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The Grecian Story

Being an Historical Poem, in Five Books. To which is Annex'd The Grove: Consisting of Divers Shorter Poems upon several Subjects. By J. H. [i.e. John Harington]

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These to behold Clermanthe was inclin'd
(Tho seldom saw that Town, more closely Shin'd)
Gondace too conform'd, Brisoldan waited;
Set tho are in large, Long-window'd Room, dear-rated.
Th' whole Room not Free, left to themselves, howere,
Places by Others first Bespoken there.
A great Young Lord by chance was there before;
Soon after Second came, trod selfsame Floor,
Took th' other side; i'th' Midst Clermanthe sat:
Who scarce Regarding Them, well pleas'd with that
Her Window shew'd; on Her they Fondly Gaz'd
Transported way, such Beauteous Form, Amaz'd.
Strait Marked by Brisoldan's Jealous Glance;
Fortune did both for Rank, Estate advance.


Known Lords to him by Name; turn'd watchfull Scout,
He Steals near man to th' Last, bad Rival-doubt;
Lean'd Slily there as tho the Street beheld,
Heard speak to's Friend; She's Rare, unparallel'd:
His Page sent down from th' Servants told below
Whose Coach, what Lady brought: Resolv'd did shew
For Suitor thus; Her Father known in part:
Stung through the Ear Brisoldan's gauled Heart.