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The Sanctuary

A Companion in Verse for the English Prayer Book. By Robert Montgomery

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Fifth Sunday in Lent.
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Fifth Sunday in Lent.

“He that is of God, heareth God's word.” —Gospel for the Day.

The glorious Sun no man can see
Except his eye may sun-like be;
And thus, the Bible is not understood,
Unless a sympathy divine
The heart attracts for Truth divine,
And love, not learning, prompt it to be good.
But if they read with child-like awe,—
Diviner truths than Plato saw
Adoring peasants on their knees discern;
While Secrets, which were veil'd of yore,
And Angels study, more and more,
The infant-scholars of The Spirit learn.
Oh, peerless Book, for heart and head!—
Though thirteen years St. Basil read
Its saving wisdom, in the light of prayer;
And all of Creed the Church can know,
To guide her on through weal, and woe,
Flows from a Thummim, and a Urim, there.
Dungeon and cell, and martyr's den,
Whate'er has tried, or tortured men
By scorching fire, or persecuting sword,—
How have they borne them unafraid,
Those Heroes, whom the Lord array'd
And inly weapon'd with His matchless Word?


And she, of martyr'd saints the Mother,
Our guide to heaven, and not another,—
Free as the air the glorious Bible gives!
And, bless we God, that in this Book
The lowest of her children look,
And hear His voice by Whom creation lives.
Each Lesson, with maternal care
Adjusted well for praise, and prayer,
Long may adoring hearts in love peruse;
Until, from sin and self made free,
Our lives embodied scripture be,
And, when the Saviour calls, no cross refuse!
Holding His piercèd Hands on high
Before enthronèd Deity,
The God incarnate as our Priest prevails:—
Go, seek His interceding grace,
And in the light of That blest Face
Behold a Sympathy, which never fails!
If, as we live, the truth we learn,
And as we love, our God discern,
Spirit of Christ! Thy Word interpret all,—
Till scripture with divine control
Reign like a soul within a soul,
And, prove us, Children, when on God we call.