University of Virginia Library

Now sendeþ Gij after kniȝtes snelle,
Almaines swiþe & of gode wille
To him þer come gret plente:
Er þe twenti day y-comen be,
Fif hundred kniȝtes hardi & hende
To Tirri come for his frende,
& seyd to Tirri, ‘to þi fader we wil gon:
Wele we it auȝt to don;
Wel redi we ben ichon.’
So long þai han forþ y-gon,
Y-comen þai ben to Gormoise.
In þat cite was gret noise.
In an euening þai com to þe cite,
Þat hye wiþ-outen aperceiued nar he.
Wel glad him was þerl Aubri
Of the cominge of his sone Tirri,
& of sir Gyes coming,
Þat gode kniȝt was, wiþ-outen lesing.
Her eyȝen watred for gladnesse,
Alle þai ȝede oȝain him to kisse.
‘Leue fader,’ seyd sir Tirri,
‘Worþschip wele now sir Gij:
Felawes we ben treuþe-y-pliȝt.
Y wil þat ȝe it wite now riȝt:
Fram deþ he haþ y-heled me.’
Quaþ þerl: ‘god y-þonked mot it be.
Hennes forward alle þat min is
To his wille schal ben, y-wis,
His hest to don & his wille
Erliche & lat, loude & stille.
A wel eld man ich am, y-wis:
Þat y bar armes tventi ȝer it is;


Y-lorn ich haue cheualrie:
Of mi lond haue þou þe meistrie.’
Þan y-herberwed weren he
Worþschipliche in þat cite.
In þe cite gret noise is made:
Of þe barouns com þai ben wel glade.
Þer-in is now þerl Aubri,
So is sir Gij & sir Tirri.
An arnmorwe aros sir Gij,
& cleped to him his compeynie.
Bifor þerl þan þai ferden,
& a gret crie þai herden
Of þe barouns of þe cite.
Anon oxed Gij þe fre
Of þat noise what it was.
A squier told him al þat cas:
‘Þe douke steward Loyer
For present he comeþ to iusti here
Ȝif he finde wiþ whom to do,
Þat ani kniȝt durst cum him to.’
Sir Gij answer[d], ‘ȝif y may
Þerof him worþ his fille to day.
Lordinges,’ he seyd, ‘ginneþ ȝou armi,
& gin whe hem to asaily.
Sir erl Tirri,’ Gij him sede,
‘Take to hundred kniȝtes in þi ferred:
Þe lordinges to aseyl ȝe go.
In Herhaud & in me trist also.
We wil abide in þis cite,
In þi nede we schul socour þe.’
Tirri nimeþ wiþ him kniȝtes
To hundred armed in fiȝtes.
Out of þe cite he nam his way,
Mani scheld he to-drof þat day.
Tirri smot wiþ gret miȝt
Opon þe helmes, þat schine briȝt.