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A dyall of dayly Contemplacion, or deuine exercise of the mind

instructing vs to liue vnto God, and to dye vnto the vvorld. First colected & published in Latin, at the request of a godly Bishop, and Reuerent Father, Richard, sometime Byshop of Dirham, and Lorde Priuie Seale. Novv nevvly Translated into Englishe, by Richard Robinson

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THE AVCTORS Commemoration for FRYDAY.
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THE AVCTORS Commemoration for FRYDAY.

[Christes passion print in minde]

Christes passion print in minde,
Shewe not thy selfe to him vnkind.

The Translators Application.

Our Creator commaunded than, the waters foorth to bring,
Both Fishe and Foule for foode of man, with sondry other things
And blessing them with sacred mouth, for humane vse to bee,
He sayd to them, ye Creatures nowe, increase and multeplie.

[Gods blessing is woonderous great shewed heare]

Gods blessing is woonderous great shewed heare,
His passion yet is to vs most deare.

[This louely leafe as Rose so rubicound]

This louely leafe as Rose so rubicound
Of Christe reportyng the precious passion,
The croppe, the roote, the height, and the ground,
The proper price of mans saluation,
Deserues due imprintyng in our cogitation,
Of ghostly comfort most soueraigne suffisance,
Bringing with it the true operation,
Of the medcine agaynst sinne and all encombrance.

[Here is the fountayne of humane felicitie]

Here is the fountayne of humane felicitie,
The way to repentance plaine and compendious,
Here is the cheefe charter of charitie,
Surprisyng our mindes with motions amorous,
And salue for vvounded concience gracious,
The hony combe of harty consolation,
The VVell of vvealth, and storehouse precious,
Left vs by Christes death and passion.

[Thus the quotidian and fruitefull remembrance]

Thus the quotidian and fruitefull remembrance,
Of Christes blessed passion so piteous,
Vniting with Christe familier acquayntance,
Maketh a vicious man to become vertuous.
And his deuotion both sweete and sauerous,
Causing temperance in blinde prosperitie,
And as a Christian knight Cheualrious,
To haue glad pacience in great aduersitie.

[Againe and againe within thy mind reuolue]

Againe and againe within thy mind reuolue,
Howe to be thankfull for Christes passion,
Crauing of him thy hard hart to resolue.
VVith inward dolour and outward lamentation,
Powre foorth thy prayers to finde consolation,
In that victorious triumph of vertues abundance,
From Sinne, the VVorld, and Satans suggestion,
VVhich yf theu seekest, shall geue thee deliuerance.

[VVhat troubles, terrours, and tormentes haue]

VVhat troubles, terrours, and tormentes haue,
Assayled Christe in any maner wyse,
Thou oughtest in prayer dayly of him to craue,
Power to resist thy gohstly enimies,
VVho wyll not let thee suffer iniuries,
But at a pinche thy helper wyll appeare,
As he him selfe suffered smart like wyse,
And was comforted, so shalt thou be his deare.

[Freendles among his foes in feoble plight]

Freendles among his foes in feoble plight,
He suffered of them this greeuous tribulation,
They fyled his face with spitting in despite,
And blinded his eyes in scornefull derision,
His pacience yet surpassing all imagination,
Peter then fledde: wherefore thou sinner,
Cleaue to Christe in fayth by harty reformacion,
Forsake not thy Sauiour that held thee so inteare.

[Christe was accused in presence of Pilate.]

Christe was accused in presence of Pilate.
The Iewes, they cryed, him to crucify,
A theefe was dismissed, O change infortunate,
And the Soune of God scourged most cruelly,
Oh Heauenly flowre of our humanity,
Thy feature faded, thy vnspotted flesh wext pale,
VVhen plonged thou wast in such perplexity,
Both the Earth and Heauens dyd rent theyr vale.

[As Christe shrincked not his precious blood to shed]

As Christe shrincked not his precious blood to shed,
No part of his body without greeuous plight,
From the sole of his foote, to the crowne of his head,
Neyther yet refused any scornefull despite,
Oh man so remember what so euer crosse,
Or trouble, for the tryall of thy true fayth,
Happen thee, of temporall thinges suffering losse,
In Christes name neuer shunne thou to death.

[Vpon his head they put a crowne of thorne]

Vpon his head they put a crowne of thorne,
For Dyadem. A Crosse he bore of tree,
As kyng of Iewes, they saluted him in scorne,
And twyxt two Theeues deputed him to dye,
Thus through his loue, and our iniquity,
He suffered, thou sinnedst, (O man) most freeuolous,
Beare this in mind, and degrade not thy degree,
Though thou be wretched, thy price is precious.

[His spirite commending to his fathers cure]

His spirite commending to his fathers cure,
VVhen that he cryed, consummatum est,
Both Heauen and Earth, and liueles creature,
On him compassion tooke, from most to least,
O wretched man, why art not thou then prest,
For loue of thy Redeemer sweete Iesus,
To plant compassion in the faythfull brest,
Suffering for him all harmes iniurious.

[Regard (oh man) this wofull disceuerance]

Regard (oh man) this wofull disceuerance,
Behold Mary, behold her sonne Iesu,
If ruthe haue roome in thy remembrance,
VVith piteous hart, his passion to pursew,
Through which thou mayst thyne innocencie renew,
O electe vessell, knowe thy felicitie,
Of thy misrule, thincke time it were to rew,
Confound not thy selfe through thyne iniquitie.

[And though that God by power Omnipotent]

And though that God by power Omnipotent,
Might vs redeemd without such difficultie,
There was no way more iust nor congruent,
Then for to take on him our humanitie,
Restoryng vs thereby to higher dignitie,
Man was in thrall, and could him not acquite,
To make amends, of power deuoyde was he,
But God him freed, by fauour infinite.

[It shall behoue vs to consider well]

It shall behoue vs to consider well,
That this was done for our saluation,
Our vnthankfulnesse let vs then expell,
And gratefull be for our redemption,

VVhich to frequent in harty deuotion,
Aboue all thinges our mind for to remord,
As mighty medicine and fruitefull confection,
Doth linck one loue with Christ our soueraigne lord.

[VVherefore sweete Iesu, our loue and soueraine Lord]

VVherefore sweete Iesu, our loue and soueraine Lord,
Treasure of treasures, which may vs most auayle,
VVith ruthfull repentance nowe wee record,
Our great vnthanke, and blindnesse bestiall,
Of pitie praying thy power imperiall,
To multiply thy mercy so vpon vs,
That of thy merites with cares inspeciall,
Thankfull to thee, wee may be studious.

[Ponishe not thy people, Lord God in thy greeuance]

Ponishe not thy people, Lord God in thy greeuance,
Thincke why thy sonne Christe suffered his passion,
The crowne of thorne, the crosse, and Longeus launce
Vouchsafe accept our harty gratulation,
Rewyng vpon our sinfull conuersation,
Plant in our hartes such reuerent regard,
Towardes thy good graces, by due consideration,
In suffring for thy sake, may thinke nothing to hard.
FINIS Of the Contemplacion for FRYDAY.