy, [205]

Contention, [203]

Dissension, [259]

Convent, [205]

Religion, [742]

Convention (Federal), [205]

Convention, National, [205]

Convention (Virginia), [206]

Conventions (Constitutional), [206]

Convicts, [206]

Crime, [219]

Criminals, [221]

Prison, [046], [722]

Cookery, [372]

Gastronomy, [372]

Cooper (Thomas), [206]

Priestley (Joseph), [719]

University of Virginia, [900]

Copying Press, [207]

Engraving, [307]

Polygraph, [432]

Copyright, [102], [377], [381]

Books, [102]

Library, [489]

Printing, [722]

Coray (A.), [207]

Athens, [062]

Greeks, [394]

Cornwallis (Lord), [207]

Cruelty, [221]

Coroners, [208]

Counties, [212]

Corporations, [418]

Bank, [066]

Banks, [073]

Monopoly, [579]

Correa de Serra (J.), [208]

Brazil, [108]

Portugal, [704]

Correspondence, [208]

Correspondence, Committees of, [961]

Letters, [494]

Letters of Introduction, [431]

Letter-writing, [495]

Corruption, [209]

Bribery, 109

Crime, [219]

Cotton, [211]

Cotton Gin, [211]

Manufactures, [528]

Council, [211]

Advice, [020]

Instructions, [426]

Counties, [212]

Wards, [921]

Courtesy, [213]

Courtiers, [213]

Politeness, [700]

Courtiers, [213]

Courtesy, [213]

Politeness, [700]

Courts, [214]

Courts (Admiralty), [019]

Courts (Appeals), [214]

Courts (Chancery), [214]

Courts (County), [216]

Courts (Federal), [448], [842]

Courts (French Plenary), [217]

Courts (Monarchical), [217]

Courts (State), [450]

Judiciary (Federal), [448]

U. S. Supreme Court, [842]

Crawford (W. H.), [217]

Elections (Presidential, 1824), [286]

Creation, [270]

Deluge, [250]

Earth, [269]

World, [949]

Credit, [217]

Credulity, [219]

Faith, [321]

Public Confidence, [731]

Credulity, [219]

Credit, [217]

Faith, [321]

Public Confidence, [731]

Creek Indians, [219]

Aborigines, [001]

Cherokees, [136]

Indians, [420], [944], [948], [952]

Cresap (Captain), [508]

Logan (Mingo Chief), [508]

Crime, [219]

Convicts, [206]

Criminals, [221]

Murder, [598]

Prison, [046], [722]

Criminals, [221]

Crime, [219]

Pardons, [673]

Criticism, [221]

Censors, [130]

Censure, [130]

Cruelty, [221]

Cornwallis (Lord), [207]

Retaliation, [762]

Revenge, [767]

Tyranny, [889]

Cuba, [222]

Monroe Doctrine, [584]

Territory, [860]

Currency, National, [601]

Money, [571]

Paper Money, [668]

“Curtius,” [223]

Webster (Noah), [936]

Cushing (W.), [845], [846]


Dalrymphe (-), [223]

Dana (Francis), [951]

X. Y. Z. Plot, [951]

Dancing, [223]

Music, [599]

Theatres, [865]

Dashkoff (M.), [223]

Russia, [786]

David (J. L.), [223]

Arts, [058]

Dayton (J.), [223]

Burr's (A.) Treason, [113]

Burr's (A.) Trial, 115

Dead, [223]

Death, [224]

Death Penalty, [225]

Epitaph, [308]

Deane (S.), [223]

Dearborn (H.), [224]

Death, [224]

Death Penalty, [225]

Dead, [223]

Epitaph, [308]

Debate, [225]

Congress (Previous Question), [180]

Eloquence, [286]

Language, [470]

Oratory, [664]

Speech, [358]

Words, [949]

Debt, [226]

Debt (French), [230]

Debt (Revolutionary), [233]

Debt (United States), [234], [932]

Debtors (Fugitive), [367]

Debt, [226]

Debts Due British, [237]

Treaty (British Peace), [884]

Decimal System, [240], [830]

Coinage, [261], [573]

Dollar, [260]

Mint, [559]

“Decius,” [737]

Randolph (John), [737]

Declaration of Independence, [241], [969]

Declaration, Mecklenburg, [247]

Independence, [420]

Fourth of July, [346]

Liberty, [499]

Defence, [247]

Fortifications, [345]

Gunboats, [395], [617]

Navy, [615]


Deity, [248]

Bible, [088]

God, [384]

Providence, [731]

Religion, [742]

Delaware, [250]

Delay, [250]

Idleness, [412]

Procrastination, [725]

Deluge, [250]

Creation, [270]

Earth, [269]

World, [949]

Delusion, [251]

X. Y. Z. Plot, [951]

Democratic Societies, [251]

Anti-Federalists, [038]

Democrats, [252]

Federalism, [328]

Federalists, [329]

Hartford Convention, [400]

Jacobins, [435]

Missouri Question, [563]

Monarchy, [566]

Parties, [675]

Politics, [701]

Republicanism, Partisan, [754]

Republicans, [755]


Page 996

Democrats, [252]

Aristocrats, [051]

Anti-Federalists, [038]

Democratic Societies, [251]

Federalism, [328]

Federalists, [329]

Hartford Convention, [400]

Jacobins, [435]

Missouri Question, [563]

Monarchy, [566]

Parties, [675]

Politics, [701]

Republicanism (Partisan), [754]

Republicans, [755]

Denmark, [252]

Free Ports, [359]

Jones (John Paul), [445]

Dennie (Joseph), [252]

Monarchy, [566]

Dependence, [252]

Submission, [841]

Subservience, [841]

Tribute, [886]

Deportation Act, [252]

Deportation of Aliens, [253]

Descents, [253]

Entail, [307]

Primogeniture, [719]

Deserters, [254]

Fugitives, [367]

Despair, [254]

Affliction, [021]

Grief, [395]

Despotism, [254]

Despots, [254]

Oppression, [664]

Tyranny, [889]

Detail, [254]

Labor, [458]

Detroit, [254]

Dickinson (John), [256]

Declaration of Independence, [241], [969]

Dictator, [256]

Despots, [254]

Kings, [455]

Tyranny, [889]

Dictionary, [257]

Dictionaries, [257]

Language, [470], [471]

Languages, [474]

Neology, [624]

Difficulties, [257]

Trouble, [887]

Dignity, [258]

Honor, [410]

Pride, [020]

Diplomacy, [258]

Diplomatic Establishment, [258]

Ministers, [555], [558]

Direct Tax, [039], [852]

Taxation, [852]

Directory, [314]

Executive, [314]

Discipline, [258]

University of Virginia, [900]

Discretion, [258]

Judgment, [448]

Wisdom, [948]

Discriminating Duties, [267]

Duties, [267]

Protection, [730]

Tariff, [849]

Disinterestedness, [258]

Fortune, [346]

Disputation, [259]

Disputes, [259]

Dissension, [259]

Dissension, [259]

Contention, [203]

Disputation, [259]

Disputes, [259]

Duel, [265]

Quarrels, [735]

Distribution, [260]

Inheritances, [426]

Disunion, [260]

Rebellion, [738]

Secession, [793]

Union (The Federal), [890]

Doctors, [547]

Medicine, [547]

Sun, [842]

Dollar, [260]

Bank, [066]

Banks, [073]

Money, [571]

Money Bills, [576]

Money (Continental), [577]

Money (Metallic), [578]

Paper Money, [668]

Domestic Economy, [271]

Political Economy, [271], [272]

Double Standard, [574]

Doubt, [263]

Principle, [720]

Draft, [263]

Impressment, [417]

Drawbacks, [263]

Duties, [267]

Tariff, [849]

Dreams, [264]

Repose, [747]

Sleep, [818]

Dress, [264]

Attire, [264]

Fashion, [323]

Foppery, [342]

Drunkards, [427]

Intemperance, [427]

Whisky, [944]

Wines, [947]

Duane (W.), [264]

Duel, [265]

Contention, [203]

Duer (W.), [265]

Dumas (C. W. F.), [265]

Dumouriez (C. F.), [266]

Dunbar (W.), [266]

Dunmore (Lord), [266]

Duplicity, [266]

Falsehood, [321]

Lies, [503]

Dupont de Nemours, [266]

Dupuis (C. F.), [267]

Duties (Discriminating), [267]

Drawbacks, [263]

Duties (Natural), [269], [608]

Free Trade, [361]

Tariff, [849]


Earth, [269]

Atmosphere, [023]

Climate, [147]

Creation, [270]

Deluge, [250]

Geology, [383]

Meteorology, [549]

Mineralogy, [555]

Mountains, [596]

Shells, [804]

Weather, [936]

Winds, [947]

World, [949]

East Indies, [270]

Commerce, [156]

Markets, [536]

West Indies, [936]

East and West Line, [271]

Astronomy, [061]

Latitude and Longitude, [475]

Mirage, [560]

Rainbows, [736]

Economy, [271]

Avarice, [065]

Economy (Domestic), [271]

Economy (Political), [271], [272]

Extravagance, [320]

Frugality, [367]

Eden (W.), [273]

Editors, [273]

News, [635]

Newspapers, [635]

Press, [089], [717]

Education, [273]

Academies, [004]

Academy, [003]

Genius, [381]

Knowledge, [457]

Learning, [489]

Schools, [790]

Talents, [848]

Teachers, [859]

University, [899]

Election, [279]

Elections, [279]

Elections (Presidential), [280]

Electoral College, [715]

Electricity, [904]

Vegetation, [904]

Ellsworth (O.), [286]

Eloquence, [286]

Debate, [225]

Oratory, [664]

Speech, [358]

Words, [949]

Emancipation of Slaves, [154], [816]

Embargo, [286]

Berlin Decrees, [087]

Bonaparte, [096]

Orders in Council, [664]

War of 1812, [721]

Emigration, [296]

Immigrants, [413]

Immigration, [414]

Population, [703]

Enemies, [296]

Contention, [203]

Dissension, [259]

Revenge, [767]

Enemy Goods, [296]

Free Ships, Free Goods, [359]

Neutrality, [624]

England, [297]

Embargo, [286]

Friendship with England, [365]

George III., [381]

Parliament, [674]

Treaties of Commerce, [880]

Treaty (British Peace), [884]

Engraving, [307]

Copying Press, [207]


Page 997

Entail, [307]

Agrarianism, [023]

Descents, [253]

Mortmain, [596]

Primogeniture, [719]

Monopoly, [579]

Enthusiasm, [307]

Ambition, [035]

Character, [133]

Zeal, [954]

Epicurus, [307], [695]

Philosophy, [695]

Epitaph, [308]

Dead, [223]

Death, [224]

Equality, [308]

Equal Rights, [308]

Favoritism, [324]

Privileges, [724]

Special Legislation, [828]

Equity, [133]

Justice, [452]

Erie Canal, [125]

Canal, [125]

Rivers, [784]

Error, [309]

Evils, [313]

Reason, [738]

Erskine (William), [310]

Escheat, [311]

Bank, [066]

Estaing (Count d'), [311]

Esteem, [311]

Friendship, [363]

Ethics, [311]

Moral Law, [591]

Moral Sense, [591]

Morality, [592]

Morality, National, [593]

Morals, [594]

Virtue, [914]

Ethnology, [001], [421]

Race (Human), [735]

Etiquette, [311]

Ceremony, [133]

Formalities, [344]

Levees, [496]

Europe, [312]

Alliance, [032]

America, [035]

Monroe Doctrine, [584]

Policy (American), [697]

Eustis (W.), [313]

Evils, [313]

Bribery, 109

Crime, [219]

Error, [309]

Misfortune, [560]

Example, [313]

Duty, [268]

Experience, [320]

Experiment, [320]

Excise, [313]

Excise Law, [313], [945]

Whisky Insurrection, [945]

Executive, [314]

President, [712]

Presidency, [715]

Exercise, [318]

Health, [402]

Exile, [319]

Fugitives, [367]

Expansion, [319], [512], [617], [862], [892]

Lands (Indian), [468]

Policy (American), [697]

Territory, [860]

Expatriation, [319], [780]

Citizens, [144]

Citizenship, [145]

Naturalization, [609]

Experience, [320]

Experiment, [320]

Exploration, [495]

Ledyard (John), [489]

Lewis and Clark Expedition, [495]

Pike Expedition, [696]

Western Exploration, [939]

Exports, [320]

Free Ports, [358]

Markets, [536]

Extravagance, [320]

Economy, [271]

Frugality, [367]


Faction, [320]

Parties, [675]

Passions, [679]

Politics, [701]

Social Intercourse, [819]

Faith (Good), [321]

Faith (Public), [321]

Confidence, [731]

Credit, [217]

Credulity, [219]

Public Confidence, [731]

Falsehood, [321]

Calumny, [122]

Duplicity, [266]

Libels, [497]

Lies, [503]

Slander, [809]

Family, [321]

Affection, [021]

Friends, [363]

Friendship, [363]

Happiness, [397]

Home, [409]

Sympathy, [848]

Famine, [322]

Paupers, [682]

Poor, [703]

Fanaticism, [322]

Enthusiasm, [307]

Faneuil Hall, [322]

Boston Port Bill, [104], [769]

Tea, [859]

Farmer, [322]

Agriculture, [023]

Farmers, [295], [322]

Farmers-General, [579]

Farming, [323]

Fashion, [323]

Attire, [264]

Foppery, [342]

Fast-days, [323]

Church and State, [141]

Fauquier (Francis), [324]

Small (William), [818]

Favoritism, [324]

Equality, [308]

Equal Rights, [308]

Favors, [324]

Privileges, [724]

Special Legislation, [828]

Federal City, [924]

Capitals (State), [127]

Capitol (U. S.), [048], [127]

Federal Courts, [448]

Judiciary, U. S., [448]

Supreme Court, U. S., [842]

Federal Government, [325]

Centralization, [130]

Congress, [172]

Constitution (The Federal), [186]

Judiciary (Federal), [448]

U. S. Supreme Court, [842]

Federalism, [328]

Anti-Federalism, [038]

Democratic Societies, [251]

Democrats, [252]

Federalists, [329]

Hartford Convention, [400]

Jacobins, [435]

Missouri Question, [563]

Monarchy, [566]

Parties, [675]

Politics, [701]

Republicanism (Partisan), [754]

Republicans, [755]

Federalists, [329], [760]

Anti-Federalists, [038]

Democratic Societies, [251]

Democrats, [252]

Federalism, [328]

Hartford Convention, [400]

Jacobins, [435]

Missouri Question, [563]

Monarchy, [566]

Parties, [675]

Politics, [701]

Republicanism, Partisan, [754]

Republicans, [755]

Fenner (James), [335]

Fenno (J.), [335]

Feudal Tenures, [465]

Allodial Tenures, [465]

Fever, Typhus, [889]

Yellow Fever, [952]

Fiction, [335]

Books, [102]

Literary Men, [506]

Literature, [506]

Filibusterism, [335]

Aggression, [023]

Miranda Expedition, [560]

Finances, [336]

Appropriations, [043]

Debt, [226]

Funding, [369]

Hamilton (A.), [396], [397]

Fisheries, [337]

Impressment, [417]

Navigation, [610]

Seamen, [792]

Flag, U. S., [339]

Neutrality, [626]


, [042]

Praise, [711]

Fletcher of Saltoun, [339]

Florida, [339]

Louisiana, [509]

Spain, [821]

Spanish America, [825]

Folly, [341]

Foppery, [342]

Vanity, [904]

Fontainbleu, [341]

Louis XVI., [520]

Marie Antoinette, [536]

Foppery, [342]

Attire, [264]

Fashion, [323]


Page 998

Force, [342]

Power, [708]

Strength, National, [840]

Foreign Agents, [342]

Ministers, [555]

Foreign Influence, [343]

Alliance, [032]

England, [301]

War, [915]

Foreign Intervention, [344]

Alliance, [032]

War, [915]

Formalities, [344]

Ceremony, [133]

Etiquette, [311]

Levees, [496]

Fortifications, [345]

Defence, [247]

Gunboats, [395], [617]

Navy, [615]

Torpedoes, [870]

Fortitude, [346]

Character, [133]

Duty, [268]

Fortune, [346]

Disinterestedness, [258]

Fortunes, [346]

Fourth of July, [346]

Declaration of Independence, [241]

Fox (C. J.), [347]

France, [347]

Bonaparte (N.), [096]

Executive, [315]

French Revolution, [770]

Genet (E. C.), [378]

San Domingo, [788]

West Indies, [937]

X. Y. Z. Plot, [951]

Franking Privilege, [355]

Letters, [494]

Letter-writing, [495]

Franklin (B.), [355]

Franklin (W. T.), [357]

Frankness, [357]

Candor, [126]

Honesty, [410]

Sincerity, [809]

Truth, [887]

Franks (D.), [357]

Frederick, The Great, [357]

Frederick William II., [357]

Freedom, [357]

Freedom of Opinion, [660]

Freedom of Person, [357]

Freedom of the Press, [089], [717]

Freedom of Religion, [742]

Freedom of Speech, [358]

Liberty, [499]

Rights, [780]

Rights of Man, [782]

Slavery, [811]

Free Ports, [358]

Free Trade, [361]

Free Ships, Free Goods, [359]

Belligerents, [086]

Contraband of War, [204], [625], [628]

Enemy Goods, [296]

Free Ships, Free Goods, [359]

Neutrality, [625]

War, [915]

Free Trade, [361]

Production, [725]

Protection, [730]

Tariff, [849]

French Revolution, [770]

Bastile, [084]

Louis XVI., [520]

Marie Antoinette, [536]

Freneau (P.), [362]

Newspapers, [638]

Friends, [363], [949]

Affection, [021]

Family, [321]

Friendship, [363]

Happiness, [397]

Home, [409]

Sympathy, [848]

Friendship, [363]

Affection, [021]

Family, [321]

Friends, [363], [949]

Friendship with England, [365]

Happiness, [397]

Home, [409]

Sympathy, [848]

Friendship With England, [365]

England, [297]

Frugality, [367], [689]

Economy, [271]

Paupers, [682]

Poor, [703]

Fugitives, [367]

Deserters, [254]

Funding, [369]

Assumption of State Debts, [058]

Hamilton (A.), [396]

Fur Trade, [369]

Astor's Settlement, [061]

Future, [370]

Future Life, [370]

Immortality, [416]


Gage (T.), [370], [769]

Boston Port Bill, [104], [769]

Gallatin (A.), [371]

Publicity, [733]

Gambling, [372]

Bubbles, 109

Speculation, [828]

Gardening, [411]

Agriculture, [023]

Arboriculture, [045]

Botany, [105], [791]

Plants, [697]

Trees, [886]

Vegetables, [904]

Gastronomy, [372]

Vegetables, [904]

Gates (Horatio), [372]

Camden, Battle of, [123]

Geismer (Baron), [372]

Gem (Dr.), [372]

Generals, [372]

Army, [052]

Army Officers, [056]

General Welfare Clause, [374]

Centralization, [130]

State Rights, [832]

Generations, [375]

Posterity, [705]

Generosity, [378]

Avarice, [065]

Beneficence, [087]

Charity, [134]

Genet (E. C.), [378]

Genius, [381]

Abilities, [001]

Character, [133]

Talents, [848]

Geographical Lines, [381]

Missouri Question, [563]

Sectionalism, [795]

Union, [890]

George III., [381], [769]

George IV., [383]

Geology, [383]

Creation, [270]

Earth, [269]

Mountains, [596]

Shells, [804]

Gerry (E.), [383]

X. Y. Z. Plot, [951]

Giles (W. B.), [384]

Hamilton (Alexander), [396]

Glory, [384]

Conquest, [185]

Tyranny, [889]

War, [915]

God, [384]

Deity, [248]

Providence, [731]

Gold and Silver Ratio, [578]

Goodrich (Eizur), [093], [384]

Bishop (Samuel), [093]

Government, [384]

Authority, [063]

Centralization, [130]

Detail, [254]

Federal Government, [325]

Governments (American), [392]

Governments (European), [394]

Power, [708]

Republicanism (Governmental), [753]

Self-government, [796]

Grammar, [394]

Language, [470]

Languages, [474]

Granger (G.), [394]

Gratitude, [394]

Morality (National), [593]

Great Britain, [297]

Greek Language, [472]

Athens, [062]

Greeks, [394], [888]

Greene (N.), [394]

Grief, [395]

Affliction, [021]

Grimm (Baron), [395]

Gulf Stream, [126]

Canal, Panama, [126]

Gunboats, [395], [617]

Navy, [615]


Habeas Corpus, [395]

Jury, [450]

Hamilton (Alexander), [005], [395]

Assumption of State Debts, [058]

Bank, [066]

Monarchy, [568], [569]

Retirement, [767]

Treasury, [874]

Treaties, [875], [877]

Washington (George), [931]

Whisky Insurrection, [945]

Hamilton (Henry), [398]

Prisoners of War, [924]

Retaliation, [762]

Happiness, [398]

Affection, [021]

Contentment, [204]

Family, [321]


Page 999

Friends, [363]

Friendship, [363]

Home, [409]

Sympathy, [848]

Harmony, [399]

Conciliation, [167]

Hartford Convention, [400]

Federalism, [328]

Federalists, [329]

Monarchy, [566]

Secession, [793]

Hastings (Warren), [401]

Impeachment, [416]

Hawkins (B.), [402]

Health, [402]

Life, [503]

Medicinal Springs, [546]

Medicine, [547]

Sun, [842]

Heaven, [402]

Deity, [248]

Future Life, [370]

Immortality, [416]

Henry (Patrick), [402]

Committees of Correspondence, [961]

History (Panegyric), [405]

Yazoo Lands, [952]

Hereditary Officers, [387]

Aristocracy, [048]

Birth, [092]

Elections, [279]

Governments, [384]

Rotation in Office, [786]

Heresy, [404]

Religion, [742]

Hessians, [404]

Herschel (Sir W.), [404]

Astronomy, [611]

History, [404], [791], [900]

History (American), [405]

History (English), [406]

History (Natural), [607]

Reading, [738]

Study, [841]

Hogendorp (Count van), [407]

Holland, [407]

Nassau, [601]

Orange (prince of), [407]

Holy Alliance, [408]

Alliance, [032]

Alliances, [034]

Home, [409]

Affection, [021]

Family, [321]

Friends, [363]

Friendship, [363]

Happiness, [397]

Monticello, [590]

Retirement, [765]

Sympathy, [848]

Tranquillity, [872]

Honesty, [410]

Candor, [126]

Honor, [410]

Rogues, [785]

Sincerity, [809]

Honor, [410]

Character, [133]

Dignity, [258]

Glory, [384]

Honors, [411]

Honesty, [410]

Hope, [411]

Despair, [254]

Hopkinson (F.), [411]

Music, [599]

Horses, [411], [504], [949]

Veterinary Colleges, [905]

Horticulture, [411]

Agriculture, [023]

Arboriculture, [045]

Botany, [105], [791]

Plants, [697]

Trees, [886]

Vegetables, [904]

Hospitality, [411]

Friends, [363], [949]

Hospitals (Marine), [536]

Houdon (J. A.), [412]

Sculpture, [792]

Howe (Lord W.), [412]

Hull (W.), [412]

Humboldt (Baron), [412]

Humphreys (D.), [412]

Levees, [496]


Ideas, [412]

Inventions, [431]

Inventors, [433]

Theory, [865]

Idleness, [412]

Delay, [250]

Procrastination, [725]

Ignorance, [413]

Education, [273]

Folly, [341]

Learning, [489]

Study, [841]

Wisdom, [948]

Illinoia, Proposed State of, [941]

Western Territory, [939]

Illinois River, [783]

River, [783]

Rivers, [784]

Illuminati, Order of, [413]

Imbecility, [413]

Dependence, [252]

Insult, [426]

Strength (National), [840]

Tribute, [886]

Immigrants, [413]

Emigration, [296]

Immigration, [414]

Population, [703]

Immortality, [416]

Deity, [248]

Future Life, [370]

Heaven, [402]

Religion, [742]

Impeachment, [416]

Judges, [446]

Judiciary, [448]

Impost, [313]

Excise, [313]

Impressment, [417]

Draft, [263]

Improvements (Internal), [429]

General Welfare Clause, [374]

Piers, [695]

Post Roads, [707]

Virginia Protest, [986]

Inaugural Addresses, [980], [982]

Income Tax, [852]

Taxation, [852]

Incorporation, [418]

Bank, [066]

Monopoly, [579]

Indemnification, [419]

Reparation, [746]

Reprisal, [749]

Independence, [420]

Declaration of Independence, [241]

Fourth of July, [346]

Freedom, [357]

Liberty, [499]

Rights, [780]

Indians, [420], [944], [948], [952]

Aborigines, [001]

Cherokees, [136]

Greeks, [219]

Industry, [424]

Capital, [126]

Labor, [458]

Wealth, [935]

Influence, Foreign, [343]

Alliance, [032]

England, Influence in U.S., [301]

War, [915]

Information, [425]

Publicity, [732]

Injury, [425]

Insult, [426]

Wrong, [950]

Inheritances, [426]

Distribution, [260]

Entail, [307]

Inness (H.), [426]

Institutions, [426]

Government, [384]

Reform, [739]

Innovation, [426]

Reform, [739]

Instructions, [426]

Advice, [020]

Council, [211]

Lafayette, Hampered, [463]

Insult, [426]

Injury, [425]

Wrong, [950]

Insurrection, [427]

Disunion, [260]

Insurrection (Whisky), [945]

Rebellion, [738]

Secession, [793]

Treason, [873]

Intemperance, [427]

Drunkards, [427]

Temperance, [859]

Whisky, [944]

Interest, [428]

Banks, [073]

Interest, Money, [428]

Money, [571]

Internal Improvements, [429]

General Welfare Clause, [374]

Piers, [695]

Post Roads, [707]

Virginia Protest, [986]

International Law, [062]

Asylum, [062]

Belligerents, [086]

Consular Convention, [200]

Consuls, [200]

Contraband of War, [204]

Enemy Goods, [296]

Free Ships, [359]

Genet (E. C.), [378]

Ministers (Foreign), [555]

Neutrality, [625]

Privateering, [723]

Privateers, [723]

Treaties, [874]


Page 1000

Intervention Foreign, [344]

Alliance, [032]

War, [915]

Intolerance, [431]

Bigotry, [088]

Intrigue, [431]

Duplicity, [266]

Frankness, [357]

Introduction, Letters of, [431]

Friends, [363]

Friendship, [363]

Invasion, [431]

Defence, [247]

Fortifications, [345]

Inventions, [431]

Inventors, [433]

Genius, [381]

Science, [791]

Ireland, [433]

Aristocracy, [050]

Aristocracy in Virginia. [050]

Iron, [434]

Ivernois (F.), [434]

Academy, Geneva, [004]


Jackson (Andrew), [434]

New Orleans, [633]

Jacobins, [435]

French Revolution, [770]

James River, [783]

James River Canal, [125]

River, [783]

Rivers, [784]

Jay (John), [435]

Jay Treaty, [436], [785]

Jealousy, [438]

Confidence (Public), [731]

Jefferson (Thomas), [007], [438]

Adams (John), Friendship of Jefferson for, [007], [988]

Adams (John), Jefferson and Election of, [008]

Adams (John), Jefferson's Election and, [009]

Adams (John), Jefferson, Paine, and, [010]

Adams (Mrs. John), Jefferson and, [988]

Address, Jefferson to Inhabitants of Albemarle Co., [985]

Addresses, Jefferson's Inaugural, [980], [982]

Administration, Summary of Jefferson's First, [018]

Advice, Jefferson's Ten Precepts, [020]

Agriculture, Model Plow, [025]

Ancestry, Thomas Jefferson's, [036]

Anti-Federalists, Jefferson and, [038]

Arms of Jefferson Family, [052]

Assumption of State Debts, Jefferson's Agency in, [060]

Barbary States, Jefferson's Views on, [081]

Batture, Jefferson's Action in, [085]

Birthday, Jefferson's, [092]

Burr (Aaron), Relations with Jefferson, [111]

Burr (Aaron), Threatens Jefferson, [112]

Burr's Trial, Jefferson Subpœ naed, [914]

Cabinet, Rules of Jefferson's, [118]

Callender (J. T.), Relations with Jefferson, [121]

Captives, Jefferson and, [128]

Cipher, Jefferson's, [143]

Clay (Henry), Opposition to Jefferson, [146]

Clinton (George), Estrangement from Jefferson, [149]

Congress, Messages to, [178]

Constitution (French), Advice of Jefferson, [195]

Constitution (French), Cooperation of Jefferson Invited, [196]

Constitution (French), Jefferson, Patriots, and, [196]

Copying Press, Jefferson's Portable, [207]

Creation, Jefferson's Views on, [270]

Debt, Jefferson's Personal, [227], [238]

Declaration of Independence, [241]

Editors, Jefferson's Relations with, [273]

Education, Jefferson's, [438]

Education, Jefferson's Bills on, [275], [276]

Election (Presidential, 1796), Candidature of Jefferson, [280]

Election (Presidential, 1800), Balloting in House, [281]

Election (Presidential, 1800), Demanding Terms, [282]

Election (Presidential, 1808), Neutrality of Jefferson, [285]

Election (Presidential, 1824), Passiveness of Jefferson, [286]

England, Jefferson and, [301], [302]

Epitaph, Jefferson's, [308]

Family of Jefferson, [438]

Farmer, Jefferson as a, [322], [438]

Father of Jefferson, [438]

Formalities, Jefferson and, [344]

Franking Privilege, Jefferson and, [355]

Franklin (Benjamin), Greatness of, [356]

Freneau (Philip), Jefferson's Relations with, [362]

Harvard's Honors to Jefferson, [438]

History, Jefferson and, [438]

Home of Jefferson, [590]

Lawyer, Jefferson Becomes a, [439]

Letters of Jefferson, [439]

Lewis and Clark Expedition, Jefferson Suggests, [495]

Libels, Jefferson and, [497]

Library of Jefferson, [502]

Madison, Jefferson and, [523]

Manufactures, Jefferson and, [532], [533]

Marriage of Jefferson, [439]

Mazzei, Jefferson's Letter to, [545]

Ministers, Hostility to Jefferson, [559]

Monticello, [590]

Monroe (James), [587]

Mrs. Jefferson's Death, [439]

Nailmaker, Jefferson as a, [439]

Navigation, Jefferson's Report, [612]

Office, Weary of, [444]

Offices Held by Jefferson, [439]

Offices Refused by Jefferson, [441]

Paine (Thomas), Jefferson and, [441]

Portrait of Jefferson, [442]

Principles of Jefferson in 1799, [721]

Relations, Appointment to Office, [741]

Religion, [744]

Retirement of Jefferson, [765]

Revolution (French), Jefferson's Relations to, [772]

Scientific Societies, Membership in, [442]

Services of Jefferson, [442]

University of Virginia, Jefferson and, [444], [900]

Washington (George), Jefferson and, [927]

Johnson (Joshua), [444]

Jones (John Paul), [445]

Joseph II., [446]

Journalism, [273], [635]

Editors, [273]

Newspapers, [635]

Press, [089], [717]

Judges, [446]

Judiciary (Federal), [448]

Judiciary (State), [450]

Supreme Court (U. S.), [842]

Judiciary (Federal), [448]

Judiciary (State) [450]

Supreme Court (U. S.), [842]

Judgment, [448]

Common Sense, [166]

Discretion, [258]

Moral Sense, [591]

Senility, [801]

Sense, [802]

Jurisdiction, [450]

Sovereignty, [820]

Jury (Grand), [450]

Jury (Trial by), [450]

Neutrality, Treasury Department, [630]

Justice, [452]

Equity, [133]


Kames (Lord), [453]

Kanawha, River, [783]

River, [783]

Rivers, [784]

Kentucky, [453]

Kentucky Resolutions, [454], [977]

Kings, [455]

Cannibals, [126]

Despots, [254]

Monarchy, [566]

Self-government, [796]

King's Mountain, Battle, [123]

Campbell (Col.), [123]

Knowledge, [457]

Education, [273]

Learning, [489]

Science, [791]

Sciences, [792]

Scientific Societies, [819]

Study, [841]

Knox (Henry), [457]

Kosciusko (General), [458]

Poland, [697]


Labor, [458]

Artisans, [057]

Laborers, [459]

Industry, [424]

Offices (Labor and), [649]

Property, [726]


Page 1001

Lafayette (Marquis de), [461]

France, [347]

Instructions, [426]

Revolution (American), [767]

Revolution (French), [770]

Lafitau (J. F.), [423], [424]

Lake George, [465]

Scenery, [790]

Lamps, [465]

Franklin (B.), Argand's Lamp, [355]

Matches, [544]

Land, [465]

Allodial Tenures, [465]

Earth, [269]

Feudal Tenures, [465]

Land Companies, [467]

Land Tax, [467]

Lands (Indian), [468]

Lands (Public), [469]

Territory, [860]

Unearned Increment, [890]

Western Territory, [939]

Langdon (J.), [470]

Language, [470]

Language (Anglo-Saxon), [471]

Language (English), [471]

Language (French), [472]

Language (Gaelic), [665]

Language (Greek), [472]

Language (Italian), [473]

Language (Latin), [473]

Language (Spanish), [474]

Languages, [474]

Languages (Indian), [475]

Neology, [624]

Speech, Freedom of, [358]

Words, [949]

Languedoc Canal, [125]

Canal, [125]

River, [783]

Rivers, [784]

Latitude and Longitude, [475]

Astronomy, [061]

East and West Line, [271]

Latrobe (B. H.), [477]

Architecture, [048]

Law, [477]

Law (Common), [162]

Law (Excise), [313]

Law (International), [296], [359], [624]

Law (Lynch), [481]

Law (Maritime), [536]

Law (Martial), [542]

Law (Moral), [591]

Law (Natural), [525]

Law of Necessity, [620]

Law (Patent), [680]

Law (Parliamentary), [675]

Law (Study), [487]

Law of Waste, [485]

Laws (Alien and Sedition), [030]

Laws of England, [486]

Laws of Nature, [486]

Laws of Virginia, [487]

Lawyers, [176], [487]

Attorney-General, [063]

Attorneys, [063]

Judges, [446]

League, Marine, [150]

Leander, Case of, [488]

Chesapeake, [136]

Lear (Tobias), [488]

Learning (Classical), [489]

Books, [102]

Education, [273]

Knowledge, [457]

Language, [470], [472], [473]

Literary Men, [506]

Literature, [506]

Science, [791]

Scientific Societies, [819]

Study, [841]

Ledyard (John), [489]

Lee (A.), [489]

Lee (R. H.), [489]

Legal Tender, [574]

Money, [571]

Legislation, [490]

Congress, [172]

Legislatures, [490]

Parliament, [674]

Revolution (French), [773], [774], [775]

L'Enfant (Major), [494]

Washington (City), [924]

Lethargy, [494]

Agitation, [023]

Letters, [494]

Correspondence, [208]

Letters of Introduction, [431]

Letters, Republic of, [753]

Letter-writing, [495]

Post-office, [705]

Mails, [524]

Letters of Marque, [541]

Privateering, [723]

Privateers, [723]

Prizes, [724]

Lewis and Clark Expedition, [495]

Clark (George Rogers), [146]

Levees, Presidential, [496]

Ceremony, [133]

Etiquette, [311]

Formalities, [344]

Liancourt (Duke of), [497]

Libels, [497]

Abuse, [002]

Calumny, [122]

Ministers, [558]

Newspapers, [635]

Slander, [809]

Liberty, [499]

Declaration of Independence, [241]

Freedom, [357]

Independence, [420]

Patriotism, [681]

Personal Liberty, [693]

Rights, [780]

Library, [502]

Books, [102]

Reading, [738]

Lies, [503]

Duplicity, [266]

Falsehood, [321]

Life, [503]

Death, [224]

Future Life, [370]

Generations, [375]

Happiness, [398]

Health, [402]

Immortality, [416]

Liberty, [499]

Life (Private), [723]

Souls (Transmigration), [820]

Lincoln (Levi), [506]

Supreme Court, [845]

Literary Men, [506]

Literature, [506]

Books, [102]

Editors, [273]

Fiction, [335]

History, [404]

Learning, [489]

Library, [502]

Newspapers, [635]

Poetry, [697]

Press, [089]

Literature, [506]

Books, [102]

Editors, [273]

Fiction, [335]

Generations, [377]

History, [404]

Learning, [489]

Library, [502]

Monopoly (Inventions), [581]

Newspapers, [635]

Poetry, [697]

Press, [089]

Littlepage (L.), [506]

Jay (John), [435]

Livingston (E.), [506]

Livingston (R. R.), [506]

Loans, [507]

Funding, [369]

Taxation, [852]

Locke (John), [392]

Logan (George), [508]

Logan, Mingo Chief, [508]

London, [509]

Longitude, [475]

Astronomy, [061]

East and West Line, [271]

Looming, [560]

Rainbows, [736]

Lottery, [509]

Gambling, [372]

Speculation, [828]

Louisiana, [509]

Bonaparte (N.), [587]

Dupont De Nemours, [267]

Monroe (James), [587], [588]

New Orleans, Right of Deposit, [634]

Pike (Gen. Z. M.), [696]

Territory, [860]

Louis XVI., [520]

Bastile, [084]

Fontainbleau, [341]

French Revolution, [770]

Louis XVIII., [521]

Marie Antoinette, [536]

Luxuries, [521]


Lynch Law, [481]

Jury (Trial by), [450]

Luzerne (Marquis de la), [521]

Lyon (Matthew), [522]


Macdonough (Commodore), [522]

Mace, [522]

Arms, American, [051]

Arms of Jefferson Family, [052]

Arms of Virginia, [052]

Mottoes, [596]

Macon (Nathaniel), [522]

Madeira, [148]

Madison (James), [522]

England, [302]

Presidency, [716]

Magnetic Needle, [476]

Mails, [524]

Letters, [494]

Post Office, [705]

Post Roads, [707]


Page 1002

Maine, [524]

Majority, [525]

Minority, [559]

Malesherbes (C. G. de la M.), [526]

Malice, [526]

Slander, [809]

Malthus (T. R.), [704]

Population, [703]

Mammoth, [667]

Mastodon, [544]

Natural History, [607]

Paleontology, [667]

Man, [526]

Man, Rights of, [782]

Mankind, [527]

Manners, American, [527]

Manners, National, [528]

Mansfield (Lord), [528]

Supreme Court, [843]

Manufactures, [528]

Duties, [267]

General Welfare Clause, [374]

Protection, [730]

Tariff, [849]

Marbury vs. Madison, [535]

Constitution (Federal), [190], [200]

Marshall (John), [542]

Marie Antoinette, [536]

Bastile, [084]

French Revolution, [770]

Louis XVI., [520]

Toulouse, Archbishop of, [870]

Marine Hospitals, [536]

Marine League, [150]

Maritime Law, [536]

Neutrality, [625]

Markets, [536]

Exports, [320]

Prosperity, [730]

Marque, Letters of, [541]

Privateering, [723]

Privateers, [723]

Prizes, [724]

Marriage, [541]

Children, [138]

Family, [321]

Happiness, [398]

Home, [409]

Office-holders, [654]

Marshall (John), [542]

Batture, [085]

History, [404]

Judiciary (Federal), [448]

Marbury vs. Madison, [535]

Mazzei (Philip), [546]

Supreme Court, [844]

Washington (Geo.), Life of, [930]

X. Y. Z. Plot, [951]

Martial Law, [542]

War, [915]

Martin (Luther), [542]

Mason (George), [543]

Mason (J. M.), [542]

Mason (J. T.), [543]

Massachusetts, [543]

Boston Port Bill, [104], [769]

Constitution (Federal), [187]

Revolution (American), [768]

Mastodon, [544]

Mammoth, [667]

Paleontology, [667]

Matches, Phosphoric, [544]

Lamps, [465]

Materialism, [544]

Metaphysics, [549]

Souls, [820]

Mathematics, [545]

Science, [791]

Mazzei (Philip), [545]

Measures, Standard, [830]

Weights, Standard, [832]

Mecklenburg Declaration, [247]

Declaration of Independence, [241]

Medicinal Springs, [546]

Medicine, [547]

Medicine, [547]

Doctors, [547]

Sun, [842]

Mediterranean Trade, [548]

Barbary States, [080]

Trade, [871]

Medium, Circulating, [571]

Memory, [548]

Mind, [554]

Mercer (J. F.), [548]

Merchants, [159], [548]

England, Influence in U. S., [301]

Jay Treaty, [437]

Mercier (J.), [548]

Merit, [549]

Character, [133]

Worth, [949]

Merry (A.), [549]

Etiquette, [311]

Messages to Congress, [178]

Simplicity, [809]

Metaphysics, [549]

Materialism, [544]

Mind, [554]

Souls, [820]

Meteoric Stones, [549]

Meteorology, [549]

Weather, [936]

Winds, [947]

Metropotamia, Proposed State of, [941]

Western Territory, [939]

Mexico, [550]

Spanish America, [825]

Michaux (André), [939]

Michigania, Proposed State of, [941]

Western Territory, [939]

Midnight Commissions (Adams'), [161]

Militia, [550]

Army, [052]

Draft, [263]

Militia, Naval, [618]

Mind, [554]

Error, [309]

Opinion, [659]

Philosophy, [695]

Reason, [738]

Souls, [820]

Mineralogists, [554]

Geology, [383]

Mineralogy, [555]

Mines, [555]

Ministers (Foreign), [555]

Diplomacy, [258]

Diplomatic Establishment, [258]

Ministers (Imperial), [558]

Ministers (Religious), [558]

Chaplains, [133]

Clergy, [146]

Minority, [559]

Majority, [525]

Mint, [559]

Coinage, [261], [573]

Mirage, [560]

Rainbows, [736]

Miranda Expedition, [560]

Filibusterism, [335]

Misfortune, [560]

Affliction, [021]

Despair, [254]

Grief, [395]

Missionaries, [560]

Religion, [742]

Mississippi River, [783]

Mississippi River Navigation, [561]

Mississippi Territory, [563]

Missouri, [563]

Geographical Lines, [381]

Missouri Question, [563]

Missouri River, [783]

Sectionalism, [795]

Mobs, [565]

Insurrection, [427]

Revolution (French), [771], [774], [775]

Moderation, [566]

Contentment, [204]

Happiness, [398]

Modesty, [566]

Obscurity, [642]

Monarchy, [566]

Federalism, [328]

Federalists, [329]

Kings, [455]

Prerogative, [071]

Washington (Geo.), [931], [933], [934]

Money, [571]

Bank, [066]

Banks, [073]

Dollar, [260]

Money Bills, [576]

Money (Continental), [577]

Money (Metallic), [578]

National Currency, [601]

Paper Money, [668]

Monopoly, [579]

Agrarianism, [023]

Bank, [066]

Entail, [307]

Incorporation, [418]

Lands (Public), [469]

Primogeniture, [719]

Monroe Doctrine, [584]

Monroe (James), [586]

Policy (American), [697]

Montesquieu (Baron), [590]

Republics, Size of, [761]

Monticello, [590]

Home, [409]

Montmorin (Count), [591]

Moral Law, [591]

Government, [388]

Moral Sense, [591]

Morality, [592]

Morality, National, [593]

Morals, [594]

Virtue, [914]

Moreau (J. V.), [594]

Morgan (G.), [595]

Morocco, [595]

Barbary States, [080]

Tripoli, [886]

Morris (Commodore), [406]

History (American) Naval, [406]


Page 1003

Morris (Gouverneur), [595]

Mortmain, [596]

Entail, [307]

Primogeniture, [719]

Mottoes, [596]

Arms, American, [051]

Arms of Jefferson Family, [052]

Arms of Virginia, [052]

Mace, [522]

Mountains, [596]

Earth, [269]

Geology, [383]

Mineralogy, [555]

Mourning, [597]

Grief, [395]

Moustier (Count), [597]

Murder, [598]

Crime, [219]

Duel, [265]

Pardons, [673]

Museums, [599]

Theatres, [865]

Music, [599]

Arts, [058]

Muskets, [600]

Arms, [051]


Nailmaker, Jefferson a, [439]

Names, [600]

Character, [133]

Reputation, [761]

Nassau, [601]

Holland, [407]

Nation (United States), [601]

Nations, [604]

National capital, [924]

National currency, [601]

Bank, [066]

Banks, [073]

Dollar, [260]

Money, [571]

Money Bills, [576]

Money (Continental), [577]

Money (Metallic), [578]

Paper Money, [668]

National University, [899]

University of Virginia, [900]

Natural Bridge, [607], [790]

Natural History, [607], [791]

Animals, [110]

Horses, [411], [504], [949]

Paleontology, [667]

Sheep, [803]

Natural Law, [525]

Law, [477]

Moral Law, [591]

Natural Rights, [608]

Duties, Natural, [269], [608]

Rights, [780]

Rights of Man, [782]

Natural Selection, [735]

Man, [526]

Mankind, [527]

Naturalization, [609]

Citizens, [144]

Citizenship, [145]

Expatriation, [319]

Nature, [610]

Creation, [270]

Deluge, [250]

Earth, [269]

Natural History, [607]

World, [949]

Navies, Equalization of, [610]

Navy, [615]

Naval Academy, [004]

Military Academy, [003]

Navigation, [610]

Carrying Trade, [129]

Ocean, [643]

Shipping (American), [805]

Ships, [806]

Navy, [615]

Navy Department, [620]

Navy yards, [620]

Privateers, [723]

Necessity, Law of, [620]

Self-preservation, [799]

Necker (Jacques), [620]

French Revolution, [774], [775]

Stael (Madame de), [830]

Negroes, [621]

Colonization (Negro), [154]

Slavery, [811]

Slaves, [814]

Nelson (T.), [624]

Neology, [624]

Dictionary, [257]

Language, [470], [471]

Languages, [474]

Neutrality, [624]

Alexander of Russia, [028]

Arms, [087]

Asylum, [062]

Belligerents, [086]

Contrabrand of war, [204]

Embargo, [286]

Enemy's Goods, [296]

Flag, [339]

Free ships, Free goods, [360]

Genet (E. C.), [378]

Privateers, [723]

New England Secession, [794]

Embargo, [286]

Hartford Convention, [400]

New Hampshire, [633]

New Haven Remonstrance, [093]

Office, [644]

Offices, [647]

Office-holders, [652]

New Jersey, [633]

New Orleans, [633]

New Orleans Batture, [085]

New Orleans , [125]

New Orleans, Right of Deposit, [634]

New Orleans, Yellow Fever, [953]

New York, [634]

New York City, [634]

News, [635]

Newspapers, [635]

Newspapers, [635]

Editors, [273]

Press, [089], [717]

Publicity, [732]

Nice, city of, [640]

Nicholas (W. C.), [640]

Nightingales, [092]

Birds, [092]

Non-importation, [640]

Embargo, [286]

Non-intercourse, [641]

Norfolk, Va., [030]

Cities, [143]

North Carolina, [641]

North (Lord), [641]

Reply to Lord North's Conciliatory Proposition, [959]

Northwest boundary, [106]

Boundaries, [106]

Notes on Virginia, [641]

Virginia, [909]

Nova Scotia, [642]

Nullification, [642]

Secession, [793]

State Rights, [832]

Union (The Federal), [890]


Oath, [642]

Oath of Office, [642]

Obscurity, [642]

Modesty, [566]

Occupations, [642]

Natural Rights, [609]

Trade, [871]

Ocean, [643]

Carrying Trade, [129]

Navigation, [610]

Shipping (American), [805]

Ships, [806]

Office, [644]

Appointment, [039]

Offices, [647]

Office-holders, [652]

Ohio River, [784]

River, [783]

Old age, [021]

Time, [867]

Olive, [658]

Plants, [698]

Opinion, [659]

Error, [309]

Opinion (Public), [661]

Opinions, [662]

Reason, [738]

Opposition, [663]

Parties, [675]

Oppression, [664]

Despotism, [254]

Despots, [254]

Tyranny, [889]

Optics, [664]

Orange, Prince of, [407]

Nassau, [601]

Oratory, [664]

Debate, [225]

Eloquence, [286]

Speech, [358]

Words, [949]

Order, [664]

Berlin Decrees, [087]

Embargo, [286]

Orders in Council, [664]

Oregon, [495]

Orleans (Duke of), [664]

French Revolution, [767]

Marie Antoinette, [536]

Ossian, [665]

Ostentation, [665]

Modesty, [566]

Outacite, [423]


Page (John), [665]

Pain, [665]

Affliction, [021]

Grief, [395]

Paine (Thomas), [665]

Bolingbroke (Lord), [095]

Paleontology, [667]

Mammoth, [667]

Mastodon, [544]

Natural History, [607]


Page 1004

Panama Canal, [126]

Canal, [125]

Panics, [667]

Banks, [080]

Bubbles, 109

Paper Money, [668]

Speculation, [828]

Paper and Civilization, [668]

Papers (Executive), [179], [673]

Paper Money, [668]

Bank, [066]

Banks, [073]

Dollar, [260]

Money, [571]

Money Bills, [576]

Money (Continental), [577]

Money (Metallic), [578]

Parasites, [673]

Office, [644]

Office-holders, [652]

Parties, [675]

Pardons, [673]

Crime, [219]

Murder, [598]

Paris, [674]

Cities, [143]

Park (Mungo), [674]

Parliament, [674]

Colonies (American), [151]

Parliamentary Law, [675], [801]

Parties, [675]

Anti-Federalists, [038]

Democratic Societies, [251]

Democrats, [252]

Federalism, [328]

Federalists, [329]

Hartford Convention, [400]

Jacobins, [435]

Missouri Question, [563]

Monarchy, [566]

Politics, [701]

Republicanism (Partisan), [754]

Republicans, [755]

Passions, [679]

Politics, [701]

Temper, [859]

Patents, [679]

Inventions, [431]

Trade Marks, [872]

Paternalism, [680]

Mines, [555]

Canal, New Orleans, [125]

Public Works, [732]

Patience, [681]

Stability, [829]

Patriotism, [681]

Declaration of Independence, [241]

Fourth of July, [346]

Freedom, [357]

Liberty, [499]

Union (The Federal), [890]

Unity, [899]

United States, [895]

Patronage, [681]

Office, [644]

Offices, [647]

Office-holders, [652]

Paupers, [682]

Labor, [458]

Poor, [703]

Wealth, [935]

Peace, [682]

Contentment, [204]

Repose, [747]

Tranquillity, [872]

Pedometer, [432]

Inventions, [431]

Pelisipia, Proposed State of, [941]

Western Territory, [939]

Pendleton (Edmund), [685]

Law, [484]

Pendulum, [685]

Music, [600]

Standard (Measures), [830]

Pennsylvania, [107], [685]

Boundaries, [107]

Pensacola, [686]

Florida, [339]

Jackson (Andrew), [434]

Pensions, [686]

Taxation, [852]

Taxes, [856]

People, [686]

People, English, [687]

People, European, [688]

People, French, [689]

People, Prussian, [690]

People, Roman, [691]

Perceval (Spencer), [692]

Perpetual Motion, [692]

Inventions, [431]

Personal Liberty, [693]

Rights, [780]

Rights, Personal, [781]

Petition, [693]

Petitions, [693]

Peyrouse Expedition, [694]

Philadelphia, [694]

Cities, [143]

Philosophy, [695]

Epicurus, [308]

Plato, [697]

Pickering (Timothy), [695]

Declaration of Independence, [244]

X. Y. Z. Plot, [951]

Piers, [695]

General Welfare Clause, [374]

Internal Improvements, [429]

Post Roads, [707]

Pike (Z. M.), [696]

Lewis and Clark Expedition, [495]

Pinckney (Charles), [696], [951]

Pinckney (Thomas), [696]

Pitt (William), [696]

Chatham (Lord), [135]

Plants, [697]

Arboriculture, [045]

Botany, [105]

Horticulture, [411]

Trees, [886]

Plato, [697]

Plato's Republic, [697]

Philosophy, [695]

Pleasure, [697]

Dancing, [223]

Music, [599]

Pain, [665]

Theatres, [865]

Poetry, [697]

Fiction, [335]

Literature, [506]

Poland, [697]

Kosciusko, [458]

Policy (American), [697]

Alliance, [032]

Alliances, [034]

Politeness, [700]

Courtesy, [213]

Courtiers, [213]

Political Economy, [272]

Domestic Economy, [271]

Politics, [701]

Anti-Federalists, [038]

Democratic Societies, [251]

Democrats, [252]

Federalism, [328]

Federalists, [329]

Hartford Convention, [400]

Missouri Question, [563]

Monarchy, [566]

Parties, [675]

Republicanism (Partisan), [754]

Republicans, [755]

Polygraph, [432]

Copying Press, [207]

Engraving, [307]

Polypotamia, Proposed State of, [941]

Western Territory, [939]

Poor, [703]

Economy, [271]

Frugality, [367]

Paupers, [682]

Pope Pius VL, [703]

Population, [703]

Census, [130]

Emigration, [296]

Immigrants, [413]

Immigration, [414]

Porter (David), [704]

Porto Rico, [359]

West Indies, [937]

Portugal, [704]

Brazil, [108]

Correa de Serra (J.), [208]

Treaties of Commerce, [884]

Posterity, [705]

Generations, [375]

Post Office, [705]

Mails, [524]

Post Roads, [707]

Post Roads, [707]

General Welfare Clause, [374]

Internal Improvements, [429]

Virginia, Protest, [986]

Posts, Western, [707], [939]

Treaty (British Peace), [885]

Potato, [707]

Horticulture, [411]

Vegetables, [904]

Potomac and Ohio Canal, [126]

Canal, [125]

Potomac River, [784]

Power, [708]

Authority, [063]

Government, [384]

Powers, [708]

Powers (Assumed), [708]

Centralization, [130]

Pradt (Abbé de), [710]

Praise, [711]

Applause, [039]

Approbation, [042]

Honor, [410]

Honors, [411]

Precedent, [711]

Abuses, [002]

Example, [313]

Preemption, Right of, [711]

Land, [465]

Lands, [468]

Prerogative, [711]

Privileges, [724]

Presbyterian Spirit, [711]

Liberty, [499]


Page 1005

Presents, [711]

Bribery, 109

President, The, [712]

Constitution (Federal), [188], [191]

Elections (Presidential), [280]

Electoral College, [715]

Presidency, [715]

Third Term, [865]

Vice-Presidency, 907

Press (Freedom of the), [089], [717]

Editors, [273]

Libels, [497]

Newspapers, [635]

Price, Basis of, [718]

Price of Wheat, [718]

Priestley (Joseph), [719]

Primogeniture, [719]

Agrarianism, [023]

Descents, [253]

Entail, [307]

Monopoly, [579]

Principle, [720]

Principles, [720]

Truth, [887]

Printing, [722]

Books, [102]

Newspapers, [635]

Press, [089], [717]

Prison, [046], [722]

Crime, [219]

Pardons, [673]

Prisoners of War, [764], [765], [924]

Captives, [128]

Retaliation, [762]

Privacy, [722]

Private Life, [722]

Privateering, [723]

Letters of Marque, [541]

Privateers, [723]

Prizes, [724]

Privilege (Franking), [355]

Privileges, [724]

Equality, [308]

Equal Rights, [308]

Favoritism, [324]

Special Legislation, [828]

Prizes, [724]

Privateers, [723]

Procrastination, [725]

Delay, [250]

Idleness, [412]

Production, [725]

Free Trade, [361]

Protection, [730]

Tariff, [849]

Progress, [725]

Innovation, [426]

Reform, [739]

Reformers, [741]

Prohibition, [944]

Intemperance, [427]

Temperance, [859]

Property, [726]

Taxation, [852]

Prophecy, [729]

Prophet, Wabash, [730]

Proscription, [730]

Tyranny, [889]

Prosperity, [730]

Markets, [536]

Peace, [682]

Protection, [730]

Duties, [267]

Free Trade, [361]

Tariff, [849]

Protestants, [730]

Bible, [088]

Providence, [731]

Bible, [088]

Deity, [248]

Religion, [742]

Provisions, [628]

Contraband of War, [204]

Prussia, [357]

Frederick the Great, [357]

Frederick William II., [357]

Psalms, [731]

Bible, [088]

Religion, [742]

Public Confidence, [731]

Credit, [217]

Credulity, [219]

Faith, [321]

Public Works, [732]

Paternalism, [680]

Publicity, [732]

Information, [425]

Newspapers, [635]

Punishment, [734]

Crime, [219]

Pardons, [673]


Quakers, [734]

Quarantine, [735], [953]

Quarrels, [735]

Contention, [203]

Dissenion, [259]

Rebellion, [738]

Quebec, [056]

Canada, [124]

Quiet, [735]

Repose, [747]

Quorum, [735]

Dictator, [256]


Race (Human), [735]

Man, [526]

Mankind, [527]

Races, Mingling of, [736]

Rainbows, [736]

Meteorology, [549]

Mirage, [560]

Weather, [936]

Randolph (Edmund), [736]

Randolph (John), [176], [180], [737]

Randolph (Peyton), [737]

Randolph (Thomas Mann), [738]

Ratio of Apportionment, [039]

Reading, [738]

Books, [102]

Education, [273]

Learning, [489]

Library, [502]

Study, [841]

Reason, [738]

Error, [309]

Mind, [554]

Opinion, [659]

Philosophy, [695]

Souls, [820]

Rebellion, [738]

Disunion, [260]

Rebellion, Bacon's, [738]

Rebellion, Shays's, [802]

Secession, [793]

Reciprocity, [739]

Duties, [267]

Free Trade, [361]

Markets, [540]

Protection, [730]

Tariff, [849]

Rectitude, [739]

Honor, [410]

Virtue, [914]

Red River, [784]

River, [783]

Reform, [739]

Innovation, [426]

Progress, [725]

Reformers, [741]

Regencies, [741]

Kings, [455]

Relations, [741]

Appointment, [039]

Office, [644]

Offices, [647]

Office-holders, [652]

Parasites, [673]

Patronage, [681]

Religion, [742]

Bible, [088]

Deity, [248]

Providence, [731]

Reparation, [746]

Indemnification, [419]

Repose, [747]

Contentment, [204]

Peace, [682]

Retirement, [765]

Sleep, [818]

Tranquility, [872]

Representation, [747]

Elections, [279]

Republicanism, [753]

Suffrage, [841]

Votes, [915]

Voting, [915]

Reprisal, [749]

Indemnification, [419]

Reparation, [746]

Republic, [749]

Republic (American), [750]

Republic (English), [751]

Republic (French), [752]

Republic of Letters, [753]

Republic (Plato's), [697]

Republicanism (Governmental), [753]

Republicanism (Partisan), [754]

Republicans, [755]

Republics, [761]

Republicanism (Governmental), [753]

Republicanism (Partisan), [754]

Republicans, [755]

Republicanism (Partisan), [754]

Republicans, [755]

Democratic Societies, [251]

Democrats, [252]

Missouri Question, [563]

Parties, [675]

Politics, [701]

Reputation, [761]

Ambition, [035]

Applause, [039]

Approbation, [042]

Resignation, [761]

Patience, [681]

Resistance, [761]

Force, [342]

Rebellion, [738]

Strength, [840]

War, [915]

Resolution, [761]

Character, [133]

Respect, [762]

Insult, [426]

Respectability, [762]

Wrong, [950]


Page 1006

Respectability, [762]

Responsibility, [762]

Duty, [268]

Honor, [410]

Retaliation, [762]

Captives, [128]

Cruelty, [221]

Prisoners of War, [924]

Retirement, [765]

Repose, [747]

Tranquillity, [872]

Retrenchment, [767]

Economy, [271]

Frugality, [367]

Surplus, [847]

Revenge, [767]

Anger, [037]

Enemies, [296]

Passions, [679]

Punishment, [734]

Retaliation, [762]

Revenue, [767]

Debt (United States), [234]

Internal Improvements, [429]

Surplus, [847]

Tariff, [849]

Taxation, [852]

Revolution, [767]

Revolution (American), [767]

Revolution (French), [770]

War, [915]

Rhode Island, [777]

Rhone River, [784]

River, [783]

Rice, [777]

Agriculture, [023]

Farming, [323]

Richmond, Va., [779]

Cities, [143]

Ridicule, [779]

Abuse, [002]

Medicine, Molière and, [547]

Riedesel (Baron), [779]

Rienzi (Nicolo Gabrini), [779]

Right, [779]

Right of Asylum, [062]

Right of Expatriation, [319], [780]

Right of Representation, [780]

Right of Search, [417]

Right of Suffrage, [780]

Rights, [780]

Rights, Bill of, [088]

Rights, Equal, [308]

Rights, Natural, [608]

Rights, State, [832]

Rights of British America, [963]

Rights of Conscience, [185]

Rights of Man, [782]

Rittenhouse (David), [783]

River, Columbia, [061]

Illinois, [783]

James, [783]

Kanawha, [783]

Mississippi, [783]

Missouri, [783]

Ohio, [784]

Potomac, [784]

Red, [784]

Rhone, [784]

St. Croix, [784]

Wabash, [784]

Rivers, [784]

Roane (Spencer), [785]

Roads. Post, [707]

Internal Improvements, [429]

Virginia Protest, [986]

Robespierre, [785]

Jacobins, [435]

Revolution (French), [770]

Rochambeau (Count), [785]

Rodney (Cæsar A.), [785]

Rogues, [785]

Honesty, [410]

Rohan (Cardinal de), [786]

Rotation in Office, [786]

Elections, [279]

Hereditary Officers, [387]

Third Term, [865]

Rowan (A. H.), [786]

Ireland, [433]

Rules, [786]

Rules (Jefferson's Ten), [020]

Rush (Benjamin), [786]

Russia, [786], [888]

Alexander of Russia, [027]

Bonaparte (N.), [101]

Catherine of Russia, [421], [786]

Dashkoff (M.), [223]

Rutledge (Edward), [787]

Rutledge (John), [787]


Sacrifices, [787]

Duty, [268]

Service, [802]

Safety, [787]

Confidence (Public), [731]

Rights, [780]

St. Croix River, [784]

River, [783]

Rivers, [784]

Salaries, [787]

Congress (Compensation), [174]

Judges, [446]

Salt Water (Distillation), [788]

Sancho (Ignatius), [622]

San Domingo, [788]

West Indies, [937]

San Juan (Porto Rico), [359]

West Indies, [937]

Santee Canal, [126]

Canal, [125]

River, [783]

Rivers, [784]

Saratoga, Proposed State of, [941]

Western Territory, [939]

Sardinia, [789]

Saussure (Horace B.), [790]

Say (Jean Baptiste), [392]

Scenery, American, [790]

Lake George, [465]

Monticello, [590]

Natural Bridge, [607]

Niagara, [790]

Potomac, [784], [790]

Schism, [790]

Union, [890]

Unity, [899]

Schools, [790]

Academies, [004]

Academy, [003]

Education, [273]

University, National, [899]

University of Virginia, [900]

Science, [791]

Education, [273]

Sciences, [792]

Scientific Societies. [819]

Scipio, [664]

People, Roman, [691]

Screw Propeller, [431]

Balloons, [066]

Inventions, [431]

Steam, [838]

Sculpture, [792]

Art, [057]

Arts, [058]

Houdon (J. A.), [412], [934]

Seamen, [792]

Fisheries, [337]

Impressment, [417]

Navigation, [610]

Ships, [806]

Search, Right of, [417]

Impressment, [417]

Secession, [793]

Disunion, [260]

Kentucky, [453]

Kentucky Resolutions, [454], [977]

Rebellion, [738]

Union (The Federal), [890]

Secrecy, [795]

Secret Societies, [819]

Secret Service Money, [795]

Secretaries of Legation, [795]

Diplomacy, [258]

Ministers (Foreign), [555]

Sectionalism, [795]

Geographical Lines. [381]

Missouri Question, [563]

Union, [890]

Sedition Law, [795]

Alien and Sedition Laws, [030]

Aliens, [032]

Self-government, [796]

Authority, [063]

Consent of Governed, [385]

Government, [384]

Rights, [780]

Rights of Man, [782]

Self-preservation, [799]

Necessity, Law of, [620]

Senate (French), [799]

Revolution (French), [770]

Senate (Virginia), [801]

Virginia Constitution, [911]

Senate (United States), [799]

Congress, [172]

Constitution (The Federal), [188], [194]

Impeachment, [417]

Treaties, [876]

Senators (United States), [188], [192]

Congress, [172]

Senate (United States), [799]

Seneca, [801]

Philosophy, [695]

Senility, [801]

Common Sense, [166]

Moral Sense, [591]

Sense, [802]

Sense, [802]

Common Sense, [166]

Moral Sense, [591]

Senility, [801]

Sermons, Political, [744]

Ministers (Religious), [558]

Service, [802]

Duty, [268]

Jefferson, Services of, [442]

Sacrifices, [787]

Shays's Rebellion, [802]

Bacon's Rebellion, [738]

Rebellion, [738]

Whisky Insurrection, [945]


Page 1007

Shakespeare, [471]

Duty, [268]

Sheep, [803]

Sheep (Merinos), [804]

Manufactures, [528]

Shells, [804]

Deluge, [250]

Geology, [383]

Mineralogy, [555]

Mountains, [596]

Sheriff, [805]

Counties, [212]

Shipping (American), [805]

Carrying Trade, [129]

Drawbacks, [263]

Navigation, [610]

Ocean, [643]

Ships, [806]

Short (William), [808]

Sierra Leone, [155]

Colonization (Negro), [154]

Sieyes (Abbé), [809]

Revolution (French), [770]

Silence, [809]

Debate, [225]

Lawyers, [487]

Silver, [262]

Bank, [066]

Banks, [073]

Dollar, [260]

Mint, [559]

Money, [571]

Money (Continental), [577]

Money (Metallic), [578]

Paper Money, [668]

Simplicity, [809]

Ceremony, [133]

Etiquette, [311]

Formalities, [344]

Levees, [496]

Sincerity, [809]

Candor, [126]

Frankness, [357]

Honesty, [410]

Truth, [887]

Sinclair (Sir John), [809]

Sinecures, [809]

Patronage, [681]

Slander, [809]

Abuse, [002]

Calumny, [122]

Libels, [497]

Malice, [526]

Ministers, [558]

Newspapers, [635]

Slave Trade, [811]

Colonization (Negro), [154]

Negroes, [621]

Slavery, [811]

Slaves, [814]

Slaves (Emancipation), [816]

Sleep, [818]

Dreams, [264]

Repose, [747]

Small (William), [818]

Smith (Adam), [392]

Smith (John), [818]

Smith (Robert), [818]

Smith (Samuel), [818]

Smith (William S.), [819]

Smuggling, [819]

Commerce, [156]

Free Ports, [358]

Free Trade, [361]

Tariff, [849]

Snakes, [819]

Natural History, [607]

Social Intercourse, [819]

Conciliation, [167]

Harmony, [399]

Spirit (Party), [829]

Societies (Communal), [819]

Societies (Democratic), [251]

Societies (Scientific), [819]

Societies (Secret), [819]

Society, [819]

Society of the Cincinnati, [142]

Socrates, [820]

Epicurus, [307], [695]

Philosophy, [695]

Plato, [697]

Solitude, [820]

Silence, [809]

Tranquillity, [872]

Souls, Transmigration of, [820]

Metaphysics, [549]

Materialism, [544]

Mind, [554]

South America, [820]

Spain, [821]

Spanish America, [825]

South and West, [937]

South Carolina, [820]

Sovereignty, [820]

Jurisdiction, [450]

Land, [467]

Spain, [821]

Spanish America, [825]

Special Legislation, [828]

Equality, [308]

Equal Rights, [308]

Favoritism, [324]

Privileges, [724]

Specie, [578]

Speculation, [828]

Bubbles, 109

Banks, [080]

Gambling, [372]

Panics, [667]

Paper Money, [668]

Speech, Freedom of, [358]

Debate, [225]

Eloquence, [286]

Language, [470]

Oratory, [664]

Spelling, [829]

Grammar, [394]

Language, [470]

Languages, [474]

Spies, Treasury, [630], [706], [829]

Spies, Post Office, [706]

Spirit (Party), [829]

Conciliation, [167]

Harmony, [399]

Social Intercourse, [819]

Springs, Medicinal, [829]

Medicinal Springs, [546]

Medicine, [547]

Squatters, [470], [829]

Lands, [470]

Preemption, [711]

Stability, [829]

Union (The Federal), [890]

United States, [895]

Stael (Madame de), [830]

Necker (Jacques), [620]

Standard, [830]

Pendulum, [685]

Standard (Money), [574]

Standard (Measures), [830]

Standard (Weights), [832]

State Rights, [832]

Coercion, State, [150]

Centralization, [130]

General Welfare Clause, [374]

Judiciary, [448]

Supreme Court, [842]

States, [834]

Union (The Federal), [890]

United States, [895]

Statesmen, [838]

Abilities, [001]

Genius, [381]

Steam, [838]

Inventions, [431]

Screw Propeller, [431]

Sterne (Laurence), [591]

Steuben (Baron), [840]

Washington (George), [927]

Stewart (Dugald), [840]

Metaphysics, [549]

Tracy (Comte de), [870]

Strength, National, [840]

Force, [342]

Power, [708]

Strickland (William), [092]

Stuart (Archibald), [840]

Stuart (House of), [840]

History (English), [406]

Study, [841]

Education, [273]

Learning, [489]

Submarine Boats, [620]

Torpedoes, [870]

Submission, [841]

Dependence, [252]

Subservience, [841]

Tribute, [886]

Subservience, [841]

Dependence, [252]

Submission, [841]

Tribute, [886]

Subsidies, [108]

Fisheries, [337]

France (Commerce with), [348]

General Welfare Clause, [374]

Manufactures, [534]

Ships, [808]

Subsistence, [841]

Olive, [658]

Plants, [697]

Suffrage, [841]

Votes, [915]

Voting, [915]

Sugar, [842]

Agriculture, [023]

Suicide, [599]

Crime, [219]

Sumter (Thomas), [842]

Sun, [842]

Astronomy, [061]

Sun-dial, [842]

Supreme Court, [842]

Constitution (Federal), [190]

Impeachment, [416]

Judges, [446]

Judiciary, [448]

Law, [477]

Surgery, [547]

Surplus, [847]

Economy, [271]

Frugality, [367]

Retrenchment, [767]

Surveying, [848]

Land, [465]

Lands, [468]


Page 1008

Swartwout (Samuel), [848]

Sylvania, Proposed State of, [941]

Western Territory, [939]

Sympathy, [848]

Affection, [021]

Family, [321]

Friends, [363]

Friendship, [363]

Happiness, [397]

Home, [409]


Talents, [848]

Abilities, [001]

Character, [133]

Genius, [381]

Power, [708]

Talleyrand, [849]

X. Y. Z. Plot, [951]

Tariff, [849]

Duties, [267]

Free Trade, [361]

Protection, [730]

Reciprocity, [160]

Tarleton (Col. B.), [851]

Taste, [852]

Manners, [527]

Taxation, [852]

Taxes, [039], [856]

Tax-gatherers, [859]

Taylor (John), [859]

Tea, [859]

Boston Port Bill, [104], [769]

Teachers, [859]

Academies, [004]

Academy, [003]

Knowledge, [457]

Learning, [489]

Schools, [790]

University of Virginia, [900]

Temper, [859]

Passions, [679]

Temperance, [859]

Beer, [086]

Intemperance, [427]

Whisky, [944]

Wines, [947]

Tenants, [859]

Immigration, [414]

Tender, Legal, [574]

Money, [571]

Ternant (J. B.), [859]

Territory, [860]

Canada, [124]

Conquest, [185]

Consent of Governed, [385]

Cuba, [222]

Expansion, [319], [468], [617], [862]

Florida, [339]

Louisiana, [509]

Western Territory, [939]

Tests, Religious, [864]

Equality, [308]

Thanksgiving, [323]

Fast-day, [323]

Theatres, [865]

Dancing, [223]

Music, [599]

Pain, [665]

Pleasure, [697]

Theory, [865]

Ideas, [412]

Knowledge, [457]

Third Term, [865]

Elections, [279]

Hereditary officers, [387]

President, [712]

Presidency, [715]

Rotation in Office, [786]

Tiffin (H. D.), [867]

Time, [867]

Age, old, [021]

Antiquities, [039]

Title, [867]

Simplicity, [809]

Titles, [868]

Tobacco, [868]

Agriculture, [023]

Toleration, [869]

Conciliation, [167]

Harmony, [399]

Tontine, [869]

Annuities, [038]

Tories, [869]

Parties, [676]

Whigs, [943]

Torpedoes, [870]

Defence, [247]

Fortifications, [345]

Gunboats, [395], [617]

Navy, [615]

Torture, [870]

Cruelty, [221]

Retaliation, [762]

Toulouse, Archbishop of, [870]

Marie Antoinette, [536]

French Revolution, [770]

Tracy (Comte de), [870]

Metaphysics, [549]

Stewart (Dugald), [840]

Trade, [871]

Carrying Trade, [129], [871]

Free Trade, [361]

Free Ports, [358]

Mediterranean Trade, [548]

Slave Trade, [811]

Trade Marks, [872]

Tranquillity, [872]

Happiness, [398]

Repose, [747]

Retirement, [765]

Transmigration of Souls, [872]

Metaphysics, [549]

Mind, [554]

Travel, [872]

Europe, [312]

Travelers, [873]

Treason, [873]

Burr's Treason, [113]

Hartford Convention, [400]

Rebellion, [738]

Whisky Insurrection, [945]

Treasury, [874]

Assumption, [058]

Finances, [336]

Funding, [369]

Hamilton (Alexander), [395]

Loans, [507]

Treasury spies, [630]

Post-office spies, [706]

Treaties, [874]

Alliance, [032], [034]

Alliances, [033], [034]

Compact, [166]

Compacts, [166]

Treaties of Commerce, [880]

Treaty (British Peace), [884]

Jay Treaty, [436]

Trees, [886]

Arboriculture, [045]

Tribute, [886]

Dependence, [252]

Insult, [426]

Tripoli, [886]

Barbary States, [080]

Captives, [128]

Morocco, [595]

Trouble, [887]

Difficulties, [257]

Trumbull (John), [887]

Cornwallis (Lord), [208]

Trust, [887]

Duty, [268]

Office, [644]

Truth, [887]

Candor, [126]

Frankness, [357]

Honor, [410]

Sincerity, [809]

Truxtun (Thomas), [888]

Tude (M. A. de la), [888]

Bastile, [084]

Turkey, [888]

Constantinople, [186]

Greeks, [394]

Tyler (John), [889]

Typhus Fever, [889]

Yellow Fever, [952]

Tyranny, [889]

Conquest, [185]

Cruelty, [221]

Despotism, [254]

Glory, [384]

War, [915]


Umpire, [890]

Arbitration, [044]

Unearned Increment, [890]

Earth, [269]

Labor, [458]

Land, [465]

Unger (John Louis de), [890]

Uniformity, [890]

Opinion, [660]

Union (The Federal), [890]

Embargo, [294]

Schism, [790]

United States, [895]

Unit, Money, [576]

United States, [895]

Colonies, [151]

Confederation, [167]

Union (The Federal), [890]

Unity, [899]

Schism, [790]

Secession, [793]

Union (The Federal), [890]

University (National), [899]

Academies, [004]

Academy, [003]

University of Virginia, [900]

William and Mary College, [946]

Usurpation, [903]

Tyranny, [889]


Vacations, [903]

Repose, [747]

Retirement, [765]

Vaccination, [904]

Medicine, [547]

Waterhouse (Dr.), [935]


Page 1009

Vanity, [904]

Flattery, [339]

Folly, [341]

Foppery, [342]

Van Rensselaer (Gen. S.), [904]

Generals, [372]

Vattel (Emmerich von), [904]

Vegetables, [904]

Agriculture, [023]

Plants, [697]

Vegetation, [904]

Venison, [904]

Kings, [455]

Natural History, [607]

Vergennes (Count de), [905]

Vermont, [838], [905]

Vespucius (Americus), [036], [156]

History (American), [406]

Veterinary Colleges, [905]

Horses, [411], [949]

Veto, [041], [905]

Vice, 907

Crime, [219]

Vice-Presidency, 907

Elections (Presidential), [280]

Presidency, [715]

Vigilance, [909]

Wisdom, [948]

Vincennes, [909]

Vindication, [909]

Reputation, [761]

Vine, [909]

Wines, [947]

Virginia, [909]

Virginia Constitution, [911]

Virtue, [914]

Vice, 907

Volney (Comte de), [915]

Voltaire (F.M.A. de), [250], [499], [805]

Volunteers, [915]

Army, [052]

Militia, [550]

Votes, [915]

Voting, [915]

Suffrage, [841]


Wabash Prophet, [730], [915]

Prophecy, [729]

Wabash River, [784]

River, [783]

Rivers, [784]

Walsh (Robert), [915]

War, [915]

Conquest, [185]

Contraband of War, [204], [625], [628]

War of 1812, [921]

War (Prisoners of), [924]

Wards, [921]

Cities, [143]

Counties, [212]

Washington City, [924]

Capitol, U. S., [048], [127]

Cities, [143]

Washington (George), [570], [679], [759], [761], [766], [810], [927]

Washington, Proposed State of, [941]

Waterhouse (Dr.), [935]

Vaccination, [904]

Weakness, National, [935]

Injury, [425]

Insult, [426]

Strength, [840]

Tribute, [886]

Wrong, [950]

Wealth, [935]

Capital, [126]

Labor, [458]

Laborers, [459]

Weather, [936]

Meteorology, [549]

Winds, [936]

Webster (Daniel), [936]

Webster (Noah), [223], [936]

Weights (Standard), [832]

Decimal System, [241]

Pendulum, [685]

Measures (Standard), [830]

Welfare, [936]

Welfare Clause (General), [374]

West and South, [937]

Sectionalism, [795]

West Indies, [937]

Cuba, [222]

Free Ports, [358]

San Domingo, [788]

West Point Academy, [003]

Naval Academy, [004]

Western Exploration, [939]

Lewis and Clark Expedition, [495]

Western Posts, [939]

Treaty (British Peace), [884]

Western Territory, [939]

Louisiana, [509]

Territory, [860]

United States, [895]

Whale oil, [942]

Fisheries, [337]

Whaling, [943]

Wheat, [718], [943]

Agriculture, [023]

Wheatley (Phyllis), [622]

Wheels, Wooden, [433]

Inventions, [431]

Whigs, [943]

Parties, [676]

Tories, [869]

Whisky, [944]

Beer, [086]

Intemperance, [427]

Whisky Insurrection, [945]

Wines, [947]

Wilkinson (James), [945]

Burr's (A.) Treason, [113]

William and Mary College, [946]

University of Virginia, [900]

Winds, [947]

Meteorology, [549]

Weather, [936]

Wines, [947]

Beer, [086]

Intemperance, [427]

Whisky, [944]

Wirt (William), [948]

Wisdom, [948]

Discretion, [258]

Wistar (Caspar), [948]

Women, [772], [948]

Children, [138]

Dress, [364]

Economy, [271]

Education, Female, [274]

Fashion, [323]

Home, [409]

Marriage, [541]

Office-holders, Matrimony and, [654]

Offices, Women and, [652]

Representation, Qualified, [748]

Young Women, [954]

Words, [949]

Language, [470]

Languages, [474]

Works, Public, [732]

Paternalism, [680]

World, [949]

Creation, [270]

Deluge, [250]

Earth, [269]

Worth, [949]

Character, [133]

Merit, [549]

Wretchedness, [949]

Happiness, [398]

Wright (Frances), [950]

Writing, [950]

Cipher, [143]

Writing, Anonymous, [038]

Wrong, [950]

Wrongs, [950]

Wythe (George), [950]


Xenophon, [695]

X. Y. Z. Plot, [951]

France, Peace with, [351]

Gerry (Elbridge), [383]

Talleyrand, [849]


Yazoo Lands, [952]

Henry (Patrick), [404]

Marshall (John), [542]

Yellow Fever, [952]

Typhus Fever, [889]

Yeomanry, Beggared, [295]

Yorktown, [953]

Young Men, [953]

Young Women, [954]


Zeal, [954]

Ambition, [035]

Enthusiasm, [307]

Resolution, [761]