University of Virginia Library

4. IV.

But one captive remained living in the hands of the pirates.
This was the young wife of the unhappy merchant, poor Pauline
Chastaign. She had been taken to the cabin in her swoon, and
had been laid, with a certain degree of tenderness, which had
given no satisfaction to the girl of Pamplico, upon the couch of
that Amazon. It was with a curious interest, which still further
displeased that person, that Blackbeard hung over the unconscious
woman, and scanned the beauties of her face and figure.
His second officer and himself conferred upon her fate together,
in the hearing of the wife of the latter — the thirteenth wife, as
you will remember. The conversation was not of a sort to
gratify her. She had no small portion of the green infusion in
her system against the indulgence of which Iago counsels
Othello, and the eager appetite, speaking in the eyes of Blackbeard,
warned her of her own danger from a superior rival. The
lieutenant of the pirate had his passions also. He boldly preferred
his claim as custodian of the young widow.

“`You!' answered the chief. `You?'

“`And why not me?' was the reply in a tone approaching

The pistol of Blackbeard was at his head in a moment and, with
a horrid oath, he ordered the other on deck and to his duties.
The lieutenant slowly, and with a growl, submitted. When he
had gone, the girl of Pamplico interposed with the same question
which had been uttered by the lieutenant.

“`And why not he? Why should he not have this thing?'

“`Because it does not please me that he should, my beauty!'

“`And why should it not please you?'

“`I prefer that the woman should keep my cabin for a while.'

“`Ha! and what of me?'

“`You! ah? You may go to his cabin for a while.'

“`What! You fling me off, do you, for this bloodless creature!


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And such as she is to pass between us? That shall never
be. Don't think that I am a thing of milk and water, without
strength or courage. No! you shall see that I have blood, and
that I can take it too! I'm not afraid of your black looks and
thundering oaths. No! indeed! You are mine; and while I am
yours, I shall see that no living woman shall pass between us.
You would fling me off, and quarrel with your best officer for this
rag of a woman, would you. But you shall not!'

“With the words, quick as lightning, the unsexed creature
shot round the little table that stood between herself and the
seemingly insensible wife of the young Frenchman, her dirk
flourishing in her grasp directly before the eyes of Blackbeard.
She had rounded the table, and occupied a place between him and
the threatened victim, before he could possibly conceive her purpose,
and heave up his huge bulk from where he lay, to interpose
for the prevention of the mischief. He roared out a terrible
threat and horrid oath, but the Amazon never heeded a
syllable, and the poor captive would have sunk beneath her
dagger-stroke, but for the fact that, while the dispute was in
progress between Blackbeard, his lieutenant, and the girl from
Pamplico, the captive lady was slowly coming to her senses, and
understood it all. She saw the movement of her wild assailant,
and darting up from where she lay, gave one piercing scream,
and rushed up the cabin steps to the deck, closely followed by
the Amazon and the pirate-chief. They reached the deck only
to behold the white flash of a glancing form as it shot over the
side of the vessel, and to hear a single plunge into the gulfing
billows of the sea. When they looked over the bulwarks, there
was nothing to be seen. The wife of the young merchant had
joined him in the deep.

“`It is just as well!' growled Blackbeard, turning away. `It
prevents mischief! Ha! you young devil!' he continued, throwing
his arms about the neck of the she-demon who stood confronting
him, `you are a girl after my own heart; but if I served
you rightly, I should pitch you over after her. No more of this.
Do you hear! Another such piece of meddling, and I shall
slash this pretty throat with a sharp dagger. Do you hear!'

“She laughed impudently and returned his caresses, and the
deadly vessel went on her midnight course.