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Devotional Verses

Founded on and Illustrative of select Texts of Scripture [by Bernard Barton]

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“I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved.” —Habakkuk, ii. 1.

Oh, were this waiting, watching frame
Yet more and more the Christian's aim;
Yet more and more his inward eye
The Saviour's kingdom should descry.


Yet more and more his inward ear
Of holiest oracles should hear;
Yet more and more his heart should feel
What God will only there reveal.
'Tis not by running to and fro,
The language of the Lord we know;
On the lone watch-tower of the heart
His truth he will himself impart.
There must the Christian watch and pray,
Waiting to hear what God shall say;
There be instructed to reply
When he shall be reprov'd on high.
But thou hast watch'd and waited there,
And found no answer unto prayer;
To thee the vision will not come,
To thee the Oracle is dumb.
What said the Lord unto the seer,
Who thus resolv'd in holy fear?
The vision, for a time deferr'd,
Shall in the end be seen and heard.
Oh, let not, then, thy faith be weak,
For, in the end, its voice shall speak,
And in the Lord's appointed time
That voice shall teach thee truths sublime.