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“I'm glad that Easter Sunday's here,”
Said Mrs. Henry Gray;
“My bonnet new and other gear
I'll wear to church today;
A vein of glory will pervade
My hymn of praise and prayer,
For when my toilet is displayed,
How Mrs. Bliss will stare!
“I hate that horrid Mrs. Brown,
With all her quirks and smiles,
Of all the women in the town
She apes the coarsest styles;
She bought her bonnet 'way last spring
And wears it now for new,
And as for that old Thompson thing,
I vow I hate her, too!
“I hear Miss Jones, the cross-eyed cat!
Has bought a new pekay,
And terra cotta Paris hat
To wear to church today;
And Helen White has got a dress
They say is just divine,
Come, Mr. Gray, and do you guess
It's half as sweet as mine?


“There go those awful Billings girls,
They paint and powder, too,
They pad and wear cheap bangs and curls,
They do—I know they do!
You needn't laugh—I boldly say
And stake my honor on it—
I'll paralyze them all today
With my new dress and bonnet!”
March 19th, 1883.