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Written on Her Majesty's Accession to the Throne.

All hail to the Queen of the fair and the brave!
Let the bold song of joy reach the skies!
Bright, bright o'er the foam of her own subject wave,
See the Star of Victoria arise!
Young queen of the ocean, prophetic our fire,
To hail thee the greatest we've seen,
Hark! the thundering strain of the old sea-god's quire,
To welcome Victoria the queen.
May years full of honour and loyalty's love
Be thine in thy place of renown;
To say that we honour thee, means not enough,
For Britons all honour the crown.
But the crown that encircles young beauty's fair brow,
With fonder devotion is seen,
And chivalry sheds its romance o'er the vow
We pledge to Victoria the queen.


Long, long, royal maid, may the olive entwine
With the laurels that circle thy crown;
But if war should arouse the old Lion again,
'Twill be to increase thy renown:
To battle while rushing, each heart would beat high
To triumph, as wont we have been,
Propitious to conquest our bold battle-cry,
“Victoria, for England's fair queen!”

A true prophecy—Vide Alma, Balaklava, Inkermnan.