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Large Mantinea then Proclaim'd in State,
With Publick Shows, their New, chief Magistrate;
Prime Town some eight Miles off, where born along
Choice Pageants were, through Vulgar, gazing Throng.
But that Clermanthe had beheld before,
'Twas Yearly done, so Disregarded more.
Next gaudy Day, with various Pomp to th' Eye,
Embassadour from Egypt-land passed by:
His Lady afterward, when Wives they brought
(Left Space howere) Show more Triumphant thought.
Then Publick Entrance made, Strange People seem'd;
Large Tawney Train; beyond first Sight esteem'd:
Tho clearer Tawny, better Fac'd by far
(Less Southern Clime) than True Moroccos are.