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An Vnperfect Courte helde for Virginia att Sr Edwin Sandys howse ye viijth of Aprill 1620.
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An Vnperfect Courte helde for Virginia att Sr Edwin Sandys
howse ye viijth of Aprill


mr Treasuror.  mr Keightley.  mr Eyes. 
mr Tho: Wroth.  mr Palmer.  mr Brigs. 
mr Gibbes.  mr Berblock.  mr Arundle. 
mr Wrote.  mr Cranmer.  mr Newporte. 
mr Reighnoldℯ.  mr Palauicine. 
mr Ro: Smith. 

A ɫre beinge read from mr Iames of Plymouth directed to mr Deputy
signifyinge that one Spark should deuilishlie §divvldge§ imputa-
tion of ye Countrie and Gouerment of Virginia falslie reportinge that
900: ∥men∥ are dead this yeare, and that the people are vsed wth


more slavery then if they were vnder the Turke, therfore for the curb-
inge of his turbulent spirite, itt was agreed that a ɫre in the name
of the Courte should be written to the Maior of Plymoth to examine
and learne vppon what ground hee should speake soe falsely and
accordinglie to certifie the Company that itt may be followed wth
Iustice and equitie.
A ɫre read from
mr Iames of Ply-
A ɫre to be written
to ye Maior of Ply-

Intelligence was given yt mr Nicholas fferrar thelder beinge translated
from this life vnto a better, had by his will bequeathed 300li towards
the convertinge of Infidles Children in Virginia to be paid vnto
Sr Edwin Sandys and mr Io: Ferrar att such time as vppon Certificate
from thence ten of the said Infidles Children shalbe placed in the
Colledge to be then disposed by the said Sr Edwin Sandys and Io:
Ferrar accordinge to the true intent of his said will, and that in the
meane, till that were p̱formed hee hath tyed his executors to pay 8 p̱
Cent̃ for ye same vnto 3 seuerall honest men in Virginia (such as the
said Sr Edwin Sandys and Iohn Ferrar shall approve of) of good life
and fame that will vndertake each of them to bringe vpp one of the
said Children in the grounds of Christian religion that is to say
8li yearely apeece.

300li: giuen by mr
Nicho: Ferrar

An vnknowne p̱son hath allso given 10li for some good vses in

10li giuen by an
Vnknowne p̳son.

Wheras mr Thr̃er made knowne that notwithstandinge the greate
deale of monny hee hath paid vppon old debtℯ yett there remayneth
some thinge still to pay wch cheifly is prizes due to Adventurors vppõ
the great standinge Lottery therfore moved that mr Wroth who hath
taken a great deale of paines therin, and therby gayned much experi-
ence that hee would examine what is due and to whome that ye same
may be discharged and yt mr Brigs when hee is desyred may lend
him his assistance. [98]

Mony due to ye
Aduentu: vppon
ye great standinge

And forasmuch as George Berkleys widdow demaundeth as is former-
lie exprest a debt pretended due vnto her husband of 400li Wch is 7: or


8 years olde, hee desyreth that some course may be taken for the true
examinac̃on therof that itt be truly knowne that the Complaiñte ther-
vppon is indebted or if parte of itt hath beene sattisfied, wch was
desyred that the old Auditors would take that paines as most prop̱
vnto them, And all the Officers of yt Compa: when they are requyred
that §shall§ attend and beinge given to vnderstand that shee had
sundry writings that might give more light vnto the matter mr Briggs
was desyred to p̱vse the same, and when hee had so done present his
opinion to the Auditors.
400li demaunded
by George Berk-
leys widdow
The Aditors to ex-
amine what is due
Mr Brigs to peruse
her writingℯ.

Allso hee signified that haveinge p̱vsed the Actℯ of the generall assem-
bly hee found them in their greatest p̱t to be very well and iudiciually
carryed & p̱formed butt because they are to be ratefyed by a great
and generall Courte therfore hee hath write vnto them that till then
they cannott be confirmed[301] in the meane time hee moved that a select
Comittee of choyce men might be appoynted to drawe them into head
and to ripen the buisines that itt might be in a readinesse against the
saide Courte.

Mr Tɫer: hauing
p̱vsed the Actes of
ye generall assem-
bly found them to
be iudicially car-

Whervppon itt was held requisite yt accordingly 4 of the Councell &
4 of the generallytie should be chosen for the effectinge therof wch
beinge well allowed, the Councell was nominated, Sr Iohn Dauers
mr Thomas Gibbes, mr Brooke, and mr Deputy, of the generallytie
mr Sr Thomas Wroth, mr Samuell Wrote, mr Berblock & mr Cranmer
or so many of the Company as please, who are entreated to meete att
mr Deputies vppon Wednesday sevennight att 8 of the clock in the
forenoone and then to agree when to meete and as ofte as they please.

A Com̃ittee to
drawe them into a

And wheras 2 Complaintℯ of wronge p̢tended to be done them by Sr
Geo: Yeardley hath beene heard before the Counsell the one of Capt
Madison & the other of Captaine Powell wherof the one vppon exam-
inac̃on did manifestly appeare to be spleene and the other was vppon
title of Land notwithstandinge vppon the moc̃on of mr Tr̃er itt is
ordered that a ɫre from the Compa: shalbe written to mr Thorpe & ye


Counsell of State and therin inclose their said Complaintℯ that they
may examine the truth therof and vppon certificate from thence
they may accordinglie p̳ceed to right either p̱te accordinge to equitie.
2 Complaintℯ pre-
tended to be done
by Sr George
A ɫre to be written
to Mr Thorpe Cr.

A petic̃on now exhibited by ye frends of ffraunces Newman who
beinge sent a freeman and there susteyninge greate bondage and
slavery by the means as is alledged of Capt Argoll for ye cleeringe of
wch itt is referred to the Articles by the Company preferred against
him, and in the meane time have agreed to write to the Governor for
his releasemt, If vppon due examinac̃on hee finde no cause to the
contrary. [99]

The petic̃on of ye
frends of ffra:
Newman referrd
The Gouernor to
release him

A Charter parte by the Companies order beinge sealed by mr Tr̃er:
to paie 600li to some named by Captaine Thompson within 14 daies
after Certificate of the Ionathanℯ saffe arivall att Iames Citty and
landed her Passengers goods vppon request now of the Owners that
hee would please that that said Charter parte might be cancelled the
monny off, the monny beinge by right to be paid vnto them the
Owners and not to him, and that hee would seale another for payinge
therof Accordingly vnto them, the Courte approvinge of itt and
desyringe him therevnto hee was content to seale itt beinge first can-

The Charter party
sealed by mr Thr̃er
to Capt Thompson
to be cancelled and
another to be
sealed for paymt
of ye monny to ye

Iohn Edwards Petic̃on beinge now read itt was agreed itt should be
recom̃ended to the Gouernor.

Iohn Edwardℯ Pe-
tic̃on to be Com-
ended to the Gou-

Likewise a petic̃on of Iohn Piddox was allso recommended to be
examined and returned by the Gouernor.

Io: Piddocks pe-


Written over the word "performed."