University of Virginia Library


Let others search for fame—for gold—
Let others win them too, and hold—
Let others strive for all that man
Most covets in his petty span—
I nothing heed, I nothing see
Excepting thee—excepting thee!


Let others toil with zealous care
For some bright guerdon proud and fair,
And suffer long, and struggle hard
For their desired and dear reward,
My meed is in my ministery,
Adoring thee—adoring thee!
Let others this fair World condemn
Because it was not made for them,
And distant orbs more glorious call
And place this ever last of all—
To me it seems first, best to be,
Possessing thee—possessing thee!
Let others for the future still
Work—with the onlooking thought's strong will—
Aspiring ever with winged power
To meet the oncoming Future's hour!
Sure, Time himself stands still with me,
Beholding thee—beholding thee!