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Merlin, a Middle-English metrical version of a French romance

by Herry Lovelich ... (AB. 1450 A.D.), edited from the unique ms. 80 in Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, with an introduction, notes, and glossaries by Dr. Ernst A. Kock

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Anon whanne the Barouns herden al this,
Ful sore they weren abasched, j-wys,
and besowghten the Byschope alle jn Fere
That thike swerd myhte stylle abyden there
Jnto the Feste Seweng of kandilmasse,
hyt there to asayen bothe more & lasse
that neuere the Swerd assayede to-fore,
thanne here myghtes to assayen thore.
Thussone therchebisschope hem grauntyd anon
That al here askyng there scholde be done.
So whanne this Feste tho comen was,
The peple gan semblen jn-to that plas,
and hit assaieden there everychon,
but of al that peple was there not on
That the swerd there owt taken myhte;
hit was the lasse wondyr: they hadden non ryhte.
Thanne Seyde the Bysschope anon ryht to hem alle:
“now knowen ȝe what ryht to ȝow doth falle,
therfore welen we now assayen goddis wylle.”
And anon to arthewr he seyde vntylle:
“Go forth now, Arthewr, my child so dere,
To schewen what god wyl don for the here;
and ȝyf he wyle that thou here Lord be,
the Swerd go take owt, now let se!”
Thanne wente forth arthewr ryht anone,
and that Swerd pulde owt thussone,
and as lyhtly took hit jn-to his hand,
as thowgh non thyng hyt hadde withstand,
and took hyt to therchebisschope anon ryht,


Thankynge only god of his grete myht.
Therchebisschope and the clergyes alle
beheldyn how this kas be-gan to falle.
They wepten alle for joye jn that place,
and only thankyd god of his grete grace.
Thanne axede the Bysschope hem jn vyrown:
“which of ȝow may contraryen this elecciown?”
Anon answerede the riche men ageyn,
and preyden the Bysschope, in certeyn,
ȝyt forto Suffren that swerd to stonde—
“Tyl hyt han assayed mo men Jn Londe;
that schal ben at Pask now next sewenge,
so longe to abyden, for ony thynge.
And ȝyf at that tyme there be non man
that thanne the swerd owt taken ne kan,
ellis, Syre bisschope, be thin comaundement
hym wilen we obeyen alle, verament.
And but ȝyf ȝe welen granten vs this heste,
elles everyman let don his beste!”
“wylen ȝe,” quod therchebisschope thanne,
“with good herte obeyen, everymanne,
and J hyt Suffre jnto that day?”
“ȝe, sire,” they seyden alle, with-owten delay.
Thanne seyde therchebisschope to Arthewr tho:
“dere Syre, to the ston aȝen that ȝe go,
and Setteth the swerd there-jnne ageyn.
For of on thing j dar Seyen ȝow pleyn:
ȝe scholen neuere fayllen of that thyng
that ȝow hath behoten owre hevene kyng.”
Thanne Arthewr styrte hym forth before,
and the swerd jn his place putte ryht thore.
Anon was ordeyned be comaundement
That swerd to kepen tho, verament,
Ten worthy men, and clerkys Fyve,
and fyve lower men of good lyve.
The swerd that tyme as faste there was
as evere to-fore hit stood jn that plas.
Thus abod the kynges Arthewr Sacreng


Jnto the feste of esterne next comeng.
Therchebysschope Seyde to Arthewr thanne:
“thou schalt ben here kyng, here governour & manne,
Therfore loke evere a goodman that thou be
From this tyme forward Jn alle degre.
and chese now whiche of thy conseyl scholen be,
and jn thin houshold to haven onest meyne,
Evene as this day that thou were kyng alone,
lik as thou schalt be helpe of hevene kyng in trone.”
“Sire,” quod arthewr, “j wyle ful wel
jn goddis ordenaunce putten me echedel;
and aftyr ȝoure cownseyl, Syre, wyle j do,
whethir hit me torne to wele oþer wo.
and therfore Swich meyne that [ȝe] me chese
bothe god and holychirche forto plese.
And clepyth my Fadyr to ȝowre counsayl,
For he is a man that may mochel avayl.”
Thanne clepyd the bysschope his fadyr Antron,
and bad with hym that he scholde gon.
thussone he tolde hym every word,
how Artheur and he weren atte acord.
thanne anon chosen they tweyne conseylleris
of worthy men and gret perys.
That so be here counseyl, j vndirstond,
sire kay was mad steward of his lond.
and alle the remenant abyden stylle
jnto the feste of Pask with ryht good wylle.
and whanne that feste was comen than,
To Londone they comen every man.
Vppon Pask evenen the bisschope forth Sente
aftyr alle the baronage, veramente,
Jn his paleys to maken here Semble;
This was his wylle, ful certeinle.
Thanne axede he hem of alle here wylle,
ȝif to that chyld they wolden consentyn vntylle.
Thanne answeryd the Baronage ageyn:
“we wyl not contraryen, jn certeyn,
The wyl of oure Lord, hevene kyng.


But vs merveilleth of this child so ȝyng
and therto so lowe j-born of degre,
That Swich a pore man oure kyng schold be.”
“Now certein,” quod the bisschope thanne,
“j ne holde ȝow none goode crystene menne
To contraryen goddis owne elecciown,
that to ȝow here is schewed al & Som!”
“Syre, that wyl we not jn non partye,
aȝens goddis wyl here not applye.
but Sethen ȝe knowen of his degre,
and of his Byrthe ȝe seyn, sykyrle,
Sire, to vs alle hyt Js vnknowe
and to alle this Baronye vppon this rowe.”
“thanne wylen ȝe letten now hys crowneng,
at this tyme forto maken hym kyng?”
“ȝe, Sire Bisschope, tyl we knowen more,
and we Scholen Seyn ȝow a skele wherfore.
Tyl we knowen bettyr what he Js,
and whens he cometh, with-owten mys,
Respyt we preyen of this Sacre,
ȝif that ȝowre wylle hit myhte so be.”
quod therchebysschope to that Baronage:
“now knowe j wel alle ȝowre owtrage!”
“nay, Sire, non lengere thanne Pentecost
we hit not axen, with-owten bost;
and thus we preyen that ȝe wolden do,
ȝif that ȝow lyke to consentyn therto.”
vppon this quod the Bysschope thanne:
“we schole ben avysed every manne.”
So thus departyd there that cownsaylle,
Arthewr to worschepe, þe baronage to dysavaylle.
So that vppon the morewe, Aftyr masse,
To the ston Arthewr aȝen gan passe.
and that swerd he took owt fulsone,
lyk as to-fore tymes he hadde there done.
Thanne held they hym only For here kyng
with-owten more varyaunce other lettyng,
and preyden hym to putten the swerd jn ageyn


There as to-fore Jt stood, with-owten leyn,
and that to hem he wolde speke
and somwhat of his herte to hem breke.
“Sires, that schal j do with good wylle,
and ȝe to me wyl lestene vntylle;
and of what thing that ȝe preyen me,
J Schal Jt ȝow grawnten, Sires, certeynle.”
Thanne ladden they hym to the mynstre anon
To speken with hym there everychon.
“Sire, we vndirstonde Jn owre entent
That ȝe ben owre Lord, verament;
and what ȝe desiren from this day,
we wylen hit performen, with-owten nay,
and therto owre londes of ȝow to holde,
and homage to don ȝow ful manyfolde,
of ȝoure Sacryng ȝif Respyt that ȝe do
jnto pentecost, certein, with-owten mo;
and neuere the lasse kyng scholen ȝe be,
and kepen ȝowre stat, worschype, & dignete.”
“How Schold j,” quod arthewr thanne,
“Homage Resceyven of ony manne,
Tyl J-Sacred Fulliche that j be
and jn my stat at alle manere degre?
But of the respyt that ȝe me preye,
j wele not denyen hit Jn non weye.
ȝyt, that j schal not Sacred be,
Sires, j Sey ȝow now certeinle,
That nethyr kyngdom ne worschepe j desire
but be wyl of the kyng of the hygh empyre.
And ek ȝif that ȝe consenten therto,
Ful moche the bettere hit may be do.”
Thanne answeryd the Baronage ageyn,
and of this chyld Seyden, Jn certeyn:
“ȝif he mowe lyven and enduren may,
[he] Schal ben ryht wys, the sothe to say,
[F]or wondyrly he doth vs answere here


[j]n every poynt, with-owten dwere!”
Thanne seide to hym the Baronage ageyn:
“Sire, of on thing we preyen ȝow pleyn:
now at this pentecost ȝe Sacred scholen be
and resceyven ȝowre crowne and dignete.
and with-jnne this Terme obeyen welen we,
To don ȝow homage, Servyse, and Fe,
[a]s owre erchebisschope wyl vs telle;
we wylen werken aftyr his spelle.”
thanne alle ornementis browht they forth, sykirle,
That to a kyng belonged Jn alle degre,
Forto assayen Jn here manere
ȝyf owht coveytous that he were.
Thanne axede this worthy Arthewr anon
of these estates alle be on & on,
and what eche man was jn his degre.
So that good departed there anon thanne he,
and ȝaf bothe Riche Robes, gold, and Fe
To Erl, Barouns, & knyhtes, ful gret plente;
and the gold and þe Sylver that hym browht was,
anon he departyd jn that plas
To sweche as hym thowhte best weren there,
So that Love he gat hym every where.