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The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore

Collected by Himself. In Ten Volumes

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Imitated from Horace, lib. i. ode 3.

So may my Lady's pray'rs prevail ,
And C---nn---g's too, and lucid Br---gge's,
And Eld---n beg a favouring gale
From Eolus, that older Bags ,
To speed thee on thy destin'd way,
Oh ship, that bear'st our C---st---r---gh ,
Our gracious R---g---t's better half
And, therefore, quarter of a King—


(As Van, or any other calf,
May find, without much figuring).
Waft him, oh ye kindly breezes,
Waft this Lord of place and pelf,
Any where his Lordship pleases,
Though 'twere to Old Nick himself!
Oh, what a face of brass was his ,
Who first at Congress show'd his phiz—
To sign away the Rights of Man
To Russian threats and Austrian juggle;
And leave the sinking African
To fall without one saving struggle—
'Mong ministers from North and South,
To show his lack of shame and sense,
And hoist the Sign of “Bull and Mouth”
For blunders and for eloquence!
In vain we wish our Secs. at home
To mind their papers, desks, and shelves,


If silly Secs. abroad will roam
And make such noodles of themselves.
But such hath always been the case—
For matchless impudence of face,
There's nothing like your Tory race!
First, Pitt , the chos'n of England, taught her
A taste for famine, fire, and slaughter.
Then came the Doctor , for our ease,
With E---d---ns, Ch---th---ms, H---wk---b---s,
And other deadly maladies.
When each, in turn, had run their rigs,
Necessity brought in the Whigs :


And oh, I blush, I blush to say,
When these, in turn, were put to flight, too,
Illustrious T---mp---e flew away
With lots of pens he had no right to!
In short, what will not mortal man do?
And now, that—strife and bloodshed past—
We've done on earth what harm we can do,
We gravely take to heav'n at last
And think its favouring smile to purchase
(Oh Lord, good Lord! by—building churches!)
Sic te Diva potens Cypri,
Sic fratres Helenæ, lucida sidera,
Ventorumque regat pater.

See a description of the ασκοι, or Bags of Eolus, in the Odyssey, lib. 10.

Navis, quæ tibi creditum
Debes Virgilium.
------ Animæ dimidium meum.
Illi robur et æs triplex.
Circa pectus erat, qui, &c.
------ præcipitem Africum
Decertantem Aquilonibus.

Nequicquam Deus abscidit
Prudens oceano dissociabili
Terras, si tamen impiæ
Non tangenda Rates transiliunt vada.
This last line, we may suppose, alludes to some distinguished Rats that attended the voyager.

Audax omnia perpeti
Gens ruit per vetitum nefas.
Audax Japeti genus
Ignem fraude malâ gentibus intulit.
Post ------
------ macies, et nova febrium
Terris incubit cohors.
------ tarda necessitas
Lethi corripuit gradum.
Expertus vacuum Dædalus aëra
Pennis non homini datis.

This alludes to the 1200l. worth of stationery, which his Lordship is said to have ordered, when on the point of vacating his place.

Nil mortalibus arduum est.
Cœlum ipsum petimus stultitiâ