University of Virginia Library



“Diis te minorem quod geris, imperas .” Hor. Od iii. 6.

Why in the shades of ancient Rome
Did Empire make her wondrous home,
So deep her strong foundations cast,
With power that lingers to the last?
It is that to the Roman tongue
A mystic word there did belong,
Which changeful Greece could ne'er supply,
That word of power is “Piety.”

“'Tis piety to Heaven gives sway on earth.”

“Length of days is in her right hand; and in her left hand riches and honour.” Prov. iii. 16.

The kingdom of the imperial Czar
Now seems to issue from afar,
And o'er the ages yet to be
To rise in tranquil majesty.
Her strength she builds o'er sea and land
Upon Mount Sinai's fifth command,
Which casts its shadow long before,
And hath the length of days in store.