University of Virginia Library

Þanne mekli williams moder & meliors he kissed,
bi-kenned hem to crist on croyce þat was peyned,
& mekli þe quen þan to hire douȝter meled,
& kenned hire curtesli to kepe wel hire mensk,
bad hire be buxum & wel hire burn loue,
& haue pite on þe pore & prestli hem help,
& gretliche herie god & do alle gode dedes.
& sche, sore siking seide þat sche wold,
sche hoped, þurth goddes grace & hastli þer-after,
clipping & kessing to crist þei hem bi-tauȝt.
& spacli þe spaynols sped hem to schipe;
whan þei were arayde eche ring, as þei wold,
swiþe þei setten vp sayles & souȝten on gate
with al maner murþe þat man miȝt of þink,
for wind & gode wederes hade þei at wille;
& spedden hem spacli til spayne þat þei come.
þan alle þe lordes of þat lond & oþer lasse & more,
þat were ouȝt worþi of alle þat wide reaume,
hiȝeden hem to þe hauene hendeli hem aȝens,
& welcomed him worþili as þei wel ouȝt;
& of alphouns come alle were glade.


& so al þat puple to þe palays passede sone,
with al maner murþe þat men make couþe.
þe king of spayne spacli to speke þe soþe,
krouned alphouns to king to kepe þat reaume,
for him-self was febul & fallen in elde,
to liue þer-after in lisse wil our lord wold.
þus was alphouns þere king after þat time,
& held a-redili to riȝt þe riche & þe pore,
so þat eche burn him blessed bi niȝtes & daie[s].
of him a-while wol i stint & of william speke,
þe kud king of poyle þat i of karped ere.