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Epigrams theological, philosophical, and romantick

Six books, also the Socratic Session, or the Arraignment and Conviction, of Julius Scaliger, with other Select Poems. By S. Sheppard

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Epig. 39. The power of money, to Sir Edward Buzbey Knight.
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Epig. 39. The power of money, to Sir Edward Buzbey Knight.

Even the Gods with gold are fed,
Jove resteth in a golden Bed:
Gold helpes in peace, prevailes in Warres,
Causeth debate, compoundeth Jarres,
It beares with it such potent sway,
Earth, Aire, and Sea, to it obey:
It breaks down Towers, (such power it claimes)
And Cities wrapt in eager flames:
To give me gold, would any be
Enclin'd, he in my Poesie
(Which 'twixt my fingers—thus—I streine)
Should find a bright and golden veine.