University of Virginia Library



Life was full of sweet emotion
When the spring of life was fair:
Bright blue shone the summer ocean;
Songs of throstles charmed the air.
Passing through the fields one day,
Every hedge was rich with may,
Sweetening, silvering, every spray.
Followed fast the summer's glory,
Sheen of lily, flame of rose:
Flower by flower took up the story,
Till the tired eye claimed repose.
Though the summer's touch could thrill
Flower and leaf and wave and hill,
Something sweet was missing still.


Ah, my queen, my sovereign sweetness,
When thy fairy glance I knew,
Life attained its full completeness
And the rose its tenderest hue!
All things waited, pale, undone—
As the stars his heart has won
Watch the sea-line for the sun.