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And Jesus said, which was neighbor to him who fell among thieves?— And the young man answered, he that showed mercy unto him. And Jesus said, Go thou and do likewise—

St. Luke.
Can China be our neighbor,
And yet receive no care?
Shall Christians cease their labor
And leave her to despair?
Her children, sunk in sorrow,
Are sick with many ills,
To-day is sad—to-morrow
A deeper shadow fills.
And bowed in tribulation,
No light athwart the gloom,
That old and haughty nation
Seems hastening to her doom,


The cup of wo is tasted,—
And must she, 'neath war's frown,
Like Babylon be wasted?
Like Egypt trodden down?
Oh! when those nations perished,
No Saviour's name was known,
No brother's love was cherished—
No Christian kindness shown;
Now, where 's the heart so frozen
But feels the Gospel ray?
And we, as Freedom's chosen,
Should lead in Mercy's way.
As gentle dews, distilling,
Cause withered plants to live,
So Love, her work fulfilling,
Her alms and prayers must give;
Till China's millions breaking
From sin's dark bonds, arise,


Like death to life awaking,
When Christ descends the skies!
As early flowers, upspringing,
Proclaim the opening year,
So love and hope are bringing
The day of promise near;—
Each tear by pity given,
Each mite in faith bestowed,
Makes earth more like to heaven,
Where all is done for God.