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A worke in Ryme contayning an Enter-lude of Myndes, witnessing the Mans Fall from God and Christ. Set forth by HN, and by him newly porused and amended. Translated out of Base-almaynes into English [by Christopher Vitell?]

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O Good informacion, I thanke thee what I maye,
Both for thy good Instruction, and fruitfull Exhortation.
But while we stande yet heere, together in Communicacion,
Somwhat more I must yet afte thee, euen bolde and ernestly:
Is it possible I pray thee, such great Deceite to occupy,
And so many wyly Snares, to laye in such a sort,
As this Playe hath now heer, made to vs Report,
Through Unregarding and Good thinkings Spirit or Goste?

O Yea no dout: and they can deceaue them moste,
Which seeme to be both

2. Tim. 3.a. 2. Pe[illeg.]. 2.b.

wyse, and honorable also/

Lykewyse, the Highmynded and Enuyous, a[illeg.]o/
As also many Simpleones, with their crafty Suttletyes.
Euen thus they bring Men dayly, into many Miseryes:
And likewyse into Dissencion, one-another much disdayning/
Into Hatrid or Enuy, so that Pryde in them is raigning:

[illeg.] Tess. 2.b.

Loue, and her Righteousnes, euen altogether comtemning.

This perceaue I well now, after my simple Comprehending.
But yet one Poynt more, ful gladly know I woulde.

What Poynt is thatt?