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An extraordinary Courte held at Sr Edwin Sandys house the 3 of Aprill 1620
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An extraordinary Courte held at Sr Edwin Sandys
house the 3 of Aprill


mr Thr̃er.  mr Robt Smith.  mr Edwardℯ 
Sr Io: Dauers.  mr Tho: Gibbs Iunior.  mr Briggs. 
Sr Tho: Wroth.  mr Wheatley.  mr Bamforde. 
Sr Io: Wolstenholme.  mr Keightley.  mr Robertℯ. 
mr Io: Wroth.  mr Palmer.  mr Geo: Smith. 
mr Tho: Gibbes.  mr Berblock.  mr Meuerell. 
mr Wrote.  mr Barnell.  mr Sparrow. 
mr Herbert.  mr Rogers.  mr Newporte. 
mr Baldwin. [95

A Complainte in writinge beinge now presented by some of the Ad-
venturors of Martinℯ Hundred, for redresse of some wrongs, pretended
done them p̱ticularly by one Boyse entertayned there to be a Bayly of
their hundred who contrarie to Coveñnts hath forsaken their Planta-
c̃on and settled himselfe elsewhere; Itt was agreed accordinge as they


desyred, that the saide writinge should be enclosed in the Companies
L̃re, wth advice to the Gouernor to rectefie their Greivances and
further them in their lawfull desires.
Ye Complt: of ye
Aduenturers of
Martins hundred
to be enclosed in
ye Compa: ɫre to ye

Mr Thr̃er reported yt the Comittee appoynted in the last Courte for
the drawinge a ɫre for the Compa: to the Gouernor have mett and
fynished the principall pointes of the same, if the Courte shall allowe
theirof, therin menc̃oninge of ·2· very sufficient and able men wch are
to goe as Deputies for ye Company and to take charge of 2: p̱ticularr
govermtℯ vnder Sr George Yeardley for menaginge and orderinge 2
parts of the publique Land, and Teñntℯ, the one for the Colledge, and
for that have dealt mr George Thorpe a gentleman of his Maties: pryvie
Chamber, and one of his Councell for Virginia, who hath promised
wth all diligence to have exceedinge care therof, the other of like suf-
ficiencie butt yett to be namelesse to have charge of the publique Land
and teñntℯ sett out in 4: Burroughℯ, wch wilbe no otherwise charg-
able to the Company then for the present, allotinge them of Land and
allowinge them Teñntℯ therevnto, And wheras Sr Georg Yeardley
offereth to serve the Company gratis, the Company hould itt not
requisite to accept of his offer butt rather to dispose some p̱t of his lib-
erallytie another waie that therfore hee, (as they intend hereafter to
coveñnt wth such as shall succeed him hereafter) shall leave on the
Governors Land as many Teñntℯ at the expirac̃on of his Goverment as
hee findeth or went wth him at his entrance or afterwards shalbe sent
vnto him.

The Compa ɫre to
the Gouernor fin-
2 Deputies to goe
& take charge of 2
pertiuler Gouer-
Sr George Yeard-
leys offer held not
requisite to accept

And wheras Capt Argoll in the time of his suspention from the place
of Admirall authorysed, Abraham Peirsey the Cape marchant to be his
Deputy or Vice Admirall wch hee could not doe till by his cleeringe
hee had frustrated the said suspension, Therfore the Comittee held itt
fitt that the execuc̃on of that Office should be referred to ye Gou9nor
and Counsell of State and to such vnder them as they shall appointe.

The execuc̃on of ye
Office of Admirall
in Virginia refer-
red to ye Gouernor
and Counsell of
State ther

And forasmuch as the Gouernor and Counsell there have allowed of
certaine ffees to be due vnto the Secretary by his place and sent itt
hither for confirmac̃on, the Comittee first and now the Courte p̱vs-
inge the same found them so oppressive that they found them soe


intollerable, & therefore held it convenyent that hee should have no
fees att all butt that the Compa: would allowe him certaine Land and
Teñntℯ, and so to live vppon that butt for his Clarke to allow him 6d or
4d in the Crowne ther sett downe wch belonginge to the lawes of gov-
ermt, and magestracie to be there established is referred thereto [96]
The Secretaries
fees sent hither to
be confirmed held
intollerable Cr.

And likewise wheras a Complainte is made of the Cape Marchant
by the Planters of double and treble rates sett vppon the goods con-
trarie to the Adventurers order that therfore the Gouernor and Coun-
sell be authorized to make him produce his writings and Invoyces to
examine whether hee hath dealt fairely or no and returne informac̃on
to the Company.

The Gouernor to
be authorised to
examine ye Cape
Marchantℯ writ-
ings & Invoyces.

Other things of smaller consequence beinge likewise to be incerted
was com̃itted to the trust of the Comittee to p̱forme and soe the letter
being putt to the question was allowed and confirmed agreeing that
it shalbe signed by the Thr̃er, Deputy, and Comittee in the behalfe
of the Company.

other Addic̃ons to
ye ɫre: referrd to
be p̱formed by ye
Comitee & to be

Hee also signified that mr George Yeardley desyred for his better
direcc̃on the laws for Gouerment and Magestracye wch although a
Comittee was long since Chosen for the same yett by reason of other
buisines of maine consequents they have not p̳ceeded therwith, request-
inge that now when all the Ships are gone and other buis̃ses settled
they would graunt him so much libertie for his refreshinge as to
retire himselfe for 3: or 4 weekℯ into the country in wch time hee
would spend his studies in collectinge and framynge such lawes as
may agree soe neer as may be to the Lawes of this Realme and his
Mats: instrucc̃ons from wch if hee swerve in any thinge itt shall not
passe till the kinge have approved therof: Itt beinge not fitt yt his
Mats subiects should be governed by any other lawes then by such as
shall receave influence of life from his Maty: whervppon wth many
thanks for his care his request was graunted.

Mr Tr̃ers request
for collectinge &
framinge of Laws

Itt was informed yt the Lady Lawarr desyred yt 25 Shares adventure
might be deducted outt of her Shares, and passed to Anthony Browne
who intendeth to goe to Virginia and plant them wch the Courte

Ye Lady Lawarr
passed 25: Shares
to Antho: Browne.


A petic̃on read from Elizabeth Pearcy referred to the Adventurers of
the Magazine.

Elizabeth Percy
her petic̃on.

ffrauncis Baldwins petic̃on beinge read itt was agreed should be
com̃ended to the Gouernor in the ɫre from the Company.

Fra: Baldwins Pe-
tic̃on to be com̃-
ended to ye Gou9-

Weras one Bartholemew Lawton was transported in ye Bona Noua to
Virginia to remaine a Teñnt there, one mr Deuerell made sute that
hee might be freed from that place and made free, and to that end
would pay the charges the Compa: was at in sendinge him, and send
him a man or two to worke for him, vnto wch hee was answered that
his p̳ffer would not serve the turne butt if hee will send in his steed
one approved to be sufficient and that will p̱forme his Coveñntℯ his
request by yt means might be obteyned and not otherwise wherwth
hee seemed sattisfied.[97]

Mr Deuerellℯ re-
quest for Barth: