University of Virginia Library

The Authors of Romances and Novels
Talk big of flut'ring Beaux and sparkling Belles;
Strephon the Lovers sprung from noble Blood,
And Cœlia is a rich and lovely Prude:


To great Folk Cupid only is a Guest;
Love dare not reign in a Plebeian Breast:
The Poor do like unthinking Atoms dance,
And marry, as the World was made, by Chance.
This Poets and Philosophers advance:
Wise as they are, they may be in the wrong,
Altho' the last was great Lucretius's Song.
The Gods, say they, have a superiour Care,
A thousand Sylphs sit on Belinda's Hair;
Protect bright Cloe when she plays at Omber:
And being aerial Spirits cannot Slumber.
These Ladys guard at Tea and Mattadores,
Because they're Rich and Great, tho sometimes W---
The Gods despise a Linsey Woolsey Gown;
But to the rusling Silks Respect is shown.
Yet under Favour, 'tis not my Opinion,
For little Cupid hath a large Dominion.
Great Wits may with their learned Logick fail,
And I with my blunt Eloquence prevail:
Then hear with Patience this my Covntry Tale.