University of Virginia Library



The very hairs upon our head are number'd,
And noticed in the change from bright to gray;
For God with multitude is not encumber'd,
Well knows each atom what his voice doth say;
Why then so fearful are we, ever counting
Our cares, our enemies, our troubles over;
Perplexing silly self with sums amounting
Unto a total only God can cover?
Who from the dusty road would miss a sparrow,
Or in a garden hear one chirp the less?
Kind as our hearts may be our views are narrow,
But God each thing can notice and can bless:
With careful love He gives the humblest creatures
Their tiny cups of brimful happiness,
And makes them in their turns impressive preachers
Of faith, hope, charity, and good success.
He clothes the rugged rocks with tender mosses,
He floats the lilies on the water's brim;
He is chief Shepherd, and each lamb that crosses
The mountain steep is led and fed by Him;
He gives the butterfly and flower their beauty—
His promise in a parable they speak
To all who will fulfil the simple duty
Of trusting Him, and heavenly glory seek.
There is no searching of His understanding,
From stars to grasses He extends His care;
And weary spirits on the bright shore landing,
Find all they want is known and ready there:


We live for heaven, but earth, too, has its blessing;
If more in worth the jewel than the casket,
Yet God keeps both: our soul His grace possessing,
Corn for the body will not fail our basket.