University of Virginia Library



Yea, what is the Liturgic store
Of prayer and praise and sacred lore,
But changing notes as they proceed,
Unfolding all that wondrous Creed;
Now rising to sublimer lays
In the Ambrosian song of praise,
Now calling pity from the skies
In penitential Litanies?—
Or what the characters combin'd
In gifted holiness of mind,
But, in the secret spirit found,
The Creed contracting its vast bound?
As all in one earth, sea, and sky,
Are pictur'd in the gazing eye;
Or some calm-bosom'd wave below
Mirrors the Sun's life-giving brow,
And holds unbroken and entire,
The image of celestial fire;
So may my heart reflective own
That Faith's all-perfect union!