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By W. C. Bennett: New ed

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Brothers, with all you boast of so,
So much in love I am,
At times republican I grow,
Then, “Long live Uncle Sam!”
But when of Uncle Tom I think,
And what slave-auctions mean,
Again to loyalty I shrink;
'Tis then, “God save the Queen!”
Let a Crimean campaign come,
All Yankee straight I am,
I darn our lords and lordlings some,
Then, “Long live Uncle Sam!”
But when I think of Kansas, friends,
And all her judges screen,
Good faith! my Yankee fever ends;
Ah, then, “God save the Queen!”
When I think what Court spangles cost,
And Court tom-fooleries damn,
My rage for thrones is somewhat lost,
Then “Long live Uncle Sam!”
But when I think what Presidents,
And White House contests mean,
My scorn of Courts somewhat relents;
'Tis then, “God save the Queen!”
When, darn them! tax-collectors call,
Straight off in thought I am;
U.S. will free me from them all,
So, “Long live Uncle Sam!”
But when I think of bowie-knives,
And what revolvers mean,
And feel I've not a hundred lives,
Ah, then, “God save the Queen!”


At times, of Marquis, Duke, and Earl,
So sick and tired I am,
Hard words at all the tribe I hurl,
Yes, “Long live Uncle Sam!”
But when I think, by titles bored,
You, too, do somewhat lean
To such things—Sam, you love a lord,
Well, well, “God save the Queen!”
Often, by old-time fooleries fired,
Game-laws and all I damn,
Of church, church-rates, and church-courts tired,
Ah, “Long live Uncle Sam!”
But when I think of Lynch, the judge,
And what his verdicts mean,
Ah, back to loyalty I budge;
Yes, then, “God save the Queen!”
When, startled by the mighty pace
At which you move, I am.
While we seem lagging in the race,
Then, “Long live Uncle Sam!”
But when I think your wondrous growth
More slaves and chains may mean,
To be a Yankee straight I'm loth,
Ah, then, “God save the Queen!”
God bless them! Vanguards of the free,
In wrath at times I am
With both, but proud I guess we be
Of you, O Uncle Sam!
And you, we know your noise and fuss
At us, but love can mean;
I've heard you cry at times with us,
Yes, Sam, “God save the Queen!”