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Poems and Songs

by Thomas Flatman. The Fourth Edition with many Additions and Amendments

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On his Publication of THEALMA.

Long had the bright Thealma lain obscure,
Her beauteous charms that might the world allure,
Lay like rough Diamonds, in the Mine, unknown
By all the sons of folly trampled on,
Till your kind hand unveil'd her lovely face,
And gave her vigour to exert her rays:
Happy old man, whose worth all mankind knows,
Except thy self, who charitably shows
The ready road to Vertue, and to Praise,
The way to many long, and happy days;
The noble art of generous Piety,
And how to compass an Euthanasie!


Hence did he learn the skill of living well,
The bright Thealma was his Oracle;
Inspir'd by Her, he knows no anxious cares
In near a Century of happy years;
Easie he lives, and easie shall he lie
On the soft bosom of Eternity.
As as long Spencers noble flames shall burn,
And deep devotion shall attend his urn;
As long as Chalk-hill's venerable name
With humble emulation shall enflame
Posterity, and fill the Rolls of fame,
Your memory shall ever be secure,
And long beyond our short-liv'd praise endure;
As Phydias in Minerva's shield did live,
And shar'd that immortality he alone could give.