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The most elegant and witty epigrams of Sir Iohn Harrington

... digested into fovre bookes: three whereof neuer before published

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88 Of Leda that saies she is sure to be saued.

Since Leda knew that sure she was elected,
She buyes rich clothes, fares well, and makes her boast:

Her corps, the Temple of the Holy Ghost,
Must be more cherrished, and more respected:
But Leda liueth still to sinne subiected.
Tell Leda, that her friend Misacmos feares,
That till she get a mind of more submission,
And purge that corps with Hysope of contrition,
And wash that sinful soule with saltish tears,
Though Quailes she eates, though Gold & Pearle she weares,
Yet sure she doth with damned Core & Dathan,
But feed and clad a Synagogue of Sathan.