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The three tours of Doctor Syntax

In search of 1. The picturesque, 2. Of consolation, 3. Of a wife. The text complete. [By William Combe] With four illustrations

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“I see, as sure as you have life,
That you have never had a wife.”

“As sure as hogs are made of bacon,
Your tongue is woefully mistaken,
You are a pretty piece of youth, But, faith, I wish you'd speak the truth.
Ne'er had a wife, I think you say Is that your conjuration pray?
If you say wives I ne'er had any Your guess-work is not worth a penny:
For sure as your black eyes can see, My pretty mistress, I've had three,
And one, I'll swear it, was alive
This morning, when the clock struck five.”


“Again I will retrace your hand;
With keener view its palm command.
I now see why my eye miscarried:
'Tis plain enough you have been married:
By a false line I was beguil'd; I see you never had a child.”

“My honey, that is one lie more,
For faith, I tell you, I have four;
As hearty babes as man could own,
With cheeks as red as yours are brown:
So you your chatt'ring may give o'er;
Arrah, my dears, I'll hear no more.
Go tell his fortune to my Hack, But mind the package on his back:
For, by the King, if you touch that,
You shall know something more of Pat.”