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Minerva Britanna

Or A Garden of Heroical Deuises, furnished, and adorned with Emblemes and Impresa's of sundry natures, Newly devised, moralized, and published, By Henry Peacham

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Vna dolo Divûm.

To the most Honorable and worthie Ladie the Ladie Alicia D:
And ye great Ladie, that are left alone,
To merc'les mercie, of the worldes wide sea,
Behold your faire, though counterfeited stone,
So much you ioi'd in, on your wedding day,
And tooke for true, how after it did prooue,
Vnworthy Iewell, of so worthy loue.
Ah how can man, your sexe (faire Ladies) blame,
Whose brests, are vertues pretious Carcanets,
When he himselfe, first breakes the boundes of shame,
And dearest loue, and loialtie forgets:
Yet heerein happie, ye aboue the rest,
Belou'd of Heauen, and in your children blest.