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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Petrus in Histore capitulo xlvo.

This ȝer was born the gode saint Iohan,
Euangelist that callet his,
Imong the aposteles euerichone
wit Crist none louet was so wel i-wis.
And also in this selue ȝer
deghet Heroud þat cruel keng,
that regnet in Iude boute wer
seuen and thritte ȝer during.

Eusebius libro primo capitulo vijo.

Now ȝe schun here a wikketnysse
that Heroud did at his deghing,
he commavndet his men expresse
go to the tempel for any-thing,
And brenne al bokes thai mighten finde
of Iewes store and begynnyng,
that no mon schuld haue after mynde
that before him was any keng,
for he supposet in that maner
a grete nome to wyn him i-wis,
ȝif mynde of other forȝeten were
and his nome so broȝt huppe amys,
but ȝette haden Iewes in trosory
at hoome tho bokes euerichone,
so Heroudes wiles witerly
aftur his deght ther seruet him none.

Anno Augusti xlviio & gracie vijo. Item Petrus in Histore capitulo lio.

This ȝer at aungeles forwarning
come Ihesu aȝayn to Iude,
after sex ȝer duelling
in Egipt, as sone rede we.


thenne was fulfillet, as knowen trwe,
that Ysay told before leuyng,
that God wold calle his sone Ihesu
from Egipt, as I schal ou myng.

Ex Egipto vocaui filium meum &c. Anno Augusti liijo & gracie xiio.

this ȝer Ihesu funde was
In tempel wit doctours sputyng,
that alle men wonderten of the grace
that he had thenne in forthe-shoyng.

Anno Augusti lvijo & gracie xvo.

This ȝer deghet Octauiain
the worthy emperour of Rome,
puysnet as mony before hauen,
and of his wif þat wenym come.
This lord so wel beloued was
wiht al naciouns, nys no nay,
that was neuer noon had such grace
with stronge and couthe, al in gode fay.
ffor men of Inde fer in the est
that know neuer route ther before,
senden hym tribut most and lest,
so deden thay to no nother ȝore.
Summe kenges from hor remmes went
and habit of Rome token hom opon
to kepe hys bridul wihit gode entent
in worscip of that worthy mon.
To senatoures he was benigne,
to tho tha[t] louet studfast ay,
to cacche loue ful straunge and digne,
ther-as loued he went neuer away.


In lettrur he was excellent,
for al the seuen ars cuthe he,
of speche was none in londe lent
that hade suche schowyng, leue ȝe me,
Was neuer day from hom schuld pass
that he nold rede or elles write
or elles occupiet he was
of grete materes forto dispuyte.

Ysidorus libro primo: de x. litera.

This emperour fonde furst i-wys
x. lettre, as well rede I,
in stude of whiche bifor amys
C. s. men teken wyterly.
And that tyme right wel founden hit was
schap of the croice to represent,
for verray schap of croyce hit has
for Crist that tyme in lond was lent,
The wyche on croice wold by vs alle
like that lettre thenne new made,
ther-fore hyt wolde best by-falle
that tyme in boke for to be hade.