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The Poetical Works of Thomas Pringle

With A Sketch of his Life, by Leitch Ritchie

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Oh she is guileless as the birds
That sing beside the summer brooks!
With music in her gentle words,
With magic in her winsome looks.
With beauty by all eyes confessed,
With grace beyond the reach of art;
And, better still than all the rest,
With perfect singleness of heart.
With kindness like a noiseless spring
That faileth ne'er in heat or cold;
With fancy like the wild-dove's wing,
As innocent as it is bold.
With sympathies that have their birth
Where woman's best affections lie;
With hopes that hover o'er the earth,
But fix their resting-place on high.
And if, with all that thus exalts
A soul by sweet thoughts sanctified,
This dear one has her human faults,
They ever ‘lean to Virtue's side.’